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Partial Matches |
| lit. F A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court [also:] A Yankee at the Court of King Arthur [Mark Twain] | Ein Yankee am Hofe des König Artus | |
| film F Arthur [Steve Gordon] | Arthur – Kein Kind von Traurigkeit | |
| RadioTV F Arthur | Erdferkel Arthur und seine Freunde | |
| film F Arthur Christmas [Sarah Smith] | Arthur Weihnachtsmann | |
| lit. F Lord Arthur Savile's Crime [Oscar Wilde] | Lord Arthur Saviles Verbrechen | |
| film F A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court [Tay Garnett] | Ritter Hank, der Schrecken der Tafelrunde | |
| geogr. Chester | Chester {n} | |
| film F Arthur 2: On the Rocks [Bud Yorkin] | Arthur 2 – On the Rocks | |
| geogr. Cestrian {adj} [from Chester (England)] | aus Chester [nachgestellt] | |
| chester [prison sl.] [child molester] | Fifi {m} [Gefängnisjargon: Kindesmissbrauchstäter] | |
| chester [prison sl.] [child molester] | Kifi {m} [Gefängnisjargon: Kindesmissbrauchstäter] | |
| chester [prison sl.] [child molester] | Sittich {m} [Gefängnisjargon: Kindesmissbrauchstäter] | |
| myth. King Arthur | König Artus {m} | |
| RadioTV F Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World | Die verlorene Welt | |
| film F Unidentified Flying Oddball / The Spaceman and King Arthur [Russ Mayberry] | König Artus und der Astronaut | |
| lit. F The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights [John Steinbeck] | König Artus und die Heldentaten der Ritter seiner Tafelrunde | |
| law Arthur hearing [Am.] [bond hearing in Florida] | Kautionsanhörung {f} [in Florida] | |
| hist. mil. A-A line [Arkhangelsk-Astrakhan line] | A-A-Linie {f} [oder: AA-Linie] [Astrachan-Archangelsk-Linie] | |
| econ. jobs International Congress for Occupational Safety and Occupational Medicine <A+A Congress> | Internationaler Kongress {m} für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin <A+A-Kongress> | |
| questions and answers <Q&A> | Fragen {pl} und Antworten <F & A, F&A> | |
| mus. A major <A> | A-Dur {n} <A> | |
| mus. a capella {adj} {adv} | a cappella <a c.> | |
| not applicable {adj} <N/A, n/a, N.A., NA> | entfällt [in Formularen] | |
| mus. A minor <a, Am> | a-Moll {n} <a, Am> | |
| mus. A flat <A♭> | As {n} <A♭> | |
| mus. A sharp <A♯> | Ais {n} <A♯> | |
| math. philos. stat. a priori-a posteriori distinction | A-priori-a-posteriori-Unterscheidung {f} | |
| math. a plus b in brackets squared < (a+b)² > | a plus b in Klammern zum Quadrat < (a+b)² > | |
| mus. A sharp minor <A♯ minor> | ais-Moll {n} <ais, Aism, A♯m> | |
| mus. A clarinet [pitched in key of "A"] | A-Klarinette {f} | |
| a little {adv} | a wengerl [ugs.] [österr.] [bayer.] [ein bisschen] | |
| author's alteration <a.a., AA> | vom Autor geändert | |
| against all risks {adv} <a.a.r.> | gegen alle Gefahren | |
| against all risks {adv} <a.a.r.> | gegen alle Risiken | |
| curr. Australian dollar coin <$, A$, AUD> | australische Dollarmünze {f} <A$-Münze> | |
| a | a [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] [ein, eine, einen] | |
| ling. mus. print a [letter, musical note] | a {n} [Buchstabe, musikal. Ton] | |
| biol. A-band [anisotropic band] | A-Bande {f} [anisotrope Bande] | |
| anat. biol. A-fibers [Am.] | A-Fasern {pl} [auch: A-Nervenfasern] | |
| A for Andrew [Br.] | A wie Anna [schweiz.] | |
| inter alia {adv} <i. a.> | unter anderem <u. a.> | |
| print author's alteration <a.a., AA> | Autorenkorrektur {f} <AK> | |
| A as in Abel [Am.] | A wie Anton | |
| audio tech. A-scaled sound pressure level | A-bewerteter Schalldruckpegel {m} | |
| loco citato {adv} <loc. cit.> | am angegebenen Ort <a. a. O.> | |
| mil. nominal A-bomb | nominelle A-Bombe {f} [entspricht 20 kt TNT] | |
| ling. written with a capital A | mit einem großen A geschrieben | |
| fin. with no hope of a return [investment] | à fonds perdu | |
| idiom from A to izzard {adv} [archaic or dial.] | von A bis Z | |
| ling. mus. print A [letter, musical note] | A {n} [Buchstabe, Ton] | |
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