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English-German translation for: Congregation
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Dictionary English German: Congregation

Translation 1 - 60 of 60

English German
NOUN   a congregation | congregations
SYNO   congregating | congregation ... 
relig. congregation
Gemeinde {f} [beim Gottesdienst]
relig. congregation
Kirchengemeinde {f}
Versammlung {f}
congregation [religious order]
Orden {m}
Zusammenkunft {f}
Ansammlung {f}
relig. congregation
Bruderschaft {f}
Menge {f}
relig. congregation {sg} [sometimes treated as pl.]
Kirchenmitglieder {pl}
Zuhörerschaft {f}
Kongregation {f}
relig. congregation [participating in worship]
Kultgemeinschaft {f}
relig. congregation
Kirchenvolk {n}
congregationreligiöse Vereinigung {f}
relig. congregation [at a religious service]zum Gottesdienst versammelte Gemeinde {f}
2 Words: Nouns
relig. (individual) congregationEinzelgemeinde {f}
relig. Baptist congregationBaptistengemeinde {f}
relig. Benedictine CongregationBenediktinerkongregation {f}
relig. Cassinese Congregation [Benedictines]Cassinesische Kongregation {f}
relig. cathedral congregation [also: Cathedral congregation]Domgemeinde {f}
relig. church congregationKirchengemeinde {f}
relig. church congregationKirchgemeinde {f}
relig. core congregationKerngemeinde {f}
relig. expatriate congregationAuslandsgemeinde {f}
relig. General CongregationGeneralkongregation {f}
relig. local congregationOrtsgemeinde {f}
relig. reform congregationReformkongregation {f}
relig. Reform congregation [an individual congregation, not the Reform Movement]Reformgemeinde {f} [einzelne Gemeinde und Bewegung]
educ. relig. student congregation [at a university]Studentengemeinde {f}
educ. hist. relig. teaching congregationSchulkongregation {f}
relig. unified congregationEinheitsgemeinde {f}
hist. relig. Windesheim Congregation [Canons Regular]Windesheimer Kongregation {f} [Chorherren]
3 Words: Nouns
relig. congregation of cardinalsKardinalskongregation {f}
congregation of mournersTrauergemeinde {f}
congregation of peopleMenschenansammlung {f}
4 Words: Nouns
relig. (religious) congregation of womenFrauenkongregation {f}
hist. relig. (Sacred) Congregation of Rites [Sacra Rituum Congregatio](Heilige) Ritenkongregation {f}
relig. (Sacred) Congregation of StudiesStudienkongregation {f}
relig. Congregation for (the) BishopsBischofskongregation {f} [röm. Kurienkongregation]
relig. Congregation for (the) BishopsKongregation {f} für die Bischöfe
relig. Congregation for the ClergyKongregation {f} für den Klerus
relig. congregation of a parishversammelte Gemeinde {f}
relig. congregation of secular priestsWeltpriestergenossenschaft {f}
relig. Congregation of the CouncilKonzilskongregation {f}
hist. relig. Congregation of the IndexIndexkongregation {f}
relig. German-language congregation abroaddeutsche Auslandsgemeinde {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
relig. Congregation for Catholic Education (in Seminaries and Institutes of Study)Bildungskongregation {f}
relig. Congregation for Catholic Education (in Seminaries and Institutes of Study)Kongregation {f} für das katholische Bildungswesen
relig. Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the SacramentsKongregation {f} für den Gottesdienst und die Sakramentenordnung
relig. Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic LifeKongregation {f} für die Institute des geweihten Lebens und für die Gemeinschaften des apostolischen Lebens
relig. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith <CDF>Glaubenskongregation {f}
relig. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith <CDF>Kongregation {f} für die Glaubenslehre
relig. Congregation for the Evangelization of PeoplesKongregation {f} für die Evangelisierung der Völker
relig. Congregation of Clerks Regular of the Divine Providence <C.R.>Theatinerorden {m} <CRth, OTheat>
relig. Congregation of Monk Hermits of CamaldoliKamaldulenserorden {m}
relig. Congregation of the Oriental ChurchesKongregation {f} für die orientalischen Kirchen
relig. pastor / chaplain of a German-language congregation abroad(deutscher) Auslandspfarrer {m}
relig. Sacred Congregation for the Causes of SaintsKongregation {f} für die Selig- und Heiligsprechungsprozesse
relig. Sacred Congregation for the Clergy [now: Congregation for the Clergy]Kongregation {f} für den Klerus
relig. Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith [now: Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples]Kongregation {f} für die Evangelisierung der Völker
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Q 2017-09-12: capacity congregation
A 2006-04-16: congregation
A 2005-10-04: congregation ist aber ziemlich beschränkt
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