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English-German translation for: DD
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Dictionary English German: DD

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SYNO   DD | Doctor of Divinity
dated {adj} <dd, DD, dtd, DTD>
alt [veraltet]
dated {adj} {past-p} <dd, DD, dtd, DTD> [with a date]mit Datum versehen
2 Words: Others
bot. ecol. zool. data deficient <DD> [not enough data to make an assessment of its risk of extinction]keine ausreichenden Daten [Artenbestand]
double-butted {adj}doppeldickend <DD> [doppelt konifiziert]
2 Words: Nouns
pharm. daily dose <DD>Tagesdosis {f} <TD>
biochem. DD-transpeptidaseDD-Transpeptidase {f}
biochem. death domain <DD>Todesdomäne {f}
electr. deep discharge <DD>Tiefenentladung {f} <TE> [auch: Tiefentladung]
comm. econ. delivery document <DD>Lieferdokument {n}
comm. econ. QM delivery documentation <DD>Lieferdokumentation {f}
med. psych. delusional disorder <DD>Wahnstörung {f}
med. delusional disorder <DD>wahnhafte Störung {f}
comp. deployment diagram <DD>Verteilungsdiagramm {n} <VD>
design documentation <DD>Entwurfsdokumentation {f}
design documentation <DD>Entwurfsplanung {f}
designated driver <DD>Sprudeldepp {m} [ugs.]
econ. tech. detail design <DD>Detailentwurf {m}
econ. tech. detailed design <DD>Detailentwurf {m}
econ. tech. detailed design <DD>Feinentwurf {m} [Detailentwurf]
tech. device description <DD>Gerätebeschreibung {f}
med. diastolic dysfunction <DD>diastolische Dysfunktion {f}
med. diastrophic dysplasia <DD>diastrophische Dysplasie {f} <DD>
educ. didactical design <DD>didaktisches Design {n} <DD>
med. differential diagnosis <DD, DDx, ddx, ΔΔ>Differentialdiagnose {f} <DD>
med. differential diagnosis <DD, DDx, ddx, ΔΔ>Differenzialdiagnose {f} <DD>
med. differential diagnostics [treated as sg.]Differentialdiagnostik {f} <DD>
med. differential diagnostics [treated as sg.]Differenzialdiagnostik {f} <DD>
tech. dimensional drawing <DD>Maßblatt {n} <MB>
fin. direct debit <DD>Lastschrift {f} <LS>
psych. dissociative disorder <DD> [ICD-10]dissoziative Störung {f} [ICD-10]
med. diverticular disease <DD>Divertikulose {f}
EU draft directive <DD>Richtlinienentwurf {m}
chem. pharm. drug design <DD>Wirkstoffdesign {n}
chem. pharm. drug design <DD>Drug-Design {n}
econ. fin. QM due diligence <DD>Due Diligence {f} <DD>
comm. due diligence <DD>gebotene Sorgfalt {f}
comm. law RealEst. due diligence <DD>verkehrsübliche Sorgfalt {f}
3 Words: Nouns
Internet dear / darling daughter <DD, dd>liebe Tochter {f}
comp. delta debugging <DD> algorithmDelta-Debugging-Algorithmus {m} <DD-Algorithmus>
desmophen / desmodur lacquer <DD lacquer>®Desmophen / Desmodur-Lack {m} <DD-Lack>®
fin. direct debiting procedure <DD procedure>Lastschriftverfahren {n} <LSV>
educ. Doctor of Divinity <DD>Doktor {m} der Theologie <Dr. theol., früher häufig nur: D.>
4 Words: Others
comp. double-sided / double density {adj} <DS/DD, DSDD>zweiseitig / doppelte Dichte [auch: beidseitig / doppelte Dichte] [auch engl. Abk.: DS/DD, DSDD]
EU status 2007-01-01 <YYYY-MM-DD> [year-month-day] [ISO 8601]Stand 2007-01-01 <JJJJ-MM-TT> [Jahr-Monat-Tag] [ISO, DIN-Normen]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
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A 2021-10-29: AE U.S. Military: DD MMM YY So, 01 JAN 22
Q 2021-03-25: DD Abgabe
Q 2021-03-25: DD Abgabe
A 2013-02-28: Zahl der Beteiligungen zum Stichtag / Marktwert der Beteiligungen zum Stic...
Q 2011-05-31: Text über Brandschutzsoftware - "dd/mmm/yyyy" unbekannt
A 2011-05-10: ja: dd
A 2010-04-17: address (dd)
A 2009-05-05: on April 21st 2009 (I'm not sure about the order of the MM DD YYYY outsid...
A 2009-04-29: yyyd/mm/dd
Q 2009-04-29: yyyy/mm/dd
A 2009-03-26: DD
A 2008-12-07: flowersuse, address (dd)
A 2008-06-18: Also: as OF mm dd yyyy (AE) or dd mm yyyy (BE)
A 2008-06-18: also: as at dd mm yyyy
A 2008-03-30: .. weil sie soviel haben und im Geld schwimmen wollen wie DD:-)))))))).sor...
A 2007-07-19: Free grant of double letters: dd / ff / ll / mm / nn / pp / rr / ss / tt
A 2007-05-31: .. like DD in Entenhausen ?? dollar/pounds.euro signs in the eyes ...???
A 2007-03-16: hopefully Birgid won't travel to DD but to D :-)))
A 2007-03-16: He doesn't even have time to come to DD tomorow :-(
A 2006-11-01: @ Allan ..had a good time in DD? :-))

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