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Dictionary English German: CAD

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NOUN   a cad | cads
SYNO   CAD | computer-aided design ... 
SYNO   CAD | Computer Aided Design [engl.] ... 
Flegel {m}
Prolet {m}
cad [dated] [derogatory]
Schuft {m} [veraltet]
Lümmel {m}
sports cadence <CAD> [cycling]
Trittfrequenz {f} [Radfahren]
2 Words
constr. tech. CAD filesCAD-Daten {pl}
archi. CAD technicianCAD-Zeichner {m}
CAD toolsCAD-Werkzeuge {pl}
curr. Canadian dollar <CAD, C$>kanadischer Dollar {m} <CAD, C$>
3 Words
med. carotid artery dissection <CAD>Carotisdissektion {f} [auch: Carotis-Dissektion]
med. carotid artery dissection <CAD>Karotisdissektion {f} [auch: Karotis-Dissektion]
computer aided design <CAD>computerunterstütztes Entwerfen {n} und Konstruieren
computer-aided design <CAD>computergestützte Gestaltung {f}
computer-aided design <CAD>computergestützte Konstruktion {f}
computer-aided design <CAD>computerunterstützte Konstruktion {f}
comp. computer-aided design <CAD>computerunterstützter Entwurf {m}
comp. computer-aided design <CAD>rechnergestützter Entwurf {m}
comp. computer-aided design <CAD>rechnerunterstützte Konstruktion {f}
comp. computer-aided design <CAD>Computer Aided Design {n} <CAD>
engin. EU computer-aided design <CAD> [ISO]rechnergestützte Konstruktion {f} [DIN EN ISO]
med. coronary artery disease <CAD>koronare Arterienkrankheit {f} <CAD>
one-vessel CADkoronare Eingefäßerkrankung {f}
4 Words
tech. computer aided dispatch (system) <CAD>rechnergestütztes Betriebsleitsystem {n} <RBL>
5+ Words
one-vessel coronary artery disease <1-vessel CAD>koronare Eingefäßerkrankung {f}
med. one-vessel coronary artery disease <1-vessel CAD>koronare Eingefäßkrankheit {f} <koronare 1-Gefäßkrankheit, koronare 1-Gefäß-Krankheit>
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A 2022-01-12: Zu 12.01.2022 / 16:23 CAD +Sketchup+ How to explode image in sketchup? Au...
A 2022-01-12: ergänzend zum letzten Link ww3.cad.de... die Anmerkung von Tom
A 2022-01-12: Nicht dasselbe — dennoch wissen alle mit CAD-Programmen Arbeitenden, wie s...
A 2016-09-24: SolidWorks is a CAD program - with the same name in German.
A 2016-06-21: https://www.google.co.jp/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&cad=rja&...
A 2014-12-24: http://www.google.de/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=78&cad=rja&uac...
A 2014-01-21: DE -> EN (MD = Mechanical Desktop CAD Software brand?)
A 2013-08-28: Some years ago, someone like that would have been called a cad.
A 2013-02-23: envelope ist bei CAD oft "Umhüllung"
A 2012-07-31: In computer-aided design (CAD), it's usually the "digital mock-up (DMU)."
A 2010-10-28: Kontext CAD?
A 2010-06-24: http://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en#hl=en&source=hp&q=%22press-fit+joints%22...
A 2009-11-02: RAMSIS CAD manikin / RAMSIS manikin
A 2009-08-23: http://books.google.com/books?id=sy8ZAAAAYAAJ&dq=dermalen&source=gbs_book_...
A 2009-08-14: falls das gemeint ist: six weeks of http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en/#hl=en...
A 2008-12-17: http://books.google.de/books?id=juqOEx28NXQC&pg=PA4&vq=kraftlos&dq=kraftlo...
A 2008-10-16: all information ascertained so far is supplemented by a CAD-based space as...
A 2008-10-16: The information established so far is rounded off by an initial CAD-based ...
A 2008-09-05: Ms xx took up her job / entered on her duties as CAD Designer for yy today...
A 2008-08-29: fangen (hier) > to snap (grid lines / CAD), Fang > snapping

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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