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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: Columella-Effekt
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Columella-Effekt in other languages:

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Dictionary English German: Columella Effekt

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NOUN   der Columella-Effekt | -
audio columella effectColumella-Effekt {m}
Partial Matches
biol. spec. columellaColumella {f}
biol. spec. columellaKolumella {f}
bot. columella formationKolumellabildung {f}
anat. VetMed. columella [Columella nasi]Nasensteg {m}
anat. audio central columella of (the) cochlea [Modiolus]Schneckenspindel {f}
zool. T
chem. electromeric effect <M effect>mesomerer Effekt {m} <M-Effekt>
chem. electromeric effect <M effect>Mesomerie-Effekt {m} <M-Effekt>
chem. mesomeric effect <M effect>mesomerer Effekt {m} <M-Effekt>
chem. mesomeric effect <M effect>Mesomerie-Effekt {m} <M-Effekt>
chem. resonance effect <M effect>mesomerer Effekt {m} <M-Effekt>
chem. resonance effect <M effect>Mesomerie-Effekt {m} <M-Effekt>
effectEffekt {m}
impactEffekt {m}
aliasingAlias-Effekt {m}
externalityexterner Effekt {m}
ramificationEffekt {m} [Auswirkung]
agency [effect, impact]Effekt {m}
acc. fin. gearing [Br.]Leverage-Effekt {m}
additional effectzusätzlicher Effekt {m}
biochem. allosteric effectallosterischer Effekt {m}
chem. alpha effect <α-effect>Alpha-Effekt {m} <α-Effekt>
chem. anomeric effectanomerer Effekt {m}
optics autokinetic effectautokinetischer Effekt {m}
chem. bathochromic effectbathochromer Effekt {m}
ecol. med. MedTech. biological effectbiologischer Effekt {m}
cheap effectbilliger Effekt {m}
chem. chelate effectChelat-Effekt {m}
med. clinical effectklinischer Effekt {m}
econ. cobra effectKobra-Effekt {m}
comical effectkomischer Effekt {m}
psych. contrast effectKontrast-Effekt {m}
audio electr. electrophonic effectelektrophonischer Effekt {m}
med. engagement effectGauß-Effekt {m}
biol. excitatory effectexzitatorischer Effekt {m}
phys. ferroelectric effectferroelektrischer Effekt {m}
chem. hydrophobic effecthydrophober Effekt {m}
biochem. hyperchromic effecthyperchromer Effekt {m}
biochem. chem. hypochromic effecthypochromer Effekt {m}
ideomotor effectCarpenter-Effekt {m}
ideomotor effectideomotorischer Effekt {m}
incremental effectzusätzlicher Effekt {m}
chem. inductive effectinduktiver Effekt {m}
electr. magnetoresistive effectmagnetoresistiver Effekt {m}
sociol. Matthew effectMatthäus-Effekt {m}
muesli effectMüsli-Effekt {m}
MedTech. phys. nonstochastic effectnichtstochastischer Effekt {m}
sociol. penguin effectPinguin-Effekt {m}
MedTech. photo. photographic effectfotografischer Effekt {m}
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