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English-German translation for: Biological
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Dictionary English German: Biological

Translation 1 - 50 of 146  >>

English German
NOUN   a biological | biologicals
SYNO   biologic | biological
biol. biological {adj}
2 Words: Others
biochem. biol. cell-biological {adj}zellbiologisch
biol. med. medico-biological {adj}medizinisch-biologisch
biol. molecular biological {adj}molekularbiologisch
agr. biol. soil-biological {adj}bodenbiologisch
2 Words: Nouns
biotech. pharm. biological (agent)Biologikum {n}
biol. ecol. biological accumulationBioakkumulation {f}
biol. ecol. biological accumulationbiologische Akkumulation {f}
pharm. biological activitybiologische Aktivität {f}
biol. med. biological age <BA>biologisches Alter {n} <BA>
biotech. pharm. biological agentsBiologika {pl}
biol. med. biological agentsbiologische Agenzien {pl}
biol. biological agingbiologisches Altern {n}
agr. biological agriculturebiologische Landwirtschaft {f}
educ. biological analysis <BA>Bioanalytik {f} <BA>
acad. biol. spec. biological anthropologybiologische Anthropologie {f}
weapons biological attackbiologischer Anschlag {m}
pharm. biological availabilityBioverfügbarkeit {f} [auch: biologische Verfügbarkeit]
biol. biological balancebiologisches Gleichgewicht {n}
mil. weapons biological bombbiologische Bombe {f}
mil. weapons biological bombbiologische Kampfstoffbombe {f}
mil. biological bombBombe {f} mit biologischem Kampfstoff
biological brotherleiblicher Bruder {m}
biochem. biological catalysisbiologische Katalyse {f}
biol. biological cellbiologische Zelle {f}
biochem. biological chemistryBiochemie {f}
acad. biochem. biological chemistry [biochemistry]biologische Chemie {f} [Biochemie]
biological childleibliches Kind {n}
biological childrenleibliche Kinder {pl}
acad. biol. biological classificationTaxonomie {f}
biol. biological clockbiologische Uhr {f}
biological clockinnere Uhr {f}
biological daughterleibliche Tochter {f}
biol. biological decomposabilitybiologische Abbaubarkeit {f}
med. pharm. biological decontaminantEntseuchungsmittel {n}
biol. biological degradabilitybiologische Abbaubarkeit {f}
biol. biological degradationbiologischer Abbau {m}
biol. ecol. biological diversityArtenvielfalt {f}
biol. biological diversitybiologische Diversität {f}
biological doseÄquivalentdosis {f} [Strahlenschutz]
ecol. med. MedTech. biological effectbiologischer Effekt {m}
biochem. biological efficiencybiologische Wirksamkeit {f} [z. B. Nanopartikel]
biol. biological equilibriumbiologisches Gleichgewicht {n}
biological event [attack] [rare]biologischer Anschlag {m}
biol. law biological fatherErzeuger {m} [bes. amtssprachl.] [leiblicher Vater]
biological fatherbiologischer Vater {m}
biological fatherleiblicher Vater {m}
biol. biological fatherhoodbiologische Vaterschaft {f}
biol. biological fitnessbiologische Fitness {f}
biological flocBelebtschlammflocke {f}
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A 2015-04-14: biological consequences within the brain
A 2013-06-01: It's the "biological passport." "Blutpass" is colloquial German for this.
A 2012-10-10: Grammatical genders do not always correspond to biological genders in German.
Q 2011-03-21: mediation (biological context)
A 2010-02-11: I think formed can be left out, as biogenic means '•produced by living org...
A 2010-02-03: The diminished role of black women as biological . . .
A 2009-08-14: Gender misconceptions: The masculine grammatical gender must not be confus...
A 2009-07-15: If you're looking for the biological term, it's '(frisch) gehäutete Krabbe.'
A 2009-05-04: The analytical values are subject to biological fluctuations normally foun...
A 2009-04-27: Tentakel is the biological term for *Fangarm*
A 2009-02-26: ...but salt is neither biological nor organic. That's why I say it depend...
A 2009-02-23: "natural" or "biological father" would be the most common terms.
A 2009-02-23: And if there is really no contact with the biological father, I've heard h...
A 2009-02-23: biological father
A 2009-02-23: biological
A 2008-08-18: considered from a biological point of view
A 2008-08-18: sport - a biological view
Q 2008-05-21: Natural biological cheking system
Q 2008-03-18: Biological terms
A 2008-02-24: sorry to come in so late...my gut feeling is skin regeneration is biological,

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