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English-German translation for: City
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Dictionary English German: City

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NOUN   a city | cities
SYNO   city | metropolis | metropolis ... 
NOUN   die City | die Citys/[alt auch] Cities
city {adj} [attr.]
city {adj} [attr.]
City {adj} [London financial district]
City- [Londoner Finanzdistrikt]
city {adj} [attr.] [relating to more than one city, e.g. comparison, excursion, network, planning, tour, trip]
Städte- [z. B. Vergleich, Trip, Netz, Bau, Tour, Reise]
Stadt {f}
Großstadt {f}
urban downtown [Am.]
City {f}
cityGeschäftsviertel {n}
cityGeschäftswelt {f}
City [of London] [Br.]City {f} [Londoner Finanzdistrikt]
the CityAltstadt {f} von London
the City [of London]das Londoner Banken- und Finanzviertel {n}
2 Words: Others
big city {adj}großstädtisch
city-bred {adj}in der Stadt aufgezogen
city-centre {adj} [Br.]innerstädtisch [Verkehr]
city-owned {adj}stadteigen
city-wide {adj}stadtweit
inner-city {adj}innerstädtisch
urban inner-city {adj} [attr.]Innenstadt-
inter-city {adj}zwischen den Städten [Verkehr]
geogr. Oklahoma Cityan {adj} [from Oklahoma City (USA)]aus Oklahoma City [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Nouns
urban (city) districtStadtviertel {n}
jobs Unverified (city) mayor [female]Stadtpräsidentin {f}
admin. sociol. urban administrative cityBehördenstadt {f}
sociol. urban agro-city [also: agrocity]Agrostadt {f}
ancient cityalte Stadt {f}
applicant cityBewerberstadt {f}
sociol. urban Unverified automotive cityautogerechte Stadt {f}
geogr. Baltic cityOstseestadt {f}
fin. banking cityBankenstadt {f}
archi. TrVocab. urban baroque cityBarockstadt {f}
geogr. Basel-City [canton]Basel-Stadt <BS> [Kanton, ohne Artikel]
beach cityStadt {f} am Strand
brew market. beer cityBierstadt {f}
bike urban bicycle cityFahrradstadt {f}
big cityGroßstadt {f}
booming cityStadt {f} im Aufschwung
border cityGrenzstadt {f}
geogr. Brick City [Am.][Spitzname von Newark, New Jersey (USA)]
comm. urban business cityGeschäftsstadt {f}
geogr. Cabinda City [also: Tchiowa, Tsiowa, Kiowa]Cabinda {n} [auch: Tchiowa, Tsiowa, Kiowa] [Hauptstadt der Provinz Cabinda]
geogr. UWH Calakmul (city) [also: Kalakmul]Calakmul {n} [auch: Kalakmul]
capital cityHauptstadt {f}
urban cathedral cityDomstadt {f}
urban central cityKernstadt {f}
hist. urban charter city [Br.] [created by charter, usually containing a cathedral][Stadt mit Stadtrecht, meist Domstadt]
chief cityHauptort {m} [einer Region]
mus. theatre citizen comedy [city comedy: Elizabethan dramatic genre]City Comedy {f} [Elisabethanische Komödie mit Schauplatz London]
city administrationStadtverwaltung {f}
city airStadtluft {f}
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Q 2024-05-13: planned city Greater Noida
Q 2023-10-08: to look like heart-attack city
A 2021-12-06: stacked house / -housing / -city house / -home
A 2021-09-14: Herrnhut [city in Saxony, Germany] eingetragen
A 2020-12-03: In Dublin's fair city where the girls are so pretty
A 2020-07-09: A country, city, town, village.... can have residents;
A 2020-01-07: "Kommune" does not refer specifically to a city council or local administration
A 2019-06-12: Maybe +high bailiff of a city+
Q 2019-05-17: Live your romance in the City of Lights!
A 2019-01-27: LINX NB: In English, using +she / her+ implies the personification of a ci...
A 2019-01-26: +It is a great city+ is correct.
Q 2018-11-01: One application area is renting apartments in a different city without vie...
A 2018-03-29: 1 mum, 3 monsters at Park City https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arvEIRZwo9k
A 2018-02-26: ZE = Zentrum (City) ?
A 2017-10-26: port city
A 2017-06-27: Our house will add another facet to your stay in the city
A 2017-06-05: What about +city boards and committees?+
Q 2017-01-22: city maintenance worker
A 2016-12-16: Also: that the city is much livelier than for instance ten years ago
Q 2016-10-29: Tourenrad = Citybike ---> city bike, etc. ///// Reiserad = touring bike

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