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English-German translation for: Compact disc
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Dictionary English German: Compact disc

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NOUN   a compact disc | compact discs
SYNO   CD | compact disc | compact disk
NOUN   die Compact Disc | die Compact Discs
SYNO   CD | Compact Disc | Silberling [ugs.] ... 
SEE ALSO  compactdisc
comp. tech. compact disc <CD>Compact Disk {f} <CD> [Rsv.]
comp. tech. compact disk <CD>Compact Disc {f} <CD>
comp. tech. compact disc <CD>Compact Disc {f} <CD>
audio electr. compact disc playerCD-Spieler {m}
comp. tech. compact disc <CD>CD {f} [Kurzwort für Compact Disc]
comp. Compact Disk - Read Only Memory <CD-ROM>Compact Disc {f} - Read-Only Memory <CD-ROM>
comp. tech. compact disc <CD>Compactdisc {f} <CD>
comp. rewritable compact disc <CD-RW>CD-RW {f} [wiederbeschreibbare Compact Disc]
Partial Matches
comp. disc trayDisc-Fach {n}
comp. disc trayDisc-Schublade {f}
comp. magneto-optical disc <MOD, MO disc>magnetooptische Diskette {f} <MOD, MO-Disk, MO-Diskette>
compact {adj}festgepackt
compact {adj}kompakt
compact {adj}komprimiert
compact {adj}kurzgefasst
compact {adj}massiv
compact {adj}verdichtet
compact {adj}zusammengedrängt
compactÜbereinkunft {f}
compactVertrag {m}
compact {adj}eng gepackt
automot. compact [Am.]Kompaktauto {n}
automot. compact [Am.]Kompaktwagen {m}
math. covering compact {adj}überdeckungskompakt
math. locally compact {adj}lokalkompakt
more compact {adj}gedrungener
more compact {adj}kompakter
most compact {adj}kompakteste
math. sequentially compact {adj}folgenkompakt
audio tech. compact absorberKompaktabsorber {m}
med. compact boneKnochenkompakta {f}
archi. compact buildingKompaktbau {m}
photo. compact cameraKompaktkamera {f}
compact carKleinwagen {m}
automot. compact carKompaktauto {n}
automot. compact carKompaktwagen {m}
educ. compact courseKompaktkurs {m}
phys. compact cyclotronKompaktzyklotron {n}
compact designKompaktbauweise {f}
compact housingKompaktgehäuse {n}
tech. compact manifoldKompaktverteiler {m}
tech. compact moduleKompaktmodul {n}
compact radiatorKompaktheizkörper {m}
compact radiatorRaumsparheizkörper {m}
compact seminarKompaktseminar {n}
compact structureKompaktbauweise {f}
compact systemKompaktanlage {f}
compact unitKompaktgerät {n}
compact videodiskKompaktbildplatte {f}
cosmet. powder compactPuderdose {f}
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A 2013-06-08: CD = Compact Disc = die CD (in DE)
A 2005-08-22: CDV Compact Disc Video: CDV photo > ein Bild aus einem CD-Video

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