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Dictionary English German: Colors

Translation 1 - 74 of 74

English German
NOUN   a color | colors
VERB  to color | colored | colored ... 
SYNO   colors | colours
colors [Am.]
Farben {pl}
cloth. colors {pl} [Am.] [colored washables]Buntwäsche {f}
2 Words: Verbs
to blend colors [Am.]Farben mischen
to blend colors [Am.]Farben ineinander übergehen lassen
2 Words: Nouns
bot. autumn colors [Am.] {pl}Herbstfärbung {f}
autumnal colors [Am.]Herbstfarben {pl}
basic colors [Am.]Grundfarben {pl}
bold colors [Am.]starke Farben {pl}
herald. city colors [Am.]Stadtfarben {pl}
sports club colors [Am.]Vereinsfarben {pl}
complementary colors [Am.]Komplementärfarben {pl}
corporate colors [Am.]Firmenfarben {pl}
corporate colors [Am.]Unternehmensfarben {pl}
dead colors [Am.]nichtssagende Farben {pl}
fall colors [Am.]Herbstfarben {pl}
jazzy colors [Am.]schreiende Farben {pl}
loud colors [Am.]schreiende Farben {pl}
national colors [Am.]Landesfarben {pl}
national colors [Am.]Nationalfarben {pl}
art oil colors [Am.]Ölfarben {pl}
psych. opponent colors [Am.]Gegenfarben {pl}
pastel colors [Am.]Pastellfarben {pl}
plain colors [Am.]Unifarben {pl}
primary colors [Am.]Primärfarben {pl}
prismatic colors [Am.]Regenbogenfarben {pl}
riotous colors [Am.]ausgelassene Farben {pl}
saturated colors [Am.]gesättigte Farben {pl}
cloth. seasonal colors [Am.]Saisonfarben {pl}
secondary colors [Am.]Sekundärfarben {pl}
spectral colors [Am.]Spektralfarben {pl}
state colors [Am.]Staatsfarben {pl}
summer colors [Am.]Sommerfarben {pl}
sports team colors [Am.]Trikotfarben {pl}
mus. tonal colors [Am.]Klangfarben {pl}
3 Words: Others
in different colors {adv} [Am.]in unterschiedlichen Farben
in three colors {adj} {adv} [postpos.] [Am.]dreifarbig
in two colors {adj} {adv} [postpos.] [Am.]zweifarbig
of different colors {adj} [Am.]andersfarbig
of various colors {adj} [Am.] [postpos.]verschiedenfarbig
with flying colors {adv} [Am.] [idiom]mit Bravour
with flying colors {adv} [Am.] [idiom]mit Glanz und Gloria [ugs.] [Redewendung]
3 Words: Verbs
to show one's colors [Am.] [fig.]Farbe bekennen [fig.]
idiom to strike one's colors [Am.]die Flagge streichen
idiom to strike one's colors [Am.] [fig.] [to give up]die Segel streichen [fig.] [aufgeben]
3 Words: Nouns
art luminance of colors [Am.]Farbleuchtkraft {f}
art luminance of colors [Am.]Leuchtkraft {f} von Farben
biol. perception of colors [Am.]Farbwahrnehmung {f}
play of colors [Am.]Farbenspiel {n}
range of colors [Am.]Farbpalette {f}
sunny-looking colors [Am.] [e.g. on dresses]sonnig anmutende Farben {pl} [z. B. auf Kleidung]
theory of colors [Am.]Farbenlehre {f}
4 Words: Others
orn. in its breeding colors {adv} [Am.]im Brutkleid
painted in vivid colors {adj} [postpos.] [Am.]bunt bemalt
painted with bright colors {adj} [postpos.] [Am.]bunt bemalt
4 Words: Verbs
to haul down one's colors [Am.]die Flagge einholen
to paint with water colors [Am.]mit Wasserfarben anmalen
to pass with flying colors [Am.] [idiom]mit Bravour bestehen
to put false colors upon sb. [Am.] [idiom]jdn. in Misskredit bringen [Redewendung]
to reveal one's true colors [Am.]sichAkk. entlarven
to sail under false colors [Am.]unter falscher Flagge segeln
to show one's true colors [Am.] [idiom]sein wahres Gesicht zeigen [Idiom]
4 Words: Nouns
a rainbow of colors [Am.]eine Palette {f} aus sämtlichen Regenbogenfarben
phys. additive mixing of colors [Am.]additive Farbmischung {f}
colors of the rainbow [Am.]Regenbogenfarben {pl}
5+ Words: Others
proverb A blind man should not judge colors. [Am.]Ein Blinder sollte keine Farben beurteilen.
proverb All colors will agree in the dark. [Am.]Nachts sind alle Katzen grau.
in a variety of colors {adv} [Am.]in verschiedenen Farben
in all colors of the rainbow {adv} [Am.]in allen Farben des Regenbogens
5+ Words: Verbs
mil. to be called to the colors [Am.] [coll.] [to be conscripted to military service]zur Fahne gerufen werden [ugs.] [zum Militär einberufen werden]
to show (oneself in) one's true colors [Am.] [idiom]sichAkk. in seiner wahren Gestalt zeigen [Redewendung] [zeigen, wer man wirklich ist]
to show in the best colors [Am.]in den besten Farben zeigen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Primary Colors [Mike Nichols]Mit aller Macht
film F Three Colors: Blue [US] / Three Colours: Blue [UK] [Krzysztof Kieślowski]Drei Farben: Blau
lit. F Desert of Colors (Goab) [Neverending Story] [Am.]Wüste {f} der Farben (Goab) [Die unendliche Geschichte]
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A 2016-10-26: brighter colors
A 2015-06-19: Correction: +He dealt ill with me once and showed his true colors!” She lo...
Q 2015-01-11: electric colors
A 2013-04-02: range of colors
Q 2012-01-25: transparent water colors mixed with white paint
Q 2010-10-25: They have a choice 7 different colors.
A 2008-10-22: "music colors up your life"
A 2008-10-13: probably "subdued colors"
A 2008-07-16: Usually, 'shapes' goes with colors and lines
A 2008-04-16: It's a tie that suits the colors of the suit and shirt
A 2008-03-12: multiple colors: bunt
Q 2008-03-12: ErnstLustig - vielen herzlichen Dank! Und noch eine Frage an dich: multipl...
A 2007-05-02: saturated colors
A 2007-01-05: the colors that are lifted from/removed from the curde materiality?
Q 2006-06-28: interferential changing colors with incidence of light
A 2006-06-19: "resonant colors" sounds good to me... :)
A 2006-03-11: paint colors?
A 2006-01-12: "corporate colors"
A 2005-04-12: a language of colors...
A 2004-10-12: With flying colors

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