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English-German translation for: Controversy
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Dictionary English German: Controversy

Translation 1 - 60 of 60

English German
NOUN   a controversy | controversies
SYNO   arguing | argument | contention ... 
Auseinandersetzung {f} [Kontroverse]
Streit {m}
Meinungsstreit {m}
controversy {sg}
Streitigkeiten {pl} [insgesamt]
controversy {sg}
Kontroversen {pl} [kollektiv]
controversyumstrittene Angelegenheit {f}
2 Words: Others
beyond controversy {adj}unbestritten
2 Words: Verbs
idiom to court controversyeinen Streit anfachen
2 Words: Nouns
hist. relig. Adiaphoristic Controversyadiaphoristischer Streit {m}
hist. relig. Arian controversyArianischer Streit {m}
hist. relig. spec. azyme controversyAzymenstreit {m}
hist. math. calculus controversyPrioritätsstreit {m} [zwischen Newton und Leibniz]
hist. relig. church controversyKirchenstreit {m}
endless controversyendloser Streit {m} der Meinungen
hist. relig. eucharistic controversyAbendmahlsstreit {m}
hist. relig. spec. fragments controversy [Reimarus/Lessing]Fragmentenstreit {m}
hist. iconoclastic controversyBilderstreit {m}
hist. relig. indulgence controversyAblassstreit {m}
hist. relig. indulgence controversyAblaßstreit {m} [alt]
hist. Investiture ControversyInvestiturstreit {m}
hist. relig. kneeling controversyKniebeugestreit {m}
hist. relig. spec. kneeling controversyKniebeugungsstreit {m}
acad. hist. Lamprecht controversyLamprecht-Streit {m}
hist. relig. spec. Majoristic ControversyMajoristischer Streit {m}
hist. philos. relig. materialism controversyMaterialismusstreit {m}
hist. relig. Osiandric controversyOsiandrischer Streit {m}
hist. relig. Paschal controversyOsterfeststreit {m}
political controversypolitischer Streit {m}
hist. relig. poverty controversyArmutsstreit {m}
hist. relig. rebaptism controversy [early church]Ketzertaufstreit {m}
relig. religious controversyGlaubensstreit {m}
religious controversyreligiöser Meinungsstreit {m}
hist. relig. Terministic Controversyterministischer Streit {m}
hist. philos. universals controversyUniversalienstreit {m}
verbal controversyWortstreit {m}
hist. relig. Vestiarian Controversy [capitalization varies]Kleiderstreit {m} [Anglikanische Kirche]
3 Words: Others
dogged by controversy {adj}von Kontroversen verfolgt
3 Words: Verbs
to decide a controversyeinen Streit entscheiden
to decide a controversyeinen Streit schlichten
to plunge (sb./sth.) into controversyeinen Streit (über jdn./etw.) entfachen
to raise a controversyeinen Streit auslösen
to reignite a controversyeinen Streit neu entfachen
3 Words: Nouns
law amount in controversyKlagebetrag {m}
amount in controversyStreitwert {m}
hist. relig. atheism dispute / controversyAtheismusstreit {m}
hist. relig. Chinese rites controversyRitenstreit {f} [in China]
controversy (over / on sth.)Kontroverse {f} (über etw.Akk.)
chem. element-naming controversyElementnamensgebungskontroverse {f}
relig. Lord's Supper ControversyAbendmahlsstreit {m}
matter in controversyStreitwert {m}
psych. sociol. nature-nurture controversyAnlage-Umwelt-Kontroverse {f}
subject of controversyStreitgegenstand {m}
hist. relig. Three Chapters ControversyDreikapitelstreit {m}
hist. pol. relig. trade union controversyGewerkschaftsstreit {m}
4 Words: Verbs
to carry on a controversyeinen Streit führen
4 Words: Nouns
contribution to a controversyBeitrag {m} zu einem Streitgespräch
5+ Words: Others
It had provoked a lot of controversy / discussion.Darüber war heftig diskutiert worden.
5+ Words: Verbs
to lay / put a controversy to resteine Kontroverse beilegen
5+ Words: Nouns
relig. controversy about the Lord's SupperAbendmahlsstreit {m}
relig. controversy over the Lord's SupperSakramentenstreit {m} [Abendmahlsstreit]
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A 2017-08-28: We need a solution to the [spv.] vs. [Br.] controversy.
Q 2017-08-28: We need a solution to the [spv.] vs. [Br.] controversy.
A 2015-06-05: If the term is used correctly in English, it not only implies wide-spread ...
A 2015-03-02: amount in controversy
Q 2010-06-22: Even though this controversy in terminology...in beginning of a sentence?
A 2010-06-15: "pea-sized nugget", perhaps? Avoids the maize / corn controversy. :-)
A 2006-08-21: smouldering dispute, controversy

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