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English-German translation for: Business accountancy
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Dictionary English German: Business accountancy

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Partial Matches
acc. accountancyBuchführung {f}
accountancyBuchhaltung {f}
accountancyRechnungsführung {f}
acc. accountancyRechnungswesen {n}
accountancy adjustmentBuchkorrektur {f}
acc. accountancy firmBuchprüfungsfirma {f}
accountancy firmSteuerbüro {n}
econ. accountancy firmWirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft {f}
fin. jobs accountancy professionWirtschaftsprüferberuf {m}
acc. accountancy ruleBilanzierungsregel {f}
accountancy serviceBuchprüfungsdienst {m}
accountancy theoryBuchhaltungstheorie {f}
tax accountancySteuerberatung {f}
acc. econ. fin. public accountancyöffentliches Rechnungswesen {n}
Accountancy is a science.Rechnungswesen ist eine Wissenschaft.
fin. over-the-counter business [esp. Am.] <OTC business>Tafelgeschäft {n}
Business-to-Business <B2B>Geschäfte {pl} unter Geschäftsleuten
market. mobile business <M-Business>mobiler Geschäftsverkehr {m}
comm. comp. Internet mobile business developmentM-Business-Entwicklung {f}
comm. travel business travelers [Am.]Business-Reisende {pl}
aviat. TrVocab. to fly business classBusiness fliegen
econ. market. business strategyBusiness-Strategie {f}
cloth. business tieBusiness-Krawatte {f}
electronic businessE-Business {n}
film F Family Business [Sidney Lumet]Family Business [auch: Ehrbare Ganoven]
comm. RadioTV television business <T-business>T-Business {n}
econ. businessBusineß {n} [alt]
econ. business-to-business {adj} <B2B>Business-to-Business- <B2B>
econ. Business Conduct Guidelines <BCG>Business Conduct Guidelines {pl} <BCG> [rechtliche und ethische Verhaltenspflichten im Unternehmen]
econ. business process offshoring <BPO>Business Process Offshoring {n} <BPO> [das Auslagern ganzer Geschäftsprozesse ins Ausland]
econ. business process outsourcing <BPO>Business Process Outsourcing {n} <BPO> [das Auslagern ganzer Geschäftsprozesse]
comp. econ. business continuity planning <BCP>Business-Continuity-Planung {f} <BCP>
film F Hamlet Goes Business [Aki Kaurismäki]Hamlet goes Business
aviat. business classBusiness-Class {f} [Rsv.]
econ. fin. business planBusiness-Plan {m} <BP>
comp. market. business software <BS>Business-Software {f} <BS> [Unternehmenssoftware]
econ. educ. psychology of excellence in business and education study program [Am.]Studienprogramm {n} Psychology of Excellence in Business and Education
business identifier code <BIC> [for financial and non-financial institutions and related entities] [ISO 9362:2009]Business-Identifier-Code {m} <BIC> [ISO 9362:2009]
econ. businessBusiness {n}
educ. aviation business - piloting and airline managementAviation Business {n} - Piloting and Airline Management [Studiengangsbezeichnung]
business {adj}betriebswirtschaftlich
business {adj}geschäftlich
business {adj}gewerblich
business {adj}kaufmännisch
ind. business-wesen {n}
businessAngelegenheit {f}
businessArbeit {f}
econ. businessBetrieb {m}
businessEmsigkeit {f}
econ. businessGeschäft {n}
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