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English-German translation for: Curl
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Dictionary English German: Curl

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NOUN   a curl | curls
VERB  to curl | curled | curled ... 
SYNO   Curl | Robert Curl | Robert F. Curl ... 
NOUN   der Curl | die Curls
to curl
to curl
kräuseln [Haar etc.]
sports to curl [football]
sports to curl [football]
sports to curl [football]
to curl
to curl(sichAkk.) locken
sports to curlCurling spielen
to curlsich einrollen
to curlsich wellen
to curlsich winden
sports to curl [the ball in football / soccer]schnippeln [Fußballjargon]
Locke {f}
Kringel {m}
Windung {f}
Ring {m}
math. curl
Rotation {f}
gastr. curl [e.g. of butter, chocolate]
Röllchen {n} [z. B. Butterröllchen]
sports curl [exercise]Curl {m}
curl [wood]Flader {f} [bogenförmiger Jahresring in Schnittholz]
2 Words: Verbs
to curl upsichAkk. zusammenrollen
to curl upsich rollen [Papier etc.]
to curl up [e.g. sheet of paper or metal]sichAkk. verziehen [z. B. Papier, Blech] [sich verformen / verbiegen]
to curl up [e.g., leaves, dough surface]sichAkk. aufwerfen [z. B. Blätter, Teigoberfläche]
to curl upwardssich emporkringeln
2 Words: Nouns
sports barbell curlLanghantel-Curl {m}
sports bicep curlArmbeuge {f} [Übung]
sports bicep curlBizepscurl {m}
sports biceps curlBizepscurl {m}
gastr. butter curlButterröllchen {n}
gastr. chocolate curlSchokoladenlocke {f}
corkscrew curlKorkenzieherlocke {f}
cosmet. curl careLockenpflege {f}
curl clipLockenklammer {f}
meteo. curl cloudFederwolke {f}
cosmet. curl paperLockenpapier {n}
sports dumbbell curlKurzhantel-Curl {m}
med. fetal curlEmbryonalhaltung {f}
med. fetal curlEmbryonalstellung {f}
kiss curlSchmachtlocke {f} [ugs.]
kiss-curlSchmachtlocke {f} [hum.] [ugs.]
sports leg curl [exercise]Beinbeugen {n}
sports leg curl [machine]Beinbeuger {m}
little curlLöckchen {n}
spit curl [Am.]Schmachtlocke {f} [hum.] [ugs.]
3 Words: Verbs
to curl one's lipsdie Lippen schürzen [abfällig]
idiom to curl one's lipseine Schnute ziehen [regional] [den Mund mißbilligend verziehen]
3 Words: Nouns
biol. (peach) leaf curlKräuselkrankheit {f}
gastr. curl of butterButterflocke {f}
gastr. curl of butterButterlocke {f}
curl of hairHaarlocke {f}
sports EZ (curl) barSZ-Hantel {f}
sports EZ (curl) barSZ-Hantelstange {f}
sports EZ (curl) barSZ-Stange {f}
bot. leaf curl diseaseBlattrollkrankheit {f}
4 Words: Others
sb.'s toenails curl in horror [idiom]jds. Zehennägel kringeln sich vor Schreck [ugs.] [Redewendung] [jd. ist entsetzt]
4 Words: Nouns
bot. leaf curl of strawberry [strawberry vein banding virus <SVBV>, Strawberry vein banding caulimovirus, Strawberry virus 5]Adernmosaik {n} der Erdbeere
5+ Words: Others
It's enough to make your toes curl. [coll.] [idiom]Da rollt's dir glatt die Zehennägel auf / hoch. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Verbs
sports to curl a free-kick inches wide [football]einen Freistoß nur um Zentimeter neben das Tor zirkeln
to curl up into a ballsich einigeln [sich einrollen]
to curl up into a ball [as a distressed child does]sichAkk. zusammenkauern
idiom to want to curl up and die[vor Scham] im Boden versinken wollen
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
entom. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
zool. T
entom. T
entom. T
zool. T
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A 2015-10-31: curl
A 2012-07-09: Choco Curl's Poodles ? Cuddloodles? Cho-Coodles ?
A 2011-09-16: curl or hockey sides (see sunfun's LINK)
A 2011-09-16: curl(ed) temple / riding bow
A 2011-06-02: curl
Q 2011-06-02: (Datei 3) MT Postediting von Traktorhandbuch - wieder ein Satz mit den blö...
Q 2010-07-10: to curl up at the corners
Q 2010-05-19: leg curl / leg extension
A 2010-01-11: 'Curl' ist Brecherzunge eines Sturzbrechers. "Seh' dich auf dem Brecher" t...
Q 2010-01-11: on the curl
A 2005-10-26: to curl up (in a ball)=einrollen, to hole up=sich verstecken

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