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English-German translation for: CAM
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Dictionary English German: CAM

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NOUN   a cam | cams
SYNO   Cam | Cam River | River Cam
SYNO   CAM | Computer Aided Manufacturing ... 
tech. to cam sth.etw. mit Nocken versehen
tech. cam
Nocken {m}
Nocke {f}
MedTech. tech. cam
Exzenter {m}
film photo. cam [coll.] [camera]
Kamera {f}
tech. cam
Sperrnase {f}
relig. Camaldoleses <OSBCam, O.S.B. Cam.>Kamaldulenser {pl} <OSBCam>
2 Words: Others
engin. cam-controlled {adj}kurvengesteuert
tech. cam-shaped {adj}nockenförmig
2 Words: Verbs
to cam out [with a screwdriver]abrutschen [mit einem Schraubendreher]
2 Words: Nouns
tech. (detent) camRastnocke {f}
tech. brake camBremsnocke {f}
RadioTV sports cable cam [coll.]Seilkamera {f}
cam assemblyStrickschloss {n}
engin. cam beltNockenriemen {m}
jobs cam boy [coll.] [webcam boy]Camboy {m} [auch: Cam-Boy] [ugs.] [Webcamboy]
tech. cam brakeNockenbremse {f}
tech. cam chainSteuerkette {f} [für Nocken]
tech. cam controlNockensteuerung {f}
cam discNockenscheibe {f}
tech. cam disk [Am.]Kurvenscheibe {f}
cam followerNockenstößel {m}
tech. cam gearExzenterrad {n}
tech. cam gearKurvengetriebe {n}
cam gearNockengetriebe {n}
jobs cam girl [coll.] [webcam girl]Camgirl {n} [auch: Cam-Girl] [ugs.] [Webcamgirl]
tech. cam grooveNockennut {f}
tech. cam leverExzenterhebel {m}
tech. cam motorNockenmotor {m}
film jobs cam operator [coll.]Kameraassistent {m}
cam pumpRollkolbenpumpe {f}
automot. cam ringNockenring {m}
cam shaftNockenwelle {f}
tech. cam shapeNockenform {f}
tech. cam springNockenfeder {f}
electr. cam switchNockenschalter {m}
cam systemStrickschloss {n}
tech. cam wheelNockenrad {n}
cam whore [coll.] [pej.] [short for: webcam whore] [webcam girl]Webcamhure {f} [pej.] [auch: Webcam-Hure]
tools cam-out [with a screwdriver]Abrutschen {n} [mit einem Schraubendreher]
film games photo. chase cam [short for: chase camera]Verfolgerkamera {f}
control camSteuerkurve {f}
control camSteuernocke {f}
engin. control camSteuernocken {m}
photo. digi-cam [coll.] [digital camera]Digitalkamera {f}
heart camherzförmiger Nocken {m}
jack camPlatinenexzenter {m}
knitting camStrickheber {m}
geogr. River CamCam {m}
scuba camTaucherkamera {f}
photo. scuba camUnterwasserkamera {f} [für (Sport-)Taucher]
scuba-camTaucherkamera {f}
stereo cam [Am.]Stereokamera {f}
tech. stop-camAnschlagnocken {m}
tech. switch camSchaltnocke {f}
tech. switch camSchaltnocken {m}
tech. switching camSchaltnocke {f}
tech. trip camSchaltnocke {f}
3 Words: Nouns
tech. brake cam leverBremsnockenhebel {m}
automot. cam chain tensioner <CCT>Steuerkettenspanner {m} <SKS>
cam-out effectCam-out-Effekt {m} [Abrutschen des Werkzeugs (bes. Schraubendreher)]
cam-vane pumpTrennflügel-Wälzkolbenpumpe {f}
biol. cell adhesion molecule <CAM>Zelladhäsionsmolekül {n} <CAM>
computer-aided manufacturing <CAM>computergestützte Fabrikation {f}
computer-aided manufacturing <CAM>computergestützte Fertigung {f}
computer-aided manufacturing <CAM>rechnerunterstützte Fertigung {f}
comp. content-addressable memory <CAM>inhaltsadressierbarer Speicher {m}
bot. crassulacean acid metabolism <CAM> [also: Crassulaceae acid metabolism]Crassulaceen-Säurestoffwechsel {m} <CAM>
roller-cam brakeRoller-Cam-Bremse {f}
4 Words: Nouns
automot. cam-and-lever steeringSchneckenlenkung {f} [mit Rollzahn]
cam-and-piston pumpRollkolbenpumpe {f}
cam-and-piston pumpTrennflügel-Wälzkolbenpumpe {f}
tech. roller-cam scissor liftRollenhubtisch {m}
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A 2019-07-14: @cam: Ich schaue auch nur selten bzw. nur durch Zufall in die Inflections.
Q 2019-07-09: Cam’s translations of Buchstaben
A 2018-05-03: https://www.google.co.uk/search?ei=oe_qWpSjJcrX6ATV7LzoAQ&q=%22Erholungsla...
A 2016-05-23: Mit dem Kahn auf dem Cam entlangzustochern...
A 2012-02-21: What about +switching cam?+
A 2012-02-21: then "cam lever" ? Or, to give it the full treatment: "cam lever mechanism"?
A 2012-02-21: I don't think trip cam is used for biros (a bit too technical) -
A 2012-02-21: trip cam
A 2010-03-08: http://images.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&resnum=0&q=cam%20plate&um=1&ie=UTF...
A 2009-09-25: fit / instal (UK) - install / mount behind the first barrel cam
A 2009-09-25: install / fix behind the first cylindrical cam / drum cam
A 2009-09-25: Mount / assemble / fit behind with the first cam roller
A 2009-08-23: Inlet and outlet valves? Cam drive?
A 2009-07-23: so ist es http://www.duesseldorf.de/cam/index2.shtml
A 2008-07-30: adhesion proteines (CAM = cell adhesion molecules)
A 2008-06-11: Wendeschlüssel > (flat) turning key, Sperrkurve > locking cam
A 2007-09-27: Knagge > corbel, cleat, stop, cam
A 2007-06-22: cam roller > Kurvenrolle
A 2007-02-28: @Kornelius...come on, you cam make it!! Un peu plus vite!!

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