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English-German translation for: Customer-Relationship-Management
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Dictionary English German: Customer Relationship Management

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econ. market. QM customer relationship management <CRM>Customer-Relationship-Management {n} <CRM>
customer relationship management <CRM>Kundenbeziehungsmanagement {n}
econ. customer relationship management <CRM>Kundenpflege {f} [Kundenbeziehungsmanagement]
Partial Matches
comm. customer relationshipKundenbeziehung {f}
relationship managementBeziehungspflege {f}
comm. econ. QM supplier relationship management <SRM>Supplier-Relationship-Management {n} <SRM>
comm. econ. QM supplier relationship management <SRM>Lieferantenbeziehungsmanagement {n}
econ. QM customer management <CM>Kundenmanagement {n} <KM>
econ. market. customer experience management <CXM, CEM>Customer-Experience-Management {n} <CXM, CEM>
econ. market. customer loyalty management <CLM>Kundenloyalitätsmanagement {n}
econ. market. customer recovery management <CRM>Kundenrückgewinnungsmanagement {n}
customer churn managementVermeidung {f} von Kundenabwanderung
econ. market. customer experience management <CXM, CEM>Kundenerlebnismanagement {n}
tech. installation at the customer / customer's siteKundeninstallation {f} [Installation beim Kunden]
tech. startup at the customer / customer's siteKundeninbetriebnahme {f} [Inbetriebnahme beim Kunden]
market. customer care concept <CCC>Customer-Care-Konzept {n} [auch: Customer Care Concept]
econ. jobs feel-good managementFeelgood-Management {n} [auch: Feel-Good-Management]
econ. ind. management practiceManagementpraxis / Management-Praxis {f} [Regeln folgendes Handeln]
management buy-in <MBI>Übernahme {f} durch fremdes Management
management buy-out <MBO>Übernahme {f} durch eigenes Management
aviat. educ. aeronautical systems engineering and managementLuftfahrtsystemtechnik und -management
comm. supplier performance management <SPM>Management {n} für die Lieferantenleistung [Management der Lieferantenleistung]
jobs human resource management <HRM>Mitarbeiter-Management {n} [Personalmanagement]
management by objectives <MBO>Management {n} durch Zielvorgaben
econ. QM management by processes <MBP>Management {n} durch Prozesse
econ. QM process performance managementProzess-Leistungs-Management {n} <PLM>
econ. QM demand management <DM>Nachfrage-Management {n} <NM>
management buyoutÜbernahme {f} durch vorhandenes Management
QM resource management <RM>Management {n} von Ressourcen
econ. management by fearManagement {n} durch Angst
management by motivationManagement {n} durch Motivierung
QM operational risk management <ORM>Betriebsrisiko-Management {n}
econ. transp. supply chain managementManagement {n} der Versorgungskette
econ. med. time-based management <TBM>zeitbasiertes Management {n}
I have the management breathing down my neck.Das Management sitzt mir im Nacken.
photo. color management [Am.]Farb-Management {n}
photo. colour management [Br.]Farb-Management {n}
management assistant [female]Management-Assistentin {f}
computer-assisted managementcomputergestütztes Management {n}
ecol. zool. coral-reef managementKorallenriff-Management {n}
med. management of obesityAdipositas-Management {n}
admin. practice of managementManagement-Praxis {f}
QM seven management and planning tools <7 MP tools, M7>sieben Management-Werkzeuge {pl} <M7>
educ. automotive technology and management <ATM>Automobiltechnik und Management <ATM> [auch Automotive Technology and Management]
QM rail tech. RAMS management [reliability, availability, maintainability, safety]RAMS-Management {n} [Zuverlässigkeit, Verfügbarkeit, Instandhaltbarkeit, Sicherheit]
ecol. pol. adaptive managementanpassungsfähiges Management {n}
educ. hort. horticultural managementGartenbau-Management {n}
hospital managementKrankenhaus-Management {n}
econ. lean managementschlankes Management {n}
management competencyManagement-Kompetenz {f}
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A 2007-03-22: Customer Relationship Management

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