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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: Corporate shuttle
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Dictionary English German: Corporate shuttle

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astronau automot. aviat. shuttle technologyShuttle-Technologie {f} [auch: Shuttletechnologie]
biochem. malate-aspartate shuttleMalat-Aspartat-Shuttle {n}
shuttleShuttle {m} {n} [Fahrzeug im Pendelverkehr]
aviat. airport shuttleFlughafen-Shuttle {m} {n}
TrVocab. shuttle serviceShuttle-Service {m} [österr. auch {n}]
econ. pol. corporate raiders [Am.]Corporate Raider {pl}
econ. fin. pol. German Corporate Governance CodexDeutscher Corporate Governance Kodex {m} <DCGK> [kurz auch der «Kodex» genannt]
econ. Binding Corporate Rules <BCR>Binding Corporate Rules {pl} [verbindliche unternehmensinterne Vorschriften]
to shuttlependeln
shuttlePendelschiffchen {n}
shuttlePendelverkehr {m}
astronau shuttleRaumtransporter {m}
tech. shuttleSchiffchen {n}
astronau aviat. Space ShuttleSpace Shuttle {n} {m}
aviat. air shuttleLuftpendeldienst {m}
textil. flying shuttleSchnellschütze {m}
transp. shuttle (bus)Zubringer {m}
film shuttle bayShuttleabteilung {f}
astronau shuttle bayShuttlerampe {f}
transp. shuttle busPendelbus {m}
transp. shuttle busShuttlebus {m}
transp. shuttle busZubringerbus {m}
pol. shuttle diplomacyPendeldiplomatie {f}
shuttle diplomacyShuttlediplomatie {f}
shuttle ignitionShuttlezündung {f}
tech. shuttle machiningPendelbearbeitung {f}
sociol. shuttle migrationPendelmigration {f}
transp. TrVocab. shuttle serviceFahrdienst {m}
tech. shuttle servicePendelbetrieb {m}
shuttle servicePendeldienst {m}
transp. shuttle servicePendelverkehr {m}
traffic transp. shuttle serviceZubringerdienst {m}
rail shuttle trainPendelzug {m}
transp. shuttle transportPendelverkehr {m}
tech. shuttle valvePendelventil {n}
tech. shuttle valveWechselventil {n}
astronau space shuttleRaumfähre {f}
astronau space shuttleRaumpendler {m}
astronau space shuttleRaumtransporter {m}
to shuttlehin- und herfahren
ind. textil. shuttleSchützen {m} [(Web-)Schiffchen]
astronau shuttle [space shuttle]Raumfähre {f}
textil. (weaver's) shuttleWeberschiffchen {n}
textil. weaving shuttleWebschiffchen {n} [Weberschiffchen]
air shuttle serviceLuftpendelverkehr {m}
aviat. transp. airport (shuttle) busFlughafenbus {m}
TrVocab. airport shuttle (service)Flughafenzubringer {m}
rail transp. car shuttle trainAutoverladung {f}
electr. tech. shuttle armatureDoppel-T-Anker {m}
transp. travel car shuttle trainAutoverlad {m} [schweiz.]
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