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Dictionary English German: Ct

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SYNO   CT | Connecticut | Constitution State ... 
NOUN   das CT | die CTs/CT
SYNO   CT | Computertomografie ... 
cent <c, ct.>
Cent {m}
unit carat <C, ct> [measure of the purity of gold]
Karat {n} <C, kt> [Maßeinheit für den Goldgehalt einer Legierung]
geogr. Connecticut <CT> [Constitution State, Nutmeg State]
Connecticut {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
biochem. calcitonin <CT>Calcitonin {n} <CT>
biochem. calcitonin <CT>Kalzitonin {n} <CT>
chem. cholyltaurine <CT>Cholyltaurin {n} <CT>
med. cryotherapy <CT>Kältebehandlung {f}
2 Words: Nouns
unit (metric) carat <CD> [unit of mass of gemstones and pearls; approx. 200 mg](metrisches) Karat {n} <Kt, ct [schweiz.] [österr.]> [Maßeinheit für die Masse von Edelsteinen; ca. 200 mg]
law appellate court <App. Ct.>Rechtsmittelgericht {n}
tech. cable tension <CT>Kabelspannung {f}
tech. cable tension <CT>Kabelzug {m} [Kabelspannung]
telecom. call transfer <CT>Anrufumlegung {f}
telecom. call transfer <CT>Anrufweiterschaltung {f}
geogr. Cape Town <CT>Kapstadt {n}
MedTech. CAT scannerComputertomograph {m} <CT>
med. cerebellar tremor <CT>zerebellärer Tremor {m}
chem. educ. chemical engineering <CE>Chemietechnik {f} <CT> [auch Studiengangsbezeichnung]
pharm. cholera toxin < CTX, Ctx, CT>Choleratoxin {n} <CTX>
sports circuit training <CT>Kreistraining {n} [auch Circuit-Training]
EU med. pharm. clinical trial <CT>klinischer Versuch {m}
med. colonic transit <CT>Kolonpassage {f}
comm. market. communications team <CT>Kommunikationsteam {n}
comp. tech. component test <CT>Komponententest {m} <KT>
meteo. compression test <CT> [snowpack stability test]Säulentest {m} [Kompressionstest] [Schnee- und Lawinenkunde]
MedTech. computed tomographyCT-Schichtaufnahme {f} [Verfahren]
MedTech. computed tomography <CT>Computertomographie {f} <CT>
comp. educ. computer engineering <CE>Computertechnik {f} <CT>
comp. educ. computer technology <CT>Computertechnik {f} <CT>
MedTech. computer tomograph <CT>Computertomograf {m} <CT>
MedTech. computer tomograph <CT>Computertomograph {m} <CT>
MedTech. computer tomography <CT>Computertomographie {f} <CT>
MedTech. computertomographic osteoabsorptiometry <CT-OAM>computertomographische Osteoabsorptiometrie {f} <CT-OAM>
MedTech. conebeam CT <CBCT>Cone-Beam CT {f} <CBCT>
anat. connective tissue <CT> [Textus connectivus]Bindegewebe {n} <CT>
engin. math. control theory <CT>Kontrolltheorie {f}
engin. math. control theory <CT>Regelungstheorie {f}
med. conventional therapy <CT>konventionelle Therapie {f} <CT>
anat. corticospinal tract <CST, CT> [Tractus corticospinalis]Corticospinaltrakt {m} <CST>
anat. corticospinal tract <CST, CT> [Tractus corticospinalis]Kortikospinaltrakt {m} <KST>
entom. coxa trochanteris <CT> [coxa-trochanter joint]Coxa-Trochanter-Gelenk {n} <CT-Gelenk>
MedTech. cranial CT <CCT>cranielle CT {f} <CCT> [craniale Computertomographie]
MedTech. cranial CT <CCT>kranielle CT {f} <cCT, CCT> [kraniale Computertomographie]
MedTech. CT angiography <CTA>CT-Angiografie {f} <CTA>
MedTech. CT angiography <CTA>CT-Angiographie {f} <CTA>
MedTech. CT imagerCT-Aufnahmegerät {n}
med. CT osteoabsorptiometry <CT-OAM>CT-Osteoabsorptiometrie {f} <CT-OAM>
MedTech. CT scanComputertomographie {f} [Untersuchung]
MedTech. CT scanCT-Schichtaufnahme {f}
MedTech. CT scannerComputertomograph {m} <CT>
MedTech. CT scannerCT-Gerät {n}
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A 2023-07-04: my 5 ct
Q 2020-12-07: ct clear
A 2015-04-21: https://www.google.com.au/search?biw=960&bih=637&noj=1&site=webhp&q=Loch+N...
A 2015-04-05: Ja, Röhre wird ugs. für alle diese Geräte verwendet (CT, MR, PET usw. und ...
A 2015-02-19: https://www.google.co.uk/search?site=webhp&q=Lunar+New+Year&oi=ddle&ct=lun...
A 2014-01-23: CT: Computertomograph
Q 2014-01-22: What does CT mean? For context see #742403
Q 2012-08-20: Need help translating a CT report from German to English
A 2012-06-06: What is criticised most about using CT's in the dental sector is..
A 2012-03-24: http://www.google.de/search?q=Segeltuchschuhe+-dict.cc&hl=de&prmd=imvns&so...
A 2011-06-04: Bleibendes Hauptrisiko bei CT ist, dass alle dort herumwabernden eigenen D...
A 2011-06-04: ... die es Firmen erlaubt, sich durch Übernahme moderner CT weiterzuentwickeln
Q 2011-04-05: PT and CT
A 2011-03-18: @ Proteus - http://books.google.de/books?id=1M8PoHM3qREC&pg=PA1&dq=why+do+...
A 2010-12-17: Der einen Quadratzoll maß und 128,54 ct wog
A 2010-12-14: http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&q=low+slung+pants&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=...
A 2010-10-07: http://www.google.com.au/images?rlz=1T4SKPB_enAU265AU267&q=recliner&um=1&i...
A 2010-08-03: Please have a look here:http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cac...
A 2010-07-07: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ei=KUQ0TKH1LomROM_myJIE&sa=X&oi=spell&re...
A 2010-05-06: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ei=tbriS4ClPIahOMKZ3NsN&sa=X&oi=spell&re...

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