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English-German translation for: Catholic
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Dictionary English German: Catholic

Translation 1 - 50 of 90  >>

English German
ADJ1   catholic | more catholic | most catholic
ADJ2   Catholic | more Catholic | most Catholic
NOUN   a Catholic | Catholics
relig. Catholic {adj} <Cath, C>
katholisch <kath.>
catholic {adj}
catholic {adj} [universal]
catholic {adj} [varied]
catholic {adj} [universal]
universell [Lehren]
pol. relig. Catholic {adj}
schwarz [ugs.] [oft pej.] [katholisch]
catholic {adj}weitherzig
catholic {adj} [all-embracing]universal
2 Words: Others
relig. Anglo-Catholic {adj}anglokatholisch
relig. anti-Catholic {adj}antikatholisch
relig. Coptic Catholic {adj}koptisch-katholisch
relig. Irish Catholic {adj}irisch-katholisch
more Catholic {adj}katholischer
most Catholic {adj}katholischste
relig. Old Catholic {adj}altkatholisch
hist. relig. Roman Catholic {adj} [during the reformation]altgläubig
relig. Roman Catholic {adj} <RC>römisch-katholisch <rk., r.-k., röm.-kath.>
2 Words: Nouns
relig. (Roman) CatholicKatholik {m}
relig. (Roman) Catholic [female]Katholikin {f}
relig. Catholic ActionKatholische Aktion {f}
relig. Catholic Charities [Am.]Caritas {f} [kath. Sozialwerk]
archi. relig. Catholic churchkatholische Kirche {f} [Gebäude]
hist. Catholic emancipationKatholikenemanzipation {f} [in Großbritannien und Irland]
bibl. Catholic Epistles [James, 1-2 Pet, 1-3 John, Jude]Katholische Briefe {pl}
catholic interestsbreit gefächerte Interessen {pl}
hist. relig. Catholic LeagueKatholische Liga {f}
hist. Catholic Monarchs [Isabella I and Ferdinand II] [Reyes Católicos]Katholische Könige {pl} [Isabella I und Ferdinand II]
philos. relig. Catholic moralitykatholische Moral {f}
relig. Catholic moralskatholische Morallehre {f}
hist. Catholic relief [Catholic emancipation]Katholikenemanzipation {f}
relig. lapsed Catholicnichtpraktizierender Katholik {m}
relig. lapsed Catholic [female]nichtpraktizierende Katholikin {f}
relig. non-CatholicNichtkatholik {m}
relig. nonchurchgoing Catholic [newer spelling]nichtpraktizierender Katholik {m}
relig. Old CatholicAltkatholik {m}
relig. Old Catholic [female]Altkatholikin {f}
relig. practicing Catholic [Am.]praktizierender Katholik {m}
relig. practising Catholic [Br.]praktizierender Katholik {m}
strict Catholicstrenggläubiger Katholik {m}
3 Words: Others
relig. non-Roman Catholic {adj}nicht römisch-katholisch
3 Words: Verbs
relig. to become a Catholiczum Katholizismus konvertieren
3 Words: Nouns
hist. pol. (Catholic) Center Party [Am.]Zentrum {n} [Zentrumspartei] [Partei des II. dt. Kaiserreichs und der Weimarer Republik]
relig. (Catholic) charitable services {pl}Caritas {f} [Sozialdienste der kath. Kirche]
relig. Armenian Catholic ChurchArmenisch-katholische Kirche {f}
relig. Catholic Apostolic Churchkatholisch-apostolische Gemeinde {f}
publ. relig. Catholic Bible SocietyKatholisches Bibelwerk {n}
educ. mus. relig. Catholic church music <CCM>katholische Kirchenmusik {f} <KKM> [auch Studiengangsbezeichnung]
Catholic girl guideskatholische Pfadfinderinnen {pl}
relig. Catholic News Agency <CNA>Katholische Nachrichten-Agentur {f} <KNA>
relig. Catholic Relief Services {pl}Caritas {f} [kath. Sozialwerk]
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A 2016-12-05: In the Church of England and the Catholic church,
Q 2015-12-08: A Catholic nun who hunts deer?
A 2015-08-26: No [rare] needed - open a Roman-Catholic hymn book and you'll find referen...
Q 2015-05-31: cradle Catholic
A 2014-02-07: If any, it is the Catholic Church
A 2013-11-25: Union, a rallying or central point of all the anti-Catholic and anti-Hapsb...
A 2013-11-25: If you mean the religion, anti-Catholic; anti-Habsburg/Hapsburg
A 2013-11-15: He is likely to have travelled to Rome in 1511, but making acquaintance wi...
A 2013-03-11: Thanks. The Catholic church is who this is happening at.
Q 2012-10-19: Sacred Caesarian Catholic Majesty
A 2012-07-27: catholic confirmation / protestant confirmation
A 2012-02-29: Catholicity - capitalised if you mean the Catholic church, but a lower-cas...
A 2011-09-17: In the Catholic faith, "intention" implies desiring not only some good, bu...
A 2011-06-14: The Catholic Church does change, regardless of
Q 2011-06-14: The Catholic Church does change, regardless of what they would have you believe.
A 2010-12-30: perhaps: katholischer Häusler > day-laborer of the Catholic faith?
A 2010-11-30: Catholic
A 2010-11-29: They all allow - it's just that the Catholic church thinks a priest should...
A 2010-11-29: In the UK, it is wise to put +Roman Catholic+ because the established Angl...
A 2010-11-29: I was brought up / raised (US flavor) a Roman Catholic

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