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English-German translation for: Check-in-Zeit
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Dictionary English German: Check in Zeit

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NOUN   die Check-in-Zeit | die Check-in-Zeiten
check-in timeCheck-in-Zeit {f}
Partial Matches
aviat. TrVocab. self-service check-in kioskCheck-in-Automat {m}
check-out timeCheck-out-Zeit {f}
aviat. check-in areaCheck-in-Bereich {m} {n}
aviat. check-in counterCheck-in-Schalter {m}
aviat. check-in deskCheck-in-Schalter {m}
aviat. priority check-inbevorzugter Check-in {m}
to hold / keep sth. in check [idiom]etw.Akk. in Grenzen halten [Redewendung]
to hold sth. in check [idiom]etw.Akk. in Schach halten [Redewendung] [unter Kontrolle halten]
in half the time {adv}in der Hälfte der Zeit
in time of dearth {adv}in einer Zeit der Not
in a short space of time {adv}in kurzer Zeit
med. in the post-operative period {adv}in der postoperativen Zeit
in the shortest time possible {adv}in möglichst kurzer Zeit
in this time in particular {adv}gerade in dieser Zeit
in half the time {adv}in der halben Zeit
in pre-industrial timesin der vorindustriellen Zeit
in the intervening time {adv}in der Zeit dazwischen
in the near future {adv}in der nächsten Zeit
med. in the postoperative period {adv}in der postoperativen Zeit
to go back in timein der Zeit zurückgehen
to travel back in timein der Zeit zurückreisen
in a minimum of time {adv}in kürzester Zeit
in the shortest possible time {adv}in kürzester Zeit
lit. F In Our Time [Ernest Hemingway]In unserer Zeit
in short order {adv} [Am.] [rapidly]in kurzer Zeit [rasch, zügig]
in as short a time as possible {adv}in kürzestmöglicher Zeit
in the period (from ... to ...) {adv}in der Zeit (von ... bis ...)
in the run-up to {prep}in der Zeit vor [+Dat.]
in the short time available {adv}in der Kürze der Zeit
in this day and age {adv} [idiom]in der heutigen Zeit
in this day and age {adv} [idiom]in der jetzigen Zeit
in the time following {adv}in der folgenden Zeit [in der Folgezeit]
in as short a time as possible {adv}in möglichst kurzer Zeit
idiom in decent time {adv} [coll.]in angemessener Zeit
in modern times {adv}in der heutigen Zeit
in present times {adv}in der jetzigen Zeit
in times immemorial {adv}in sehr langer Zeit
in a little while {adv}in kurzer Zeit
in a short time {adv}in kurzer Zeit
in near-record time {adv}in rekordverdächtiger Zeit
in the foreseeable future {adv}in absehbarer Zeit
in the near future {adv}in nächster Zeit
in the near term {adv}in nächster Zeit
in the good old days {adv} [idiom]in der guten alten Zeit [Redewendung]
film F A Hitch in Time [Jan Darnley-Smith]Ein Loch in der Zeit
check-inCheck-in {n} {m}
to keep sb./sth. in check [idiom] [also with a weapon]jdn. /etw. in Schach halten [Redewendung] [auch mit der Waffe]
in historical times {adj} {adv} [since recorded history]in historischer Zeit [seit Beginn der Geschichtsschreibung]
in the same period of time {adv}in der gleichen Zeit [im gleichen Zeitraum]
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