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English-German translation for: Canon
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Dictionary English German: Canon

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NOUN   a canon | canons
SYNO   canon | canyon
Regel {f}
canon [guideline]
Grundprinzip {n}
lit. mus. relig. canon
Kanon {m}
canon [guideline]
Grundsatz {m}
geol. canyon
Cañon {m}
law relig. Canon
Kirchengesetz {n}
canon [guideline]
Grundregel {f}
relig. canon
Domherr {m}
geol. cañon [Am.] [spv.] [canyon]
Cañon {m}
relig. canon
Chorherr {m}
relig. canon [list of saints]
Heiligenverzeichnis {n}
relig. canonDomkapitular {m}
relig. canonStiftsherr {m}
relig. canon [female]Domherrin {f}
relig. canon [member of a cathedral chapter, etc.]Kanoniker {m}
relig. canon [member of a cathedral chapter, etc.]Kanonikus {m}
relig. canon [member of a cathedral chapter]Kapitular {m} [Domkapitular]
2 Words: Verbs
to be canonim Einklang mit dem Original / Originalwerk stehen
2 Words: Nouns
mus. accompanied canongemischter Kanon {m} [mit unabhängiger Begleitung]
mus. augmentation canonAugmentationskanon {m}
relig. Augustinian canonAugustiner-Chorherr {m}
bibl. relig. biblical canonBibelkanon {m}
art lit. mus. canon formationKanonbildung {f}
law relig. canon lawKirchenrecht {n}
law relig. canon lawkanonisches Recht {n}
acad. law relig. canon law [as a discipline]Kanonistik {f}
law relig. canon lawyerKanonist {m}
law relig. canon lawyerKirchenrechtler {m}
canon regularregulierter Kanoniker {m}
relig. canon residentiaryDomherr {m} mit Residenzpflicht
art lit. mus. canon revisionKanonrevision {f}
hist. relig. canon secularweltlicher Domherr {m}
relig. canon's stipendDomherrenpfründe {pl}
relig. cathedral canonDomherr {m}
mus. circle canonZirkelkanon {m}
mus. circular canon [round]Kanon {m} [endlos]
mus. crab canonKrebskanon {m}
mus. diminution canonDiminutionskanon {m}
educ. educational canonBildungskanon {m}
mus. enigmatic canonRäthselkanon {m} [historische Schreibung]
mus. enigmatic canonRätselkanon {m}
mus. inverted canonUmkehrungskanon {m}
mus. inverted canonKanon {m} in der Umkehrung
ling. literary canonLiteraturkanon {m}
jobs relig. minor canonDomizellar {m} [veraltet]
mus. mirror canonSpiegelkanon {m}
mus. mixed canongemischter Kanon {m} [mit unabhängiger Begleitung]
bibl. hist. relig. Muratorian CanonKanon {m} Muratori
relig. Pāli CanonPali-Kanon {m} [auch: Palikanon]
mus. perpetual canonZirkelkanon {m}
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Q 2019-12-01: Canon.com/icpd
Q 2016-08-03: Warden Canon
A 2016-05-30: Canon
A 2016-05-30: in "Gödel, Escher, Bach" Douglas R. Hofstadter calls it a "crab canon"
A 2015-06-14: here we go - canon
Q 2015-06-14: true in essence to the canon
A 2015-03-31: Versuch: an allochthonous canon
A 2012-01-11: Perhaps (12:28) ... a sure rule or canon governing ...
A 2011-10-26: In the medieval legal tradition, the glosses on Roman law and Canon law cr...
Q 2009-10-25: A genre-specific canon of measurable criteria ...
A 2009-02-16: What about: 'high-pressure air blaster/canon'?
A 2008-04-15: against the canon
A 2008-01-10: Ich würde eher sagen 'state law' (im Gegensatz zu 'church bzw. canon law'
A 2006-02-26: In EU context: canon of values
Q 2005-11-18: courts of canon
A 2005-08-17: let's sing the song in canon

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