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English-German translation for: Customers
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Dictionary English German: Customers

Translation 1 - 50 of 138  >>

English German
NOUN   a customer | customers
comm. customers
Kunden {pl}
comm. customers {pl} [collectively]
Kundschaft {f}
comm. customers {pl} [collectively]
Kundenstamm {m}
customers {pl} [collectively]
Klientel {f}
Erwerber {pl}
comm. customersKundleute {pl} [veraltet] [Kunden, Kundschaft]
comm. customers {pl} [collectively]Kaufpublikum {n} [selten] [Käuferschaft]
comm. customers {pl} [customer base]Kundenkreis {m}
2 Words: Verbs
to accommodate customersKunden entgegenkommen
to acquire customersKunden gewinnen
to alienate customersKunden verstimmen
to attract customersKunden gewinnen
to bait customersKunden fangen
to capture customersKunden fangen
market. to incentivize customersKonsumenten einen Anreiz bieten
to lose customersKunden verlieren
to lure customersKunden fangen
to protect customersKunden schützen
comm. to serve customersKunden bedienen
jobs to serve customersKunden betreuen
2 Words: Nouns
advertising customersAnzeigenkunden {pl}
advising customersKundenberatung {f}
affluent customerswohlhabende Kunden {pl}
business customersGeschäftskunden {pl}
business customersKommerzkunden {pl} [österr.] [schweiz.]
comm. casual customers {pl} [collectively]Laufkundschaft {f}
commercial customersHandelskunden {pl}
content customerszufriedene Kunden {pl}
corporate customersFirmenkunden {pl}
customers supportKundenbetreuung {f}
customers' moneyKundengelder {pl}
econ. customers' needs {pl}Kundenbedarf {m}
customers' registerKundenliste {f}
customers' requirementsKundenbedürfnisse {pl}
customers' rightsKundenrechte {pl}
customers' specificationsSpezialanfertigungen {pl}
demanding customersanspruchsvolle Kunden {pl}
existing customersBestandskunden {pl}
key customersSchlüsselkunden {pl}
large customersGroßkunden {pl}
main customersHauptkunden {pl}
comm. market customersMarktkunden {pl}
new customersNeukunden {pl}
new customerszusätzliche Kunden {pl}
occasional customers {pl} [collectively]Laufkundschaft {f}
overseas customersKunden {pl} in Übersee
comm. premium customersPremiumkunden {pl}
problem customersProblemkunden {pl}
comm. regular customersStammkunden {pl}
comm. regular customers {pl} [collectively]Kundenstamm {m}
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A 2021-03-23: existing customers
A 2019-06-04: Supermarkets attract new customers
A 2019-04-18: https://www.google.de/search?ei=b3W4XImlK9LNwQL_9aXQCw&q=%22burdens+on+the...
Q 2018-05-29: to develop best-in-class solutions for customers
A 2018-04-04: For maximum quality - just when your customers are in buying mood!
A 2017-07-21: The employee is entrusted with the task of brokering for the employer cont...
A 2017-03-01: E.g.: QS certificates sustain our aspiration, and our customers regard us ...
A 2016-06-26: ...to attend to various customers at the same time?
A 2016-04-07: They have to 'steal' customers or, at least, market share from competitors.
A 2016-02-24: If it is in a list of things to do when you first meet someone (customers,...
A 2016-02-02: customers' needs in respect of diameter, outer profile and installation
A 2016-01-22: coax more money out of 663 million registered customers / clients
A 2015-05-05: be nice to your customers
A 2015-03-15: or: the new customers acquired by the sales agency are ringfenced (in resp...
A 2014-09-27: customers - they
A 2014-07-03: Not just for customers.
A 2014-06-10: (All) our customers...build a single unique home for themselves? Must be crowded
A 2012-10-10: As Safina's business correspondance deals with "duzen" (even with customers?!)
A 2012-09-05: Agree with 'existing customers.'
A 2012-09-05: legalese ... Behaviour patterns of existing customers, which were aggregat...

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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