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English-German translation for: Britain
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Dictionary English German: Britain

Translation 1 - 40 of 40

English German
SYNO   Britain | Great Britain | U.K. | UK ... 
geogr. Britain
Großbritannien {n} [als Insel]
geogr. BritainEngland {n} [ugs.] [(die Insel) Großbritannien]
2 Words: Others
in Britain {adv}auf der Insel [ugs.] [in Großbritannien]
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. Great Britain <GB>Großbritannien {n} <GB>
geogr. New Britain [island, Papua New Guinea]Neubritannien {n}
3 Words: Others
from (Great) Britain {adv}von der Insel [ugs.] [aus Großbritannien]
comm. econ. ind. made in Britain {adj} [postpos.]in Großbritannien hergestellt
3 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. Battle of Britain [WWII]Luftschlacht {f} um England
geogr. New Britain TrenchNeubritanniengraben {m}
geogr. New Britain TrenchNeubritannien-Bougainville-Graben {m}
geogr. New Britain TrenchNeupommern-Bougainville-Graben {m}
4 Words: Nouns
hist. Kingdom of Great BritainKönigreich {n} Großbritannien
the Voice of Britain [coll.] [chimes of Big Ben]die Stimme {f} Britanniens [fig.] [Glockenschlag von Big Ben]
5+ Words: Others
in the whole of Britain {adv}in ganz Großbritannien [ugs.]
5+ Words: Verbs
EU pol. to extricate Britain from the EUGroßbritannien aus der EU herauslösen
5+ Words: Nouns
pol. (Great) Britain's remaining in the EUGroßbritanniens Verbleib {m} in der EU
hist. Articles {pl} of Agreement (for a Treaty Between Great Britain and Ireland) [1921]Anglo-Irischer Vertrag {m}
hist. United Kingdom of Great Britain and IrelandVereinigtes Königreich {n} von Großbritannien und Irland
geogr. pol. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland <UK>Vereinigtes Königreich {n} Großbritannien und Nordirland
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film lit. F Asterix in BritainAsterix bei den Briten
film F Battle of Britain [Guy Hamilton]Luftschlacht um England
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
zool. T
zool. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
zool. T
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A 2022-10-19: Royal beef in Britain https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/engl...
A 2021-05-07: Is coffee cooked in America? It's not in Britain.
A 2020-09-21: Usage: In cold weather, +paraffin burners / heaters+ are still lit in Britain
A 2020-01-11: In Britain, yes.
A 2019-03-18: In Britain, one's reminded of a certain mispronunciation of the letter R w...
A 2018-05-15: Subpar is used and understood in Britain.
A 2018-03-22: Greeting Etiquette in Britain (UK) © Copyright Mandy Barrow 2013
Q 2017-10-18: verstehe in Satz 5 das "neither" nicht....Text entnommen aus Schulbuch Gre...
A 2017-06-11: As you can see, it had some currency in 18th/19th-c. Britain.
A 2017-05-19: Servants' contracts (in Britain) generally started on any of the quarter days,
A 2017-02-03: Abode is also used in 'humble abode' (and similar phrases) in Britain,
A 2016-12-15: Master was (and still occasionally is) used as a title for boys (in Britain),
A 2016-08-04: Most well-known Bible phrases in Britain come from the King James version.
A 2016-07-14: In Britain,
A 2016-06-24: Made in Great Britain - so far.
A 2016-06-24: Congrats Britain!
A 2016-05-09: In Britain, it's usually health and safety.
A 2016-03-08: Do you need something for Britain, America or somewhere else?
A 2016-02-26: Would hurt Britain,
Q 2016-02-26: Leaving the EU would hurt Britain, weakening its economy and imperilling ...

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