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English-German translation for: Cone
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Dictionary English German: Cone

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NOUN   a cone | cones
VERB  to cone | coned | coned ... 
SYNO   cone | cone cell | retinal cone ... 
Kegel {m}
anat. bot. cone
Zapfen {m} [eines Nadelbaums; im Auge]
bot. cone
Tannenzapfen {m}
sports cone
Hütchen {n}
Konus {m}
tech. cone
Tubus {m}
Innenring {m}
bot. cone [of a pine tree]Bockerl {n} [ostösterr.] [ugs.] [Föhrenzapfen]
2 Words: Others
cone-shaped {adj}kegelförmig
cone-shaped {adj}kegelig
2 Words: Verbs
to cone sth. off [e.g. a road]etw. mit Leitkegeln absperren
2 Words: Nouns
geol. (cone) peakBergkegel {m}
audio tech. (speaker) cone [loudspeaker cone or diaphragm]Lautsprechermembrane {f}
geogr. geol. ablation coneGletschertisch {m} [Ablationsform]
tech. adjustable coneStellkonus {m}
geol. ash coneAschenkegel {m}
avalanche coneLawinenkegel {m}
bot. banksia coneBanksiazapfen {m}
geol. basaltic coneBasaltkegel {m}
MedTech. beam coneStrahlenkegel {m}
tech. brake coneBremskonus {m}
phys. weapons bursting coneSprengkegel {m}
candy cone [Am.]Schultüte {f}
candy cone [Am.]Zuckertüte {f}
tech. centering coneZentrierkonus {m}
geol. cinder coneAschekegel {m}
geol. cinder coneSchlackenkegel {m}
tech. circular coneKreiskegel {m}
VetMed. colonic coneKolonkegel {m}
MedTech. tech. compression coneKompressionstubus {m}
biol. optics cone adaptationZapfenadaptation {f}
cone antennaKonusantenne {f}
bot. cone axisZapfenachse {f}
tech. cone beamKegelstrahl {m}
tech. cone bearingKegellager {n}
cone bearingZapfenlager {n}
med. cone biopsyKonusbiopsie {f}
constr. tech. cone boltKonusbolzen {m}
cone brakeKegelbremse {f}
anat. biol. cone cellZapfenzelle {f} [Auge]
mus. cone chest [organ building]Kegellade {f} [Orgelbau]
tech. cone clutchKonuskupplung {f}
VetMed. cone collarHalskragen-Trichter {m}
ind. cone crusherKegelbrecher {m}
ind. cone crusherKonusbrecher {m}
dent. cone cutterKonusfräser {m}
med. cone dystrophy <COD, CD>Zapfendystrophie {f} <ZD>
bot. cone gallKegelgalle {f}
mus. cone gamba [organ stop]Spitzgamba {f}
geol. cone karstKegelkarst {m}
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A 2016-06-29: Im Denkprozess der cone / das Hütchen sagt ja schon "nicht stören"
A 2016-06-29: desktop cone
Q 2016-06-29: "in the zone" cone
A 2016-03-02: In the UK, there is also +the 99+ - soft ice cream in a cone +with a Flake+
A 2014-10-02: ... and so the "Winkelstab" should be just a sort of cone-shaped, slightly...
A 2014-05-18: Wo die "cone"-Tüten nie aussterben werden, ist meines Wissens auf der Kirmes:
A 2014-02-08: 2 shapes in the U.S.: cone filter and basket filter.
Q 2012-03-06: cone beam computed tomography
Q 2011-06-06: eco fire cone/firelighter
Q 2011-06-03: nose cone (in a heater)
A 2010-12-10: "konisch blockige": cone-shaped; conical
A 2010-08-15: ? backscatter cone
A 2010-04-08: the symmetry of a double cone is broken up again
A 2010-03-10: Follow/mind the markings in the sheet metal and weld the cone according to...
A 2008-10-13: coloured cone bases > farbige Kegelgrundflächen
A 2008-07-21: visual touch control ? cone = Kegel
A 2007-07-10: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22double-cone+blender%2...
A 2007-07-10: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22double-cone+blenders%...
A 2007-07-08: a cone > ein Konus / ein Kegel ist ein Körper; taper(ing) > Verjüngung ist...
A 2007-07-08: BRILLIANT...thanks so much...and not cone but taper apparently...

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