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English-German translation for: Colored
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Dictionary English German: Colored

Translation 1 - 50 of 307  >>

English German
ADJ   colored | more colored | most colored
NOUN   colored | coloreds
VERB  to color | colored | colored ... 
SYNO   colored | colored person | colorful ... 
colored {adj} [Am.]
colored {adj} [Am.]
colored {adj} {past-p} [Am.]
colored {adj} {past-p} [Am.] [dyed]
colored {adj} {past-p} [Am.]koloriert
colored {adj} [Am.]färbig [österr.] [farbig, bunt]
colored {adj} [Am.] [e.g. glass, marble, paper, pencil]Bunt- [z. B. Glas, Marmor, Papier, Stift]
sb./sth. colored [Am.]jd./etw. färbte
2 Words: Others
almond-colored {adj} [Am.]mandelfarben
amber-colored {adj} [Am.]bernsteinfarbig
mineral. amber-colored {adj} [Am.]bernsteinfarben
amethyst-colored {adj} [Am.]amethysten
amethyst-colored {adj} [Am.]amethystfarben
anthracite-colored {adj} [Am.]anthrazitfarben
anthracite-colored {adj} [Am.]anthrazitfarbig
apricot-colored {adj} [Am.]aprikosenfarben
apricot-colored {adj} [Am.]apricot
aubergine-colored {adj} [Am.]aubergine [indekl.]
aubergine-colored {adj} [Am.]auberginefarben
avocado-colored {adj} [Am.]avocadofarben
beautifully colored {adj} [Am.]farbschön
beige-colored {adj} [Am.]beigefarben
blue-colored {adj} [Am.]blaugefärbt [auch: blau gefärbt]
brass-colored {adj} [Am.]messingfarben
brick-colored {adj} [Am.]ziegelfarben
brightly colored {adj} [Am.]farbenfroh
brightly colored {adj} [Am.]knallbunt [ugs.]
canary-colored {adj} [Am.]kanarienfarben
candy-colored {adj} [Am.]bonbonfarben [von greller Farbe]
candy-colored {adj} [Am.]bonbonfarbig [von greller Farbe]
caramel-colored {adj} [Am.] [when pred.: caramel colored]karamellfarben
champagne-colored {adj} [Am.]champagnerfarben
chocolate-colored {adj} [Am.]schokoladenbraun
chocolate-colored {adj} [Am.]schokoladenfarben
chocolate-colored {adj} [Am.]schokobraun [ugs.]
chocolate-colored {adj} [Am.]schokofarben [ugs.]
cinnamon-colored {adj} [Am.]zimtfarbig
clay-colored {adj} [Am.]lehmfarben
coffee-colored {adj} [Am.]kaffeebraun
coffee-colored {adj} [Am.]kaffeefarben
cognac-colored {adj} [Am.]cognacfarben
copper-colored {adj} [Am.]kupferfarben
copper-colored {adj} [Am.]kupferfarbig
coral-colored {adj} [Am.]korallfarben
cream-colored {adj} [Am.]cremefarben
cream-colored {adj} [Am.]cremefarbig
dark-colored {adj} [Am.]dunkelfarbig
different-colored {adj} [Am.]andersfarbig
different-colored {adj} [Am.]verschiedenfarbig
dove-colored {adj} [Am.]taubenblau
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Q 2024-11-14: rust-colored bug light
Q 2017-01-13: tiger colored
A 2017-01-09: colored paper, construction paper, card stock, pulp-dyed, ...
Q 2010-12-22: that kind of colored a lot
A 2010-09-11: May I borrow your rose-colored glasses?
A 2010-05-29: cars with gray doors ("colored in" is clearly implied)
A 2010-02-02: orange colored cheddar powder
A 2009-09-07: Well, my response is colored by romy's 'Realschule' limitation.
Q 2009-08-09: candy-colored
A 2008-11-26: "filtered through" or "colored by"
A 2008-08-15: LOL! Why should you never wear rose-colored glasses at the North Pole?
A 2008-06-06: With a baseball cap, it's a visor. Perhaps 'with colored edge trim.'
A 2008-01-20: Rose-colored glasses
Q 2007-07-25: Just looking for some beautifully colored ideas
A 2006-11-15: " "in-your-face-colored" shirt"
A 2006-09-11: While...still referst to non colored paintings..
A 2005-12-17: Misty water-colored recollections???
Q 2005-09-01: gaudily colored
A 2005-08-30: Spiegel (der) - The colored stripe in the center of Litzen (Guard bars)
A 2005-08-22: through-colored (through-dyed)

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