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English-German translation for: Civil
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Dictionary English German: Civil

Translation 1 - 50 of 376  >>

English German
ADJ1   civil [courteous, polite] | more civil | most civil
ADJ2   civil [other meanings] | - | -
SYNO   civil | polite | civic | civil
civil {adj}
civil {adj} [polite]
civil {adj} [civilized]
civil {adj} [not military]
civil {adj} [decent]
pol. civil {adj} [civic, e. g. duty]
law civil {adj} [by civil law]zivilrechtlich
2 Words: Others
sociol. civil-society {adj} [attr.]zivilgesellschaftlich
2 Words: Nouns
law civil actionZivilklage {f}
law civil actionzivilrechtliche Klage {f}
admin. civil administrationZivilverwaltung {f}
aviat. civil aircraftZivilflugzeug {n}
aviat. civil airfieldZivilflugplatz {m}
aviat. civil airplane [esp. Am.]Zivilflugzeug {n}
aviat. civil airportZivilflughafen {m}
civil answerhöfliche Antwort {f}
aviat. civil aviationZivilluftfahrt {f}
fin. civil bondsPfandbriefe {pl} der öffentlichen Hand
law civil caseZivilprozess {m}
law civil caseZivilsache {f}
law civil chamberZivilkammer {f}
admin. civil clauseZivilklausel {f}
law civil codeZivilgesetz {n}
law civil codeZivilgesetzbuch {n}
law Civil CodeBürgerliches Gesetzbuch {n} <BGB>
law civil codebürgerliches Recht {n}
civil commotionAufruhr {m}
pol. civil commotion {sg}innere Unruhen {pl}
pol. civil commotion {sg}zivile Unruhen {pl}
civil commotionsUnruhen {pl}
pol. civil commotionsbürgerliche Unruhen {pl}
law civil confinementZivilhaft {f}
civil courageBürgermut {m}
civil courageZivilcourage {f}
law civil courtZivilgericht {n}
hist. law civil courtbürgerliches Gericht {n} [Zivilgericht]
FireResc civil defence [Br.]Zivilschutz {m}
civil defence [Br.]ziviler Bevölkerungsschutz {m}
civil defense [Am.]Bürgerwehr {f}
FireResc civil defense [Am.]Zivilschutz {m}
mil. civil defense [Am.]Zivilverteidigung {f}
law pol. civil disobedienceziviler Ungehorsam {m}
pol. civil disorder {sg}Bürgerunruhen {pl}
pol. civil disorder {sg}bürgerliche Unruhen {pl}
pol. sociol. civil disorder {sg}soziale Unruhen {pl}
civil disorder {sg}zivile Unruhen {pl}
law civil disputeRechtsstreitigkeit {f}
law civil disputeZivilstreitigkeit {f}
pol. civil disturbancesinnere Unruhen {pl}
law Civil DivisionOLG-Zivilsenat {m} [OLG = Oberlandesgericht]
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A 2024-10-26: Civil Service (UK) ≠ öffentlicher Dienst
Q 2023-04-08: Were those defeated in the US Civil War without any legitimate cause?
A 2022-04-19: Grab neu belegen > re-allocate a grave to a third party < This seems to be...
A 2020-09-13: Not sure. It's a battle hymn, about the civil war
A 2020-09-08: ja, MichaelK's "civil" ist besser
A 2019-03-19: ausfertigen > (here) to issue / (of the judge / civil servant in charge) to sign
A 2018-10-24: In other words, the +civil service+ means bureaucracy and the +public sect...
A 2018-10-24: Very clever. So perhaps > (ordinary) works agreement / civil service works...
A 2018-10-04: ? College of Civil Aviation / Civil Aviation College \ College of Commerci...
A 2018-02-21: civil partnership
A 2017-10-30: Civil service? No, it isn't.
A 2017-09-18: regulations governing civil service deployment abroad \ The European Commi...
A 2017-09-01: It seems to be a civil, moral death to the past
A 2017-08-13: Civil proceedings
A 2017-04-12: Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (U.S.C Title 28) > Bundeszivilprozessordn...
Q 2017-04-12: US-Zivilprozessordnung - Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: Wie kann "Rule"...
A 2017-01-30: Art. 712 a + b Swiss Civil Code; the Irish source goes to show that your s...
A 2016-12-12: USB sticks are great to use — with utmost care. There are civil service br...
A 2016-09-07: Denglish for civil war ?
A 2016-08-22: transaction covered by the German provision on pocket money ('Taschengeldp...

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