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English-German translation for: Cape
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Dictionary English German: Cape

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NOUN   a cape | capes
VERB  to cape | caped | caped ... 
SYNO   cape | ness | mantle
NOUN   das Cape | die Capes
cloth. cape
Umhang {m}
cloth. cape
Pelerine {f}
geogr. cape
Kap {n}
cloth. cloak
Cape {n}
Vorgebirge {n} [veraltet] [Kap]
cloth. cape
Cape {n}
cape [Am.] [coll.] [Cape Cod style house]
[1 1/2-stöckiges Einfamilienhaus im Stil der Häuser in Cape Cod, USA]
cloth. hist. capeRadmantel {m}
cloth. cape [loden / woolen cape]Kotze {f} [österr.] [südd.] [Loden-Cape, Wollumhang]
2 Words: Others
geogr. Cape Verdean {adj}kapverdisch
2 Words: Nouns
Abe's cape [sl.]Einhundert-Dollar-Note {f}
cloth. bicycle capeFahrradumhang {m} [Fahrradcape]
transp. bus capeHaltestellenkap {n}
transp. bus capeKaphaltestelle {f}
geogr. Cape AdareKap Adare {n}
geogr. Cape AgassizKap Agassiz {n}
geogr. Cape AgulhasKap {n} Agulhas
geogr. Cape ArcherKap Archer {n}
geogr. Cape BonKap Bon {n}
tools cape chiselKreuzmeißel {m}
geogr. Cape ChocolateKap Chocolate {n}
geogr. Cape Cod [Massachusetts, USA]Cape Cod {n}
gastr. Cape Codder [also: Cap Cod, Cap Cod cocktail]Cap Cod {m} [auch: Cap Codder]
cloth. cape collarKoller {n} [veraltet, noch regional für (breiter) Kragen]
hist. Cape ColonyKapkolonie {f}
geogr. Cape Cross [headland in Namibia]Kreuzkap {n} [auch Kap Cross, Kap Croß]
geogr. Cape DezhnevKap {n} Deschnjow
ling. Cape DutchKapholländisch {n}
ling. Cape Dutch [archaic] [Afrikaans]Kolonial-Niederländisch {n} [veraltet] [Afrikaans]
geogr. Cape FinisterreKap Finisterre {n}
rail Cape gauge [3ft. 6in.]Kapspur {f} [1067 mm.]
geogr. Cape GoldieKap Goldie {n}
geogr. Cape HallettKap Hallett {n}
geogr. Cape HornKap Hoorn {n}
naut. Cape HornerKap Hoornier {m}
geogr. Cape JonesKap Jones {n}
geogr. Cape KerrKap Kerr {n}
geogr. Cape KinseyKap Kinsey {n}
geogr. Cape KolkaKap Kolka {n}
geogr. Cape LankesterKap Lankester {n}
geogr. Cape LeeuwinKap {n} Leeuwin
geogr. Cape MooreKap Moore {n}
geogr. Cape MurrayKap Murray {n}
geogr. Cape NorthKap Nord {n}
geogr. Cape OakeleyKap Oakeley {n}
geogr. Cape ParrKap Parr {n}
geogr. Cape PeninsulaKap-Halbinsel {f}
geogr. Cape ProvinceKapprovinz {f}
geogr. Cape ProvinceKap-Provinz {f}
geogr. Cape regionKapregion {f}
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Q 2014-02-20: zu cape - Radmantel
A 2013-12-04: I was just looking for a translation for cape, I think Schulterumhang woul...
A 2013-12-04: If Birett is the same as biretta, then that's a cap not a cape.
Q 2013-12-04: cape
A 2013-07-06: cod, cape cod = Kot, Kotte, Kate
Q 2013-07-04: cape/ cape cod cottage
A 2012-12-13: wie wärs meit einem Wortspielchen - Rot-Cape-chen ?
A 2010-04-10: cape - mantle
Q 2008-01-06: to prance around in a top hat, with cane and a cape
A 2007-11-17: No, Anna: I'd say it isn't. Land of the Cape [of Good Hope, but ...
A 2007-11-16: land at the Cape of Good Hope
A 2007-06-09: I think "stressing myself" is ok - it's "Cape town English" after all!
Q 2007-06-09: Cape Town English
A 2003-11-23: Cape fur seal
Q 2003-11-23: Cape fur seal

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