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English-German translation for: Briefe aus Jerusalem
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Dictionary English German: Briefe aus Jerusalem

Translation 1 - 50 of 4153  >>

lit. F Jerusalem's Lot [Stephen King]Briefe aus Jerusalem
Partial Matches
geogr. Jerusalemite {adj}aus Jerusalem [nachgestellt]
lit. F Letters to Children [C. S. Lewis]Briefe aus Narnia
film F Ripper / [USA] Ripper: Letter from Hell [John Eyres]RipperBriefe aus der Hölle
geogr. (Holy City of) JerusalemJerusalem {n}
geogr. JerusalemJerusalem {n}
bibl. relig. Heavenly JerusalemHimmlisches Jerusalem {n}
herald. relig. five-fold cross [Jerusalem cross]Jerusalem-Kreuz {n}
psych. Jerusalem syndromeJerusalem-Syndrom {n}
bibl. relig. New JerusalemNeues Jerusalem {n}
geogr. East JerusalemOst-Jerusalem {n}
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
correspondence [letters]Briefe {pl}
lettersBriefe {pl}
bibl. Apostolic Council in JerusalemApostelversammlung {f} in Jerusalem
hist. Assizes of JerusalemAssisen {pl} von Jerusalem
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
to collect lettersBriefe abholen
to correspondBriefe austauschen
to correspond by letterBriefe austauschen
to deliver lettersBriefe austragen
to sort lettersBriefe sortieren
to draft lettersBriefe verfassen
hist. Amarna letters / LettersAmarna-Briefe {pl}
batch of lettersBündel {n} Briefe
bundle of lettersBündel {n} Briefe
packet of lettersBündel {n} Briefe
bibl. Catholic Epistles [James, 1-2 Pet, 1-3 John, Jude]Katholische Briefe {pl}
bibl. General Epistles [also: Catholic Epistels]Katholische Briefe {pl}
batch of lettersPack {m} Briefe
pile of lettersStapel {m} Briefe
stack of lettersStapel {m} Briefe
batch of lettersStoß {m} Briefe
pile of lettersStoß {m} Briefe
dead lettersunzustellbare Briefe {pl}
lit. F Letters to a Lady [Gail Whitiker]Geheimnisvolle Briefe
games going to Jerusalem [game]Reise {f} nach Jerusalem [Spiel]
games musical chairs [treated as sg.] [game]Reise {f} nach Jerusalem [Spiel]
relig. Saint Cyril of Jerusalem(heiliger) Kyrill {m} von Jerusalem
bibl. Jesus' (triumphal) entry into JerusalemJesu Einzug {m} in Jerusalem
lit. F The Butcher's Theater [Jonathan Kellerman]Das Phantom von Jerusalem
Letters passed between them.Briefe wurden ausgetauscht.
all letters receivedalle eingegangenen Briefe {pl}
bibl. the Pauline Epistlesdie paulinischen Briefe {pl}
badly formed lettersschlecht gestaltete Briefe {pl}
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• Briefe aus Jerusalem
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