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English-German translation for: Commissioner
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Dictionary English German: Commissioner

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NOUN   a commissioner | commissioners
Beauftragter {m}
pol. commissioner
Kommissar {m}
Bevollmächtigter {m}
Prokurist {m}
art commissioner
Auftraggeber {m}
Oberbeamter {m}
commissioner [female]
Bevollmächtigte {f}
commissioner [female]
Kommissarin {f}
art commissioner [female]
Auftraggeberin {f}
acad. admin. pol. commissioner [member of a commission]
Kommissionsmitglied {n}
commissionerMitglied {n} der Kommission
2 Words: Nouns
Banking CommissionerBankaufsichtsbeamter {m}
commissioner's officeKommissariat {n} [Dienststelle]
admin. county commissioner [Am.]Landrat {m} [oberster Beamter eines Landkreises]
law court commissionerGerichtskommissär {m} [österr.]
hist. jobs court commissionerHofkommissar {m}
pol. development commissionerEntwicklungskommissar {m}
admin. district commissionerBezirkshauptmann {m} [österr.]
pol. election commissionerWahlkommissar {m}
pol. election commissioner [female]Wahlkommissarin {f}
pol. electoral commissionerWahlkommissar {m}
pol. electoral commissioner [female]Wahlkommissarin {f}
ecol. pol. environment commissioner [Can.] [Aus.] [N.Z.] [E.U.]Umweltkommissar {m}
EU pol. EU CommissionerEU-Kommissar {m}
pol. EU Commissioner [female]EU-Kommissarin {f}
EU European CommissionerEU-Kommissar {m} [Kommissar der Europäischen Union]
jobs pol. federal commissioner [e.g. for data protection]Bundesbeauftragter {m} [z. B. für den Datenschutz]
Garda Commissioner [Ireland]Polizeichef {m}
high commissionerHochkommissar {m}
high commissionerHochkommissariat {n}
pol. high commissionerhoher Kommissar {m}
sports match commissionerSpielkommissar {m}
jobs police commissionerPolizeikommissar {m}
Regional Commissioner <RC>Regionalkommissar {m}
special commissionerSonderbeauftragter {m}
admin. jobs state commissionerStaatskommissar {m}
fin. hist. jobs tax commissionerSteuerrat {m} [Preußen]
trade commissionerHandelsattaché {m}
econ. Trade CommissionerHandelsbeauftragter {m}
econ. jobs Trade CommissionerHandelsdelegierter {m} [österr.]
comm. trade commissionerHandelskommissar {m}
hist. jobs mil. war commissionerKriegskommissar {m}
wildlife commissionerWildtierbeauftragter {m}
3 Words: Nouns
for. jobs chief forest commissionerOberforstrat {m} <OFoR> [österr.]
jobs pol. city health commissionerGesundheitsstadtrat {m} [österr.]
jobs pol. sociol. commissioner for integrationIntegrationsbeauftragter {m}
EU Commissioner of AgricultureLandwirtschaftskommissar {m}
educ. pol. commissioner of educationAusbildungsbeauftragter {m}
commissioner of policePolizeikommissar {m}
jobs Commissioner of Police [Aus.]Polizeipräsident {m}
pol. EU climate commissioner [female]EU-Klimakommissarin {f}
EU pol. EU Enlargement CommissionerEU-Erweiterungskommissar {m}
hist. relig. spec. imperial high commissioner [Russian Orthodox Church]Oberprokuror {m}
EU internal market commissionerBinnenmarktkommissar {m}
Metropolitan Police Commissioner [London]Scotland-Yard-Chef {m}
ecol. MedTech. radiation protection commissionerStrahlenschutzbeauftragter {m}
pol. UN High Commissioner [female]UN-Hochkommissarin {f}
4 Words: Nouns
law commissioner for data protectionDatenschutzbeauftragter {m}
jobs law pol. Commissioner for Human RightsMenschenrechtskommissar {m}
jobs pol. commissioner for the disabledBehindertenbeauftragter {m}
pol. commissioner for women's affairs [female]Frauenbeauftragte {f}
EU European Commissioner for CompetitionEU-Wettbewerbskommissar {m}
5+ Words: Nouns
pol. Commissioner of the Federal Government for Culture and Media [Germany]Beauftragter {m} der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien <BKM>
pol. Commissioner of the Federal Government for Migration, Refugees and Integration [female] [Germany]Beauftragte {f} der Bundesregierung für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration
hist. Reich Commissioner for the Strengthening of the German National CharacterReichskommissar {m} für die Festigung deutschen Volkstums
Swiss Federal Data Protection CommissionerEidgenössischer Datenschutzbeauftragter {m} [schweiz.]
The Office of the Commissioner <OC> [Am.]Büro {n} des Beauftragten
mil. pol. The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Armed Forces of the German Bundestag [Germany]Der Wehrbeauftragte {m} des Deutschen Bundestages
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights <UNHCHR>Hoher Kommissar {m} der Vereinten Nationen für Menschenrechte
pol. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees <UNHCR>Hoher Flüchtlingskommissar {m} der Vereinten Nationen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F The Commissioner [George Sluizer]Der Commissioner
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Q 2014-11-12: written order of the commissioner (US)
A 2011-12-19: PCA - Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration (= ombudsman); Parochi...
A 2010-07-20: Commissioner?,
Q 2010-01-28: new EU energy commissioner speaking Baden-Wuerttenglisch ...
A 2009-02-17: commissioner of the directorate
A 2008-11-16: Industry and Enterprise Commissioner Günter Verheugen
A 2007-06-11: commissary, commissioner for equal rights
Q 2006-11-02: "Information commissioner"
A 2006-09-01:
A 2006-09-01: revenue commissioner
Q 2006-07-19: Justice Commissioner
Q 2006-05-24: Justice Commissioner
Q 2006-05-10: External Affairs Commissioner
Q 2006-02-06: commissioner of Motor Vehicles
Q 2006-01-03: commissioner
A 2005-12-06: ? commissioner of the criminal investigation department
A 2004-07-08: Research commissioner
A 2004-04-30: Regional Advisory Council and Regional Commissioner
A 2003-12-11: commissioner for oaths
A 2003-12-11: commissioner for oaths

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