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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: Byte
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Dictionary English German: Byte

Translation 1 - 40 of 40


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NOUN   a byte | bytes
NOUN   das Byte | die Bytes/Byte
comp. unit byte <B>
Byte {n} <B>
comp. endiannessByte-Reihenfolge {f}
2 Words: Others
comp. byte-oriented {adj}byteorientiert
comp. byte-serial {adj}byteseriell
comp. byte-serial {adj} {adv}byte-seriell [mehrere Bytes nacheinander übertragen]
comp. byte-synchronous {adj}bytesynchron
comp. byte-wide {adj}bytebreit
2 Words: Nouns
comp. argument byteArgumentbyte {n}
comp. attribute byteAttributbyte {n}
comp. byte addressByteadresse {f} [auch: Byte-Adresse]
comp. byte arrayByte-Array {n}
comp. byte countByteanzahl {f}
comp. byte counterBytezähler {m}
comp. byte handlingBytebearbeitung {f}
comp. byte lengthBytelänge {f}
comp. byte modeByte-Modus {m}
comp. byte multiplexingBytemultiplexverarbeitung {f}
comp. byte numberBytenummer {f}
comp. byte orderByte-Reihenfolge {f}
comp. byte trackBytespur {f}
telecom. byte-parallelBytes {pl} parallel [d. h. gleichzeitig übertragen]
comp. check bytePrüfbyte {n}
comp. command byteBefehlsbyte {n}
comp. control byteSteuerbyte {n}
comp. data byteDatenbyte {n}
comp. error byteFehlerbyte {n}
comp. half byteHalbbyte {n}
comp. half-byteHalbbyte {n}
comp. initial byteAnfangsbyte {n}
comp. low byteniederwertiges Byte {n}
comp. received byteEmpfangsbyte {n}
comp. status byteStatusbyte {n}
comp. telecom. test bytePrüfbyte {n}
3 Words: Others
8-byte-wide {adj} [attr.]8 Byte breit
comp. byte-by-byte {adj} [attr.]byteweise
3 Words: Nouns
comp. byte order mark <BOM>Byte Order Mark {n} <BOM>
comp. character attribute byteZeichenattributbyte {n}
comp. least significant bit <LSB>niedrigwertigstes Byte {n} [seltener für: niedrigstwertiges Byte]
comp. least significant byte <LSB>niedrigstwertiges Byte {n}
comp. most significant byte <MSB>höchstwertiges Byte {n}
Feel free to link to this translation! Permanent link: https://www.dict.cc/?s=Byte
Hint: Double-click next to phrase to retranslate — To translate another word just start typing!
Search time: 0.010 sec

Q 2014-04-22: sound byte
A 2012-08-19: Will979 is right. "sound byte from an interview subject on tape"
A 2009-10-24: Rather 'filled' than 'documented' in the sense of a byte or segment being ...
Q 2008-11-21: Text über Sun Microsystems: Begriff "garbled" und "Multi-byte trusted part...
A 2008-10-28: Alles klar, ich weiß schon, woran das liegt (2-Byte-Zeichensatz).
Q 2008-07-20: "Bute" wird immer zu "Byte"
A 2007-01-08: 1 octet = 1 Byte , is it correct?

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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