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English-German translation for: Chesapeake Bay
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Dictionary English German: Chesapeake Bay

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NOUN   the Chesapeake Bay | -
NOUN   die Chesapeake Bay | -
geogr. Chesapeake BayChesapeake-Bucht {f} [auch: Chesapeake Bay]
geogr. Chesapeake BayChesapeake Bay {f}
zool. T
(Chesapeake Bay) skipjack[traditionelles Boot der Austernfischer in der Chesapeake Bay, USA]
Partial Matches
film F Captain Bay-BayKäpt'n Bay-Bay [Helmut Käutner]
hist. rail (Leipzig) Bayerischer BahnhofBayrischer Bahnhof {m} <Bay. Bf., Bay. Bhf.> [der Bayerische Bahnhof in Leipzig]
geogr. Galway Bay [Irish: Loch Lurgain or Cuan na Gaillimhe]Galway Bay {f}
bot. T
geogr. Subic Bay [former US naval base]Subic Bay {f}
comm. hist. Hudson's Bay Company <HBC>Hudson-Bay-Gesellschaft {f}
bot. T
hist. rail (Leipzig) Bayerischer BahnhofBayerischer Bahnhof {m} <Bay. Bf., Bay. Bhf.> [der Bayerische Bahnhof in Leipzig]
geogr. mil. Jervis Bay Territory <JBT>Jervis-Bay-Territorium {n}
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
geol. Georgian Bay Formation [Michigan (U.S.), Ontario (Canada)]Georgian-Bay-Formation {f}
bot. T
geogr. Georgian Bay [Ontario, Canada]Georgian Bay {f}
bot. T
geogr. Biscayne Bay [Florida]Biscayne Bay {f}
orn. T
to baybellen
hunting to baymelden
bayBucht {f}
constr. bayDeckenkassette {f}
bayEinschnitt {m}
archi. bayErker {m}
archi. bayFensternische {f}
bayGestell {n}
geogr. bayGolf {m}
archi. bayJochbogen {m}
equest. bayPferdebox {f}
geogr. Berg BayBerg Bay {f}
geogr. Couzens BayCouzens Bay {f}
geogr. Davies BayDavies Bay {f}
geogr. Hudson BayHudson Bay {f}
geogr. Moreton BayMoreton Bay {f}
geogr. Ob' BayOb' Bay {f}
geogr. Pressure BayPressure Bay {f}
geogr. Relay BayRelay Bay {f}
geogr. Rennick BayRennick Bay {f}
geogr. Robertson BayRobertson Bay {f}
geogr. Walcott BayWalcott Bay {f}
equest. bay {adj} [horse]kastanienbraun
equest. bay {adj} [horse]rotbraun
archi. bay(senkrechter) Zwischenraum {m}
bayBox {f} [Schießanlage]
equest. bay [horse]Brauner {m}
bot. T
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A 2013-06-25: Never heard of a "king tide" on the U.S. Middle Atlantic coast or the Ches...

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