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English-German translation for: Bucket
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Dictionary English German: Bucket

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NOUN   a bucket | buckets
VERB  to bucket | bucketed | bucketed ... 
SYNO   bucket | pail | bucketful
to bucket sth. [liquid]
etw. schöpfen [mit einem Eimer]
Eimer {m}
Kübel {m}
Behälter {m}
tech. bucket
Schaufel {f} [am Bagger]
sports bucket [Am.]
Korb {m} [beim Basketball]
Wassereimer {m}
tech. bucket [material handling industry]
Becher {m} [Fördertechnik]
bucketBarkasse {f} [Eimer] [Seemannssprache]
2 Words: Verbs
meteo. to bucket down [Br.] [coll.] [fig.]wie aus Kübeln gießen [ugs.] [fig.]
2 Words: Nouns
(excavator) bucketLöffel {m} [von Bagger etc.]
bucket brigadeEimerkette {f} [aus Menschen (zum Löschen etc.)]
bucket brigadeFeuerwehrkette {f}
naut. bucket brigadeSchöpfkommando {n} [selten]
bucket chainEimerkette {f}
tech. bucket conveyorBecherwerk {n}
tech. bucket conveyorEimerkettenförderer {m}
bucket dredgerEimerkettenbagger {m}
bucket dredgerEimerkettennassbagger {m}
tech. bucket elevatorElevator {m} [Fördertechnik]
tech. bucket elevatorGurtbecherwerk {n}
bucket excavatorSchaufelradbagger {m}
bucket handleEimerhenkel {m}
cloth. bucket hatEimerhut {m}
cloth. bucket hatFischerhut {m}
cloth. bucket hatBucket-Hut {m}
armour bucket helmKübelhelm {m}
armour bucket helmetKübelhelm {m}
bucket ladderEimerleiter {f}
bucket latrineKübellatrine {f}
bucket list [coll.]Löffelliste {f} [ugs.]
bucket list [coll.]Wunschliste {f} [Kategorie: bevor ich sterbe, möchte ich einmal ...]
bucket list [coll.] [list of activities to do before dying][Liste von Dingen, die man vor dem Lebensende gemacht haben will]
mus. bucket muteBucket-Dämpfer {m}
bucket pumpKübelspritze {f}
bucket seatKübelsitz {m}
bucket seatSchalensitz {m}
bucket seatSportsitz {m}
fin. bucket shop [coll.] [pej.]Schwindelmakler {m} [pej.] [unreelle Maklerfirma]
comp. bucket sortBucketsort {m}
toys bucket stiltsTopfstelzen {pl}
tech. bucket tappetTassenstößel {m}
cloth. bucket topStulpe {f} [am Stiefel]
cloth. bucket topsStulpen {pl} [an Stiefeln]
bucket volumeSchaufelvolumen {n}
tech. bucket wheelSchöpfrad {n}
stocks bucket-shopWinkelbörse {f}
comm. bucket-shopnicht konzessionierter Makler {m}
gastr. champagne bucketChampagnerkübel {m}
gastr. champagne bucketChampagnerkühler {m}
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Q 2019-12-11: a bucket full of sick
Q 2019-05-23: https://www.bmw.com/de/automotive-life/bucket-list-fuer-petrolheads.html?t...
A 2015-09-25: Bucket of shrimps.
Q 2015-09-25: dumb as a bucket of shrimp
A 2015-03-20: Council-flat old geezers and frumps just kick the bucket, while confirmed ...
Q 2014-12-17: empty bucket
A 2014-12-13: H. Bucket
A 2014-12-13: Hyacinth Bucket ("Bou-quet") comes to mind.
A 2014-07-22: all in one bucket = singular
Q 2014-07-20: Gute Übersetzung, finde ich: bucket list > Löffelliste
A 2012-04-18: For what it's worth: I believe the expression "bucket list" was created by...
Q 2012-04-18: bucket list
A 2011-12-18: bite of the bucket
A 2011-12-18: It could just refer to one bucket load of a clamshell bucket excavator / b...
A 2011-09-14: ich vermute, Schüttenband (Schütte = Eimer, vergl. die heute wohl obsolete...
Q 2010-10-12: another drop in the gold bucket
A 2010-08-09: No, you extend the bucket cylinders so the loader uprights ("arms") are no...
A 2010-06-15: bucket
Q 2010-06-15: Popcorneimer (diese riesigen aus den Kinos) -> popcorn pot or popcorn buck...
A 2010-05-03: bucket list and the rest of it

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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