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English-German translation for: Cold
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Dictionary English German: Cold

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ADJ   cold | colder | coldest
NOUN1   a cold | colds
NOUN2   cold [e.g. cold weather] | -
SYNO   cold | cold-blooded | inhuman ... 
cold {adj}
cold {adj}
cold {adj} [emotionally]
gefühlskalt [eiskalt]
cold {adj} [unconcerned]
cold {adj} [smile]
cold {adj} [indifferent]
cold {adj} [sexually]
cold {adj} [e.g. air, beverage, foam, front, glue, light]Kalt- [z. B. Luft, Getränk, Schaum, Front, Leim, Licht]
cold {adj} [e.g. allergy, bridge, desert, intolerance, pole, spell]Kälte- [z. B. Allergie, Brücke, Wüste, Intoleranz, Pol, Welle]
med. cold {adj} [e.g. lesion]minderspeichernd [Herd usw.]
cold {adj} [unprepared, unannounced]unvorbereitet
med. cold
Erkältung {f}
med. cold [runny nose]
Schnupfen {m}
Kälte {f}
med. cold
Verkühlung {f} [regional, bes. österr.] [Erkältung]
med. cold
Katarrh {m}
cold [freezing temperature]
Frost {m}
med. cold [runny nose]Strauchen {m} [österr.] [bayer.] [mundartlich für: Schnupfen]
mus. coldwave [spv.] [industrial metal subgenre]Cold Wave {m}
2 Words: Others
(out) cold {adj} [coll.] [unconscious]bewusstlos
[we/they/you] were cold[wir/sie/Sie] froren
ass cold {adj} [esp. Am.] [vulg.]arschkalt [ugs.]
beastly cold {adj}grimmig kalt
biting cold {adj}beißend kalt
biting cold {adj}bitter kalt
bitingly cold {adj}bitterkalt
bitingly cold {adj}beißend kalt
bitingly cold {adj}bissig kalt [regional, bes. bayer., schweiz.]
bitter cold {adv}bitterkalt
bitterly cold {adj}bitterkalt
bitterly cold {adj}beißend kalt
bitterly cold {adj}bissig kalt [regional, bes. bayer., schweiz.]
meteo. bitterly cold {adj}klirrend kalt
bloody cold {adj} [Br.] [coll.]grimmig kalt
bloody cold {adj} [Br.] [coll.]arschkalt [derb]
brutally cold {adj} [fig.]kaltblütig
tech. cold forged {adj}kaltgeschmiedet
cold underfoot {adj} [e.g. tiles]fußkalt [z. B. Fliesen]
cold-blooded {adj}gefühllos
cold-blooded {adj}kaltblütig
zool. cold-blooded {adj}wechselwarm
cold-blooded {adj} [cruel]grausam
cold-blooded {adj} [fig.]kalt wie eine Hundeschnauze [Redewendung] [kaltblütig]
cold-bloodedly {adv}kalten Blutes
cold-bloodedly {adv} [rare]kaltblütig [fig.]
chem. cold-curing {adj}kalthärtend
material tech. cold-drawing {adj}kaltziehend
material tech. cold-drawn {adj}kaltgezogen
cold-eyed {adj}eiskalt [fig.]
cold-eyed {adj} [fig.]emotionslos
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Q 2022-05-01: Da ich auch bei +Kälteeinwirkung / #935567+ herumgepfuscht habe, ein Änder...
A 2022-04-25: Death by exposure to cold ist viel, viel gängiger.
A 2022-04-24: Vorschläge: Kälteeinwirkung > exposure to cold; Tod durch Kälteeinwirkung ...
A 2021-08-25: brr, it's cold in here
Q 2021-03-18: I caught a cold from him.
A 2020-09-21: Usage: In cold weather, +paraffin burners / heaters+ are still lit in Britain
A 2019-05-22: Can you feel the cold hand of death upon your heart?
Q 2019-02-12: Adjective to describe extreme cold?
A 2018-10-18: Cold chain: UK usage / US usage
A 2018-10-18: The WHO uses +cold chain+
Q 2018-03-05: diffrence between cold-pressed and wood-pressed
Q 2018-02-22: Cold wind has bitten my flowers?
Q 2017-12-31: https://weather.com/storms/winter/news/2017-12-28-arctic-record-cold-outbr...
A 2017-11-27: During a real cold spell, icicles in all shades of yellow grace the pipes ...
A 2017-09-06: ....makes me feel hot and cold ....
A 2017-09-05: To me, this bloody weather feels hot and cold at the same time
A 2016-11-19: http://www.dict.cc/?s=a+cold+day+in+hell
A 2016-09-28: cold-blooded scheming ?
A 2016-09-28: to act with ice-cold calculation \ much more frequently +with cold calculation+
A 2016-08-28: "to chap" can mean to crack; e.g. chapped soil in dry weather, chapped ski...

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