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English-German translation for: Chalk
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Dictionary English German: Chalk

Translation 1 - 50 of 121  >>

English German
NOUN   chalk | -
VERB  to chalk | chalked | chalked ... 
to chalk [wall]
constr. to chalk [wall]
to chalkmit Kreide anmerken
sports to chalk sth. [e.g. cue]etw. mit Kreide einreiben [z. B. Queue]
geol. chalk
Kalk {m}
Kreide {f}
Kreidestift {m}
sports chalk [coll. for magnesium carbonate]
Magnesium {n} [ugs. für Magnesiumcarbonat]
mil. chalk [Am.]
[Gruppe von Soldaten in einem Kampfhubschrauber]
2 Words: Others
chalk blue {adj}kreideblau
chalk-eyed {adj}grauäugig
chalk-white {adj}kreidebleich
bot. shunning chalk {adj} [postpos.]kalkfliehend [kalkmeidend]
2 Words: Verbs
to chalk downankreiden
to chalk downauf Kredit geben
to chalk outentwerfen
to chalk outvorzeichnen
to chalk sth. downetw.Akk. niederschreiben
sports to chalk sth. off [coll.] [esp. Br.] [goal etc.]etw.Akk. nicht geben [Tor usw.]
to chalk sth. upetw.Akk. anschreiben
to chalk upankreiden
to chalk upauf Kredit geben
to chalk up sth.etw. verbuchen können
2 Words: Nouns
sports billiard chalkBillardkreide {f}
educ. blackboard chalkSchreibkreide {f}
educ. blackboard chalkSchulkreide {f}
educ. blackboard chalkTafelkreide {f}
blackboard chalkWandtafelkreide {f}
chalk artKreidemalerei {f}
climbing sports chalk bagMagnesiabeutel {m}
geol. chalk bedKalkschicht {f}
educ. chalk board [Am.] [also: chalkboard]Kreidetafel {f}
constr. chalk boxKreideschnur {f} [ugs.] [Schlagschnur, Schlagschnurgerät]
constr. chalk boxSchlagschnur {f}
geol. chalk cliffKreidefelsen {m}
chalk cliffsKalkklippen {pl}
geol. chalk cliffsKreidefelsen {pl}
geol. chalk coastKreideküste {f}
agr. geol. chalk content [lime content]Kalkgehalt {m}
art chalk drawingKreidezeichnung {f}
chalk dustKreidestaub {m}
geogr. geol. chalk hill [capitalized as a proper name]Kreidehügel {m}
chalk lineKreidemarkierung {f}
chalk lineKreidestrich {m}
constr. chalk lineSchlagschnur {f}
art chalk mannerKrayonmanier {f}
chalk markKreidemarkierung {f}
chalk paintingKalkmalerei {f}
chalk paintingKreidemalerei {f}
chalk powderKreidepulver {n}
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A 2018-04-29: Similar if not entirely the same thing: blackboard chalk drawing
A 2017-06-25: "clear the chalk" - da in Häkchen - scheint keine sehr gängige Wendung zu...
Q 2017-06-25: Clearing the chalk
Q 2015-02-15: Customer Chalk Talk
Q 2014-06-17: chalk one up for God
A 2013-09-27: We'll be working by the chalk-and-talk method
Q 2012-09-04: To chalk it all up to experience
A 2011-03-23: big, abrasive chalk plaque flakes in the aorta ascendens
Q 2009-08-25: wie die Faust aufs Auge = They fit like chalk and cheese together ??
Q 2009-07-26: Uffington (white horse chalk)
A 2007-12-15: its all stuff for a classroom...(3rd world)...slates, chalk...pencils...
A 2007-12-14: If it's to do with LEDs, then the original phrase is simply not correct En...
A 2007-09-06: kommt vermutlich auf die "Melodie" an, wenn ironisch, dann "chalk and cheese"
A 2007-09-06: go together like chalk and cheese
A 2007-02-12: Ölkreide - Oil chalk(s)
A 2006-09-15: ?? chalk is added afterwards
A 2006-09-15: ?? mixed with chalk afterwards
A 2006-08-21: ? chalk line
A 2005-05-18: Red chalk drawings

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