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English-German translation for: Blues
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Dictionary English German: Blues

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NOUN1   blues | -
NOUN2   a blue | blues
VERB  to blue | blued | blued ... 
SYNO   blue devils | blues | megrims ... 
NOUN   der Blues | die Blues
Trübsinn {m}
the blues {pl} [coll.]
Katzenjammer {m} [ugs.] [jämmerliche Stimmung]
the blues {pl} [coll.]
Katerstimmung {f} [ugs.] [depressive Stimmung]
mus. blues
Blues {m}
blues [shades of blue]
Blaus {pl}
entom. T
entom. T
mus. bluesmanBlues-Musiker {m}
mus. rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>Rhythm'n'Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>
mus. rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>
the blues {pl} [coll.] [police]Polizei {f}
2 Words: Nouns
chem. acid blues [dye-stuffs of the patent blue group]Patentblau-Farbstoffe {pl}
psych. autumn blues [treated as sg. or pl.] [coll.]Herbstdepression {f}
med. baby blues [coll.]Baby-Blues {m} [ugs.]
med. baby blues [coll.]postnatale Depression {f}
med. psych. baby blues [treated as sg. or pl.] [coll.]Babyblues {m} [ugs.]
med. psych. baby blues [treated as sg. or pl.] [coll.]der dritte Tag {m} [ugs.] [postpartales Stimmungstief]
psych. baby blues {sg} [coll.]Heultage {pl} [ugs.] [postpartales Stimmungstief]
mus. blues festivalBluesfestival {n}
mus. blues guitarBluesgitarre {f}
mus. blues harpBlues Harp {f} [Mundharmonika]
mus. blues harpBlues-Harfe {f} [Mundharmonika]
mus. blues musicianBluesmusiker {m}
mus. blues musician [female]Bluesmusikerin {f}
mus. blues playerBlues-Musiker {m}
mus. blues progressionBluesprogression {f} [Akkordfolge]
mus. blues rock [also: blues-rock]Bluesrock {m}
mus. blues scaleBluestonleiter {f}
mus. blues shouterBlues-Shouter {m} [Sänger]
mus. blues standardBlues-Standard {m} [en. ausgesprochen: Repertoirestück]
mus. classic bluesklassischer Blues {m} [Vaudeville-Blues]
mus. Delta blues [treated as sg. or pl.]Delta Blues {m} [auch: Delta-Blues]
med. psych. maternity bluespostpartales Stimmungstief {n}
maternity blues [treated as sg. or pl.]Heultage {pl} [ugs.] [postpartales Stimmungstief]
Oxford Blues [Br.] [nickname of the Royal Horse Guards][Spitzname der Gardekavallerie]
med. psych. postpartum blues [treated as sg. or pl.]postpartale Stimmungskrise {f} [Stimmungstief, leichte Depression]
psych. summer blues [treated as sg.] [coll.]Sommer-Blues {m} [ugs.]
Unverified Sunday scaries [Br.]Sonntags-Blues {m} [Sonntagsangst, Angst vor dem Montag]
The Blues [nickname of the Horse Guards] [Br.][Spitzname der königlichen Leibgarde]
mus. urban blues [treated as sg. or pl.]Großstadtblues {m}
psych. winter blues [treated as sg.] [coll.]Winterdepression {f}
psych. winter blues [treated as sg.] [coll.]Winter-Blues {m} [ugs.]
3 Words: Verbs
to have the bluesmelancholisch sein
to sing the blues [fig.] [idiom]Trübsal blasen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
3 Words: Nouns
(the) Monday blues [usually treated as pl.] [coll.]Montagskoller {m} [ugs.]
mus. 12-bar blues12-taktiger Blues {m}
mus. blues piano playerBluespianist {m}
mus. blues piano player [female]Bluespianistin {f}
mus. blues-rock band [also: blues rock band]Bluesrockband {f} [auch: Bluesrock-Band]
mus. favorite blues recording [Am.]Lieblingsbluesaufnahme {f} [auch: Lieblings-Bluesaufnahme]
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A 2015-09-12: He got the Blues (while being a classical composer)
A 2013-11-04: you an get the blues ....
A 2012-10-25: It's also a line in the 1957 Woody Guthrie talking blues song "Woody's Rag...
A 2012-07-28: Junker's Blues
A 2011-08-15: Blues and Twos
Q 2011-08-15: blues and twos
Q 2011-01-06: Killing the blues
A 2010-11-14: @Thorsten1: intentional, like algorhythm & blues
A 2010-10-07: Blues
Q 2010-10-07: Blues and blueys
A 2009-12-12: Blues de Luxe, singer Rod Stewart
A 2009-08-04: It's also a line from Roadhouse Blues by the Doors
Q 2009-07-07: Austrian blues for a change? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YK68543KnZ4&fe...
A 2008-08-13: How Not to Get Parking Ticket Blues
A 2008-05-02: "Here's Bridget the midget, the queen of the blues ..."
A 2008-01-09: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=RNWE,RNWE:200...
A 2008-01-09: man könnte "Winter Blues" so stehen lassen, oder sonst: winterlicher Tiefpunkt
Q 2008-01-09: The Winter Blues
A 2007-12-19: NOT by Tom Waits. Tom Waits once sang Tom Traubert's Blues, to the tune of...
A 2007-01-26: ... aus dem Blues, wie der Name schon sagt ;-)

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