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English-German translation for: Chentkaus I.
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Dictionary English German: Chentkaus I

Translation 1 - 50 of 315  >>

NOUN   (der) Chentkaus I. | -
hist. Khentkaus I [also: Khentkawes I, Khentkawess I] [queen of Ancient Egypt during the 4th dynasty]Chentkaus {f} I. [altägyptische Königin gegen Ende der 4. Dynastie]
Partial Matches
tech. process and instrumentation diagram <P&ID>Rohrleitungs- und Instrumentenfließschema {n} <R&I-Fließschema, R+I-Fließschema, R&I-Schema, R&I-Diagramm, R+I-Fließbild>
biol. human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I <HTLV-I>humanes T-Zell-lymphotropes Virus Typ I {n} <HTLV-I>
biol. simian T-cell lymphotropic virus type I <STLV-I>simianes T-Zell-lymphotropes Virus Typ I {n} <STLV-I>
mus. pol. Hawai'i Pono'i [Hawaiʻi Ponoʻī] [current state song of the State of Hawaii] [Hawaiʻi's own true sons]Hawai'i Pono'i {f} [heutige Staatshymne des US-Bundesstaates Hawaii]
Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews <INRI> [Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judaeorum]Jesus von Nazareth {m}, der Juden König <I. N. R. I.>
bibl. Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews <I.N.R.I.>Jesus von Nazareth, König der Juden <I.N.R.I.>
med. ostium primum defect <ASD I>Ostium-primum-Defekt {m} <ASD I, VSD I>
med. ostium primum defect <ASD I>Vorhof-Primum-Defekt {m} <ASD I, VSD I>
in conjunction with {prep}in Verbindung mit [+Dat.] <i. Verb. m., i. Vbdg. m., i. V. m.>
med. ostium primum defect <ASD I>Vorhofseptumdefekt I {m} <VSD I>
fat in dry matter <FDM>Fett {n} in der Trockenmasse <Fett i. Tr.> <F.i.T.>
admin. mil. by order (of) {prep} [before signature] [esp. public administration and military authorities]im Auftrag <i. A., I. A.> [vor Unterschrift]
on behalf of {prep} [before signature]im Auftrag <i. A., I. A.> [vor Unterschrift]
on behalf of {prep} <pp., p.p., pp> [before signature]in Vertretung <i. V., I. V.> [vor Unterschrift]
med. incision and drainage <I&D, IND, I and D>Inzision und Drainage <I&D, I und D>
by proxy {adv} <p.p.>im Auftrag <i. A., I. A.>
per pro {adv} <p.p.>im Auftrag <i. A., I. A.>
per procurationem {adv} <p.p.>im Auftrag <i. A., I. A.>
by proxy {adv} <p.p.>in Vertretung <i. V., I. V.>
per pro {prep} <p.p.>in Vertretung <i. V., I. V.>
per pro {prep} <p.p.>in Vollmacht <i. V., I. V.>
per procura <ppa.>in Vollmacht <i. V., I. V.>
admin. [German unemployment benefit paid during the first 12-18 months of unemployment]Arbeitslosengeld I {n} <Alg I, ALG I>
in (the) {prep}im <i.>
anat. olfactory nerve <CN I, CNI, I> [Nervus olfactorius] [first cranial nerve]Geruchsnerv {m} <I>
ling. print i [letter]i {n} [Buchstabe]
ling. print I [letter]I {n} [Buchstabe]
chem. iodine <I>Jod {n} <I>
hist. Amenhotep IAmenophis I. {m}
ling. internal I [interior capital I in German words]Binnen-I {n}
hist. Chilperic IChilperich I. {m}
hist. Khosrow IChosrau {m} I.
mineral. demicheleite-(I) [BiSI]Demicheleit-(I) {m}
archaeo. Iron IEisenzeit {f} I
biochem. ferrioxidase IFerrioxidase {f} I
hist. Frederick IFriedrich I. {m}
ling. future (tense)Futur (I) {n}
mineral. hiortdahlite I [(Ca,Na)3(Zr,Ti,Y)Si2O7(O,OH,F)2]Hiortdahlit I {m}
biol. I-bandI-Band {n}
psych. I-messageI-Botschaft {f}
ling. dot over an ii-Punkt {m}
ling. superscript doti-Punkt {m}
ling. tittle [dot over an i]i-Punkt {m}
constr. I-beamI-Träger {m}
biol. I-cellI-Zelle {f}
biochem. merocyanine I [C26H32N3NaO7S]Merocyanin {n} I
mineral. mertieite-I [Pd11As2Sb2]Mertieit-I {m}
mineral. meta-uranocircite I [Ba(UO2)2(PO4)2·8H2O]Metauranocircit I {m}
hist. Otto I the Great [912 - 973]Otto I. {m}
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