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English-German translation for: Daesh ISIL ISIS IS
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Dictionary English German: Daesh ISIL ISIS IS

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pol. Daesh [Arabic acronym for: Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant] <ISIL, ISIS, IS>Daesh {m} [auch: Daesch] [arabisches Akronym für: Islamischer Staat im Irak und der Levante] <ISIL, ISIS, IS>
Partial Matches
pol. Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant <ISIL>Islamischer Staat {m} im Irak und der Levante <ISIL>
lit. F Isis Unveiled [Helena Petrovna Blavatsky]Isis entschleiert
pol. Islamic State of / in Iraq and Syria <ISIS>Islamischer Staat {m} von Irak und Syrien <ISIS>
comp. industrial signature interoperability specification <ISIS> [German Office for Data Processing Security]ISIS-Spezifikation {f} [auch: Industrial Signature Interoperability Specification]
myth. relig. IsisIsis {f} [ägyptische Göttin]
hist. relig. Isis cultIsis-Kult {m}
hist. relig. spec. Isis aretalogyIsisaretalogie {f}
hist. relig. Isis cultIsiskult {m}
archaeo. hist. relig. Temple of Isis [also: temple of Isis]Isistempel {m}
pol. Islamic State <IS> [jihadist group]Islamischer Staat {m} <IS> [Organisation]
anat. inner segment <IS> [Segmentum internum]Innensegment {n} <IS> [Netzhaut]
biol. insertion sequence <IS>Insertionssequenz {f} <IS>
This escalope is a real big one! [coll.]Dieses Schnitzel is' aber 'n ganz schöner Oschi! [ugs.] [eher mündlich]
biol. immune synapse <IS>immunologische Synapse {f} <IS>
biol. immunological synapse <IS>immunologische Synapse {f} <IS>
spec. international standard <IS>internationaler Standard {m} <IS>
comp. spec. is-a relationIs-A-Relation {f} [generische Relation, Abstraktionsbeziehung]
idiom There is no place like home.Dahoam is dahoam. [österr.] [bayer.] [regional südd. auch: Daham is daham. / Dahäm is dahäm. / Dahämm is dahämm. / Dahemm is dahemm.]
biol. IS elementIS-Element {n}
geogr. Iceland <.is>Island {n}
Sure is.Allerdings.
that issprich
who is whoWho is Who {n}
comm. as iswie besichtigt
comm. as iswie gesehen
Is ... there?Ist ... da?
There is ...Es gibt ...
There is ...Es herrscht ...
photo. image stabilization <IS>Bildstabilisierung {f}
tech. intrinsic safety <IS>Eigensicherheit {f}
phys. ion source <IS>Ionenquelle {f}
is statementIst-Satz {m}
..., as is ......, genauso wie ...
as is known {adv}bekanntermaßen
Indeed it is.Allerdings.
that is why {adv}deshalb
That is why ...Daher ...
this is wherehier
this is why {conj}deshalb
This is why ... {adv}Deswegen ...
what is more {adv}außerdem
what is more {adv}überdies
which is why {conj}weswegen
sth. is [corresponds]etw. entspricht
comm. as isgekauft wie gesehen
Athletics is ...Die Athletik ist ...
Politics is ...Die Politik ist ...
sb. is calledjd. heißt
sb. is enthronedjd. thront
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