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English-German translation for: Counsel
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Dictionary English German: Counsel

Translation 1 - 74 of 74

English German
NOUN   a counsel | counsels
VERB  to counsel | counselled/counseled | counselled/counseled [Br.+Am./Am. only] ... 
SYNO   to advise | to counsel | to rede ... 
to counsel sb.
jdn. beraten
to counsel sth. [recommend]
etw. empfehlen
to counsel sb.jdm. (einen) Rat erteilen
law counsel
Anwalt {m}
counsel [advice]
Beratung {f} [durch jdn., bes. durch Fachleute]
counsel [(piece of) advice]
Ratschlag {m}
law counsel
Rechtsbeistand {m}
counsel [advice]
Rat {m} [Ratschlag, Empfehlung]
law counsel
Strafverteidiger {m}
law Counsel
Syndikus {m}
law counsel [female]
Anwältin {f}
Berater {m}
law counsel [female]
Strafverteidigerin {f}
counsel [elevated style] [decision]
Ratschluss {m} [geh.] [(göttlicher) Beschluss, Wille]
Konsul {m}
2 Words: Others
sb. sought counseljd. pflog Rat [veraltet]
2 Words: Verbs
to heed sb.'s counseljds. Rat befolgen
to seek counselRat suchen
2 Words: Nouns
law assigned counselPflichtverteidiger {m}
econ. law corporate counselUnternehmensjurist {m}
crown counselköniglicher Rat {m}
law defence counsel [Br.]Verteidiger {m} [Strafverteidiger]
defending counselVertreter {m} der beklagten Partei
law duty counsel [Can.]Pflichtverteidiger {m}
jobs law external counselexterner Rechtsberater {m}
fin. jobs financial counselFinanzberater {m}
jobs law general counselChefjurist {m}
general counselChefsyndikus {m}
jobs law general counsel [Am.] [corporate counsel, legal adviser]Justitiar {m} [Rsv.]
fin. jobs investment counselAnlageberater {m}
King's Counsel [Br.]Justizrat {m}
King's Counsel [Br.]Kronanwalt {m} [des britischen Königshauses]
King's Counsel <KC>Kronanwalt {m}
King's Counsel <KC> [female]Kronanwältin {f}
jobs law leading counsel [Br.]Kronanwalt {m}
jobs law leading counsel [female] [Br.]Kronanwältin {f}
jobs law legal counselJustitiar {m}
law legal counselRechtsbeistand {m}
jobs law legal counselRechtsberater {m}
law local counsel [Am.]Terminsvertreter {m}
law local counsel [Am.] [attorney]Unterbevollmächtigter {m} [Rechtsanwalt]
opposing counselgegnerischer Anwalt {m}
law primary counsel [in a legal process] [Am.]Hauptbevollmächtigter {m} [in einem Gerichtsprozess]
prosecuting counselAnklagevertreter {m}
Queen's Counsel [Br.] [when a queen is the reigning monarch]Justizrat {m} [bei regierender Monarchin]
Queen's Counsel <QC> [Br.]Kronanwalt {m}
Queen's Counsel <QC> [female] [Br.]Kronanwältin {f}
law special counsel [Am.]Sonderermittler {m}
fin. jobs tax counselSteuerberater {m}
tax counsel [female]Steuerberaterin {f}
wise counselweiser Rat {m}
3 Words: Verbs
to take counsel with sb.sich mit jdm. beraten
to take counsel with sb.mit jdm. Rat halten / pflegen [veraltet]
to take counsel with sb.mit jdm. zu Rate gehen [sich mit jdm. beraten]
3 Words: Nouns
address by counselPlädoyer {n}
jobs law attorney of counselexterner Rechtsberater {m}
econ. jobs law in-house counselFirmenjustitiar {m} [im Unternehmen]
piece of counselRat {m}
4 Words: Verbs
law to be represented by counselanwaltlich vertreten sein
law to be represented by counselsich anwaltlich vertreten lassen
to give spiritual counsel to sb.jdn. seelsorgerlich begleiten
to keep one's own counsel [idiom]seine Meinung für sich behalten
to provide counsel on customsZollberatung bieten
to provide counsel on lawsRechtsberatung bieten
4 Words: Nouns
law counsel for the defence [Br.]Verteidiger {m}
5+ Words: Others
relig. according to the unsearchable counsel of God {adv}nach Gottes unerforschlichem Ratschluss
law Defendants appeared by their counsel.Die Beklagten wurden von ihrem Anwalt vertreten.
proverb Good counsel never comes too late.Guter Rat kommt nie zu spät.
5+ Words: Verbs
to act as one's own counselsichAkk. selbst verteidigen
to act as one's own counselsich selbst vertreten
idiom to take counsel with one's pilloweine Sache beschlafen [veraltet]
idiom to take counsel with one's pillowüber eine Sache schlafen
5+ Words: Nouns
jobs law leading counsel (of the defense)Hauptverteidiger {m}
jobs law leading counsel (of the defense) [female]Hauptverteidigerin {f}
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A 2015-03-29: Correction: +Prozessvertreter (m) > counsel / Counsel+
A 2015-03-29: Please enter +Prozessverteter (m) > counsel / Counsel+ into dict.cc (inclu...
A 2015-03-29: applicant suggesting that her Counsel had been made aware of the disputed ...
A 2014-11-12: I'd counsel against copying the spacing
Q 2014-01-18: counsel of dispair
A 2012-01-18: Try: 'Thoughts and Advice' or 'Thoughts and Counsel'.
Q 2011-02-28: follow opposing counsel
A 2011-01-21: both, barrister and counsel, are lawyers with counsel being the barrister ...
Q 2011-01-21: "for barrister or counsel sets"
Q 2010-12-14: jdm. dazu raten, etw. zu tun > to counsel sb. to do sth.
A 2010-12-08: (with the help of my Austrian counsel)
Q 2010-09-25: Defendants appeared by their counsel.
A 2010-07-23: First Counsel?
Q 2010-07-23: Marketing Director, Fist Counsel...
A 2010-03-01: Variante (dank squeeze): externer Rechtsberater > external legal counsel (...
A 2010-03-01: Rechtsvertreter der Wahl (vor Gericht) > counsel of choice ( = barrister i...
A 2010-03-01: jdn rechtlich vertreten > to be counsel to sb ABER AUCH Rechtsberater in ...
A 2010-03-01: The phrase is +externer Rechtsberater von * sein > to be of counsel to *+ ...
A 2010-02-25: Pflichte Lisa4dict (US) bei - bitte +externer Rechtsberater > off counsel...
Q 2010-02-25: off-counsel ...

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