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English-German translation for: Customer
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Dictionary English German: Customer

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NOUN   a customer | customers
SYNO   client | customer
comm. customer
Kunde {m}
customer [female]
Kundin {f}
Gast {m} [in Gaststätte etc.]
Abnehmer {m}
Auftraggeber {m} [Kunde]
comm. customer
Käufer {m} [Kunde]
Klient {m}
comm. law customer
Besteller {m} [Kunde]
comm. customer
Kundschaft {f} [österr., sonst reg.] [Kunde]
customer [coll.] [man, chap]
Kerl {m}
customer [of a service]
Bezieher {m}
comm. customer
Kunde {f} [österr.] [bes. Kaufleute-Jargon] [Kundschaft]
comm. customerKundmann {m} [veraltet] [Kunde]
2 Words: Others
econ. customer-focused {adj}kundenzentriert
customer-friendly {adj}kundenfreundlich
comm. customer-oriented {adj}kundenbezogen
customer-oriented {adj}kundennah
customer-oriented {adj}kundenorientiert
econ. customer-oriented {adj}kundenzentriert
customer-programmable {adj}vom Kunden programmierbar
econ. customer-related {adj}kundenbezogen
customer-specific {adj}kundenspezifisch
customer-specified {adj}vom Kunden vorgegeben [spezifiziert, nach Kundenwunsch]
customer-unfriendly {adj}kundenfern
2 Words: Nouns
market. (customer) winbackKündigerrückgewinnung {f}
fin. account customerKreditkunde {m}
advertising customerAnzeigenkunde {m}
advertising customerWerbekunde {m}
advertising customer [female]Anzeigenkundin {f}
affected customerbetroffener Kunde {m}
aviat. airline customerFluggast {m}
average customerDurchschnittskunde {m}
awkward customerschwieriger Kunde {m}
awkward customer [coll.] [person, not necessarily a client]Querkopf {m} [ugs.]
fin. bank customerBankkunde {m}
beta customerBetakunde {m}
beta customerBeta-Kunde {m} [Rsv.]
bordello customer [Am.]Bordellbesucher {m} [Freier]
bordello customer [Am.]Bordellkunde {m}
fin. borrowing customerKreditkunde {m}
econ. business customerFirmenkunde {m}
comm. business customerGewerbekunde {m}
comm. cash customerBarzahlungskunde {m}
casual customerGelegenheitskunde {m}
casual customerLaufkunde {m}
casual customergelegentlicher Kunde {m}
chance customerLaufkunde {m}
fin. charge customerKreditkunde {m}
comm. commercial customerGewerbekunde {m}
comm. contract customerVertragskunde {m}
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Q 2023-05-09: 90-day customer/supplier letters
A 2022-04-04: Interessent => prospective customer
A 2021-02-13: (Verb) according to the wish / need of the customer/client/...
A 2019-05-11: Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Wiltec-Customer-stopper-Poster-Advertisin...
Q 2019-05-08: customer stopper - Kundenstopper
Q 2018-08-13: Experience in dealing with customer
Q 2018-07-24: The customer has a complaint (To a colleague)
A 2018-07-06: a little bit more formal: ... , you'd need a thorough grasp of customer ma...
A 2018-05-31: contract to be sent by customer / client to XX Company for (legal / financ...
A 2017-07-21: The employee is entrusted with the task of brokering for the employer cont...
A 2017-05-26: customer selling (see http://sapdict.de/modeldetails/1828/user/1)
Q 2017-04-10: Customer Service Export-Assistentin
Q 2017-02-10: A customer - many users
Q 2016-11-21: I don' work with the customer, the sales admin does
Q 2016-11-09: Any feedback on your meeting with the customer?
A 2016-10-06: Perhaps: to alienate sb. (e.g. a customer)
Q 2016-10-06: to alienate sb. a customer
A 2016-06-10: to do something to take account of (inflation, customer needs etc.)
A 2016-05-12: I don't think you should tell this to your customer.
Q 2016-02-01: To a customer (An einen Kunde)

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