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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: Christians
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Dictionary English German: Christians

Translation 1 - 28 of 28

English German
NOUN   a Christian | Christians
relig. Christians
Christen {pl}
relig. ChristiansChristen und Christinnen {pl}
relig. Christians [female]Christinnen {pl}
2 Words
anti-ChristiansChristenfeinde {pl}
relig. biblical Christiansbibeltreue Christen {pl}
hist. relig. early ChristiansFrühchristen {pl}
hist. relig. early ChristiansUrchristen {pl}
relig. fundamentalist Christiansfundamentalistische Christen {pl}
relig. Gentile ChristiansHeidenchristen {pl}
hist. relig. spec. Hurrah ChristiansJuchhe-Christen {pl} [Anhänger von C.G. Pregizer]
hist. relig. Jewish ChristiansJudenchristen {pl}
relig. New Christians [also: new Christians]Neuchristen {pl}
relig. non-ChristiansHeiden {pl} [Nichtchristen]
hist. relig. Old Christians [in contrast to New Christians or conversos]Altchristen {pl} [im Gegensatz zu Neuchristen oder Conversos]
hist. relig. original Christians [also: Original Christians as Early Christians or as denominations referring to them]Urchristen {pl}
relig. Original Christians [members of the Twelve Tribes Movement]Urchristen {pl} [Mitglieder der Zwölf Stämme]
3 Words
relig. community of ChristiansChristengemeinde {f}
relig. persecution of ChristiansChristenverfolgung {f}
relig. persecutor of ChristiansChristenverfolger {m}
relig. Saint Thomas ChristiansThomaschristen {pl}
hist. law relig. trials of ChristiansChristenprozesse {pl}
4 Words
relig. Christians in name onlyTaufscheinchristen {pl}
relig. Christians of St. John [Mandaeans]Johanneschristen {pl} [veraltet] [Mandäer]
relig. Secretariat for Non-ChristiansSekretariat {n} für Nicht-Christen
5+ Words
relig. International Council of Christians and Jews <ICCJ>Internationaler Rat {m} der Christen und Juden
relig. Our Lady, Help of ChristiansMaria Hilf {f}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
mus. F Ah, dear Christians, be comfortedAch, lieben Christen, seid getrost [J. S. Bach, BWV 114]
mus. F Christians, engrave this dayChristen, ätzet diesen Tag [J. S. Bach, BWV 63]
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A 2021-05-28: ... and the counterattacks the Occidental Christians attempted during the ...
A 2018-03-02: Unwelcome to non-Christians of all stripes.
Q 2011-04-06: southern Christians
A 2010-12-03: Comma after Christians, another after anything
Q 2010-11-08: counterfeit Christians
A 2010-03-01: "devouted Christians"??? Fundamentalisten sind das, Pietkong, religiöse Sp...
A 2009-12-06: +Ruprecht / Rupert / Robert+ harks back to Germanic mythology - +famebrigh...
Q 2008-09-07: Translation: Christians hide in forests as Hindu mobs ransack villages
A 2008-06-12: stigmatizes Schiites vastly more severely as "non-believers" than Christians
A 2008-01-01: http://www.google.com/search?hl=de&rlz=1B2GGGL_deAT202AT202&q=%22Young+Chr...
A 2006-10-03: BCE, also commonly used by many other non-Christians
A 2005-02-05: the curry comb of "Christians"?
A 2004-10-07: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&newwindow=1&c2coff=1&q=%22...

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