| English | German | |
| film F Cube²: Hypercube [Andrzej Sekula] | Cube 2: Hypercube | |
Partial Matches |
| med. herpes simplex virus 2 <HSV-2> | humanes Herpesvirus {n} 2 <HSV-2, HHV2, HHV-2> [ugs. auch: humaner Herpesvirus 2 {m}] | |
| med. herpes simplex virus 2 <HSV-2> [genital herpes] | Herpes simplex {m} Typ 2 <HSV-2, HHV-2, HHV2> [Genitalherpes] | |
| math. stat. Latin hypercube sampling <LHS> | Latin-Hypercube-Stichprobenverfahren {n} | |
| film F Cube [Vincenzo Natali] | Cube | |
| film F Cube Zero [Ernie Barbarash] | Cube Zero | |
| MedTech. pharm. 2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose <FDG, 2-FDG> | 2-Fluor-2-deoxy-D-glucose {f} <FDG, 2-FDG> | |
| bibl. (the Book of) Exodus <Ex., Exod.> | das zweite Buch {n} Mose <2. Mose, 2 Mos., Exodus> | |
| bibl. The Second Book of Moses (called Exodus) [archaic] | das zweite Buch {n} Mose <2. Mose, 2 Mos., Exodus> | |
| sports The match ends in a 2-2 draw. | Die Begegnung endet 2:2 / zwei zu zwei unentschieden. | |
| biol. human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 2 <HTLV-2> | humanes T-Zell-lymphotropes Virus Typ 2 {n} <HTLV-2> | |
| biol. simian T-cell lymphotropic virus type 2 <STLV-2> | simianes T-Zell-lymphotropes Virus Typ 2 {n} <STLV-2> | |
| anat. VetMed. second thoracic vertebra <2rd thoracic vertebra, T2 vertebra, T2> [Vertebra thoracica II] | zweiter Brustwirbel {m} <2. Brustwirbel, Th2, Th 2> | |
| anat. VetMed. second lumbar vertebra <2nd lumbar vertebra, L2 vertebra, L2> [Vertebra lumbalis II] | zweiter Lendenwirbel {m} <2. Lendenwirbel, L2, L 2> | |
| anat. biol. second sacral vertebra <2nd sacral vertebra, S2 vertebra, S2> [Vertebra sacralis II] | zweiter Sakralwirbel {m} <2. Sakralwirbel, S2, S 2> | |
| biochem. two-hybrid system <2-hybrid system, 2-HS> | Zwei-Hybrid-System {n} <2-Hybridsystem, 2-HS> | |
| chem. 2-ethylhexanol <EH-2> [C8H18O] | 2-Ethylhexanol {n} <EH-2> | |
| electr. two-wire cable <2-wire cable, 2W cable> | Zweidrahtleitung {f} <2-Drahtleitung, 2-Draht-Leitung, 2Dr-Leitung> | |
| pharm. cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor <COX-2 inhibitor> [coxibe] | Cyclooxygenase-2-Inhibitor {m} <COX-2-Inhibitor> [Coxib] | |
| biochem. 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate <2,3-BPG> | 2,3-Bisphosphoglycerat {n} <2,3-BPG> | |
| automot. med. twin-stretcher ambulance <2-stretcher ambulance> | 2-Tragen-Krankentransportwagen {m} <2-Tragen-KTW> | |
| two-way {adj} [attr.] | 2-Wege- | |
| chem. 2-butyne | 2-Butin {n} | |
| chem. crotonylene | 2-Butin {n} | |
| chem. 2-ethylbutyl acetate [C8H16O2] | 2-Ethylbutylacetat {n} | |
| chem. acetic acid 2-ethyl-butyl / ethylbutyl ester [C8H16O2] | 2-Ethylbutylacetat {n} | |
| math. 2-norm | 2-Norm {f} | |
| sports German second league | 2. Bundesliga {f} | |
| 2nd century | 2. Jahrhundert {n} | |
| second century | 2. Jahrhundert {n} | |
| 2nd millennium | 2. Jahrtausend {n} | |
| second millennium | 2. Jahrtausend {n} | |
| bibl. 2 Maccabbees | 2. Makkabäerbuch {n} | |
| ling. second person <2nd person> | 2. Person {f} | |
| relig. Vaticanum II | 2. Vatikanum {n} | |
| Boxing Day [Br.] | 2. Weihnachtsfeiertag {m} | |
| day after Christmas | 2. Weihnachtsfeiertag {m} | |
| St. Stephan's Day | 2. Weihnachtsfeiertag {m} | |
| Boxing Day [Br.] | 2. Weihnachtstag {m} | |
| day after Christmas | 2. Weihnachtstag {m} | |
| hist. World War II <WWII> | 2. Weltkrieg {m} | |
| math. (principal) square root of 2 / two | Wurzel 2 {f} | |
| math. root 2 | Wurzel 2 {f} | |
| film F Bloodsport 2 - The Next Kumite [Alan Mehrez] | Bloodsport 2 | |
| film F Cyborg 2 / Glass Shadow [Michael Schroeder] | Cyborg 2 | |
| RadioTV F Earth 2 | Earth 2 | |
| film F Garfield 2: The Prince and the Paw-per [Tim Hill] [UK title] | Garfield 2 | |
| film F Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties [Tim Hill] [US original] | Garfield 2 | |
| film F Green Street 2: Stand Your Ground [Jesse V. Johnson] | Hooligans 2 | |
| film F Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa [Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath] | Madagascar 2 | |
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