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English-German translation for: Dance
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Dictionary English German: Dance

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NOUN   a dance | dances
VERB  to dance | danced | danced ... 
SYNO   dance | dancing | saltation ... 
dance dance {adj} [attr.]
dance to dance
to dance
tänzeln [auf- und abfedern]
to dancedancen [ugs.]
dance dance
Tanz {m}
dance dance [event]
Tanzveranstaltung {f}
dance danceTanzkunst {f}
dance danceTanzvergnügen {n} [Tanzveranstaltung]
dance dance [event]Tanzabend {m}
dance dance [event]Tanzboden {m} [altmodisch: Veranstaltung]
dance dance [event]Tanzfest {n}
2 Words: Others
dance dance-crazy {adj}tanzfreudig
dance dance-like {adj}tänzerisch [Bewegung]
2 Words: Verbs
dance to belly-dancebauchtanzen
to dance aboutherumtanzen
to dance aroundherumtanzen
to dance around sb./sth.jdn./etw. umtanzen
to dance around sth.um etw. herumtanzen
dance to dance badlyschlecht tanzen
dance to dance boisterouslystürmisch tanzen
dance to dance closelyeng tanzen
to dance for sb.für jdn. tanzen
dance to dance nonstop(ununterbrochen / nonstop) durchtanzen
dance to line danceLine Dance tanzen
dance to shuffle (dance)shuffeln
dance to square-danceeinen Squaredance tanzen
dance to tap-dancesteppen
dance to tap-danceStepp tanzen
dance educ. to teach danceTanzunterricht geben
dance to toe-danceauf den Fußspitzen / Spitzen tanzen
2 Words: Nouns
(dance) clubTanzschuppen {m}
dance (dance) stepTanzschritt {m}
dance (little) danceTänzchen {n}
dance theatre academic danceakademisches Ballett {n} [danse d'ecole]
dance sports aerobic danceTanz-Aerobic {n}
dance hist. apache (dance) [a violent duet dance of the Parisian underworld]Apachentanz {m}
dance mus. ballroom danceGesellschaftstanz {m}
dance sports ballroom danceTurniertanz {m}
dance barn danceTanz {m} auf der Tenne
dance barn-danceLändler {m}
traffic Barnes dance [coll.] [pedestrian crossing system]Diagonalqueren {n} [Kreuzung]
dance mus. basse danceBassedanse {f} [Schreittanz]
dance belly danceBauchtanz {m}
dance break danceBreakdance {m}
dance bubble danceNackttanz {m} hinter Luftballons
dance carpet danceHausball {m} [veraltend]
dance Cham DanceCham-Tanz {m}
dance character danceAusdruckstanz {m}
dance mus. Chicken Dance [by Werner Thomas]Ententanz {m}
dance circle danceKreistanz {m}
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Q 2023-10-02: dance to someone's tune – nach jmds. Pfeife tanzen
Q 2020-09-06: zu #921763 -- Diese Schnulze war bei uns jahrelang the last dance auf dem ...
Q 2020-09-05: save the last dance
A 2020-07-24: it's a dance
A 2020-03-02: ... choreographers who put living conditions to dance
A 2019-02-06: Vielleicht besser +stepping dance+
Q 2017-03-03: Tennis : Anthony Powell - A Dance to the Music of Time - Vol. 1
A 2015-10-28: guard dance ???
Q 2015-03-24: Breaking Out in Song/ Dance
A 2013-09-17: dance-off = Tanzveranstaltung /-wettbewerb ....
Q 2013-09-17: dance-off
A 2013-04-07: dann geh mit dem " dance .... " - denn es geht ja um die Show ? oder et...
Q 2012-06-03: Toss dance - Übersetzungsvorschläge?
A 2012-02-25: http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=+dance++fluid+motion&pbx=1...
A 2012-02-25: smooth dance moves /-ments ...?!
A 2012-02-04: ?? a) - .... sick people? ??? No. .... allow to get up from the floor...
Q 2011-12-06: square dance <-> Volkstanz
A 2011-11-19: Line dance routine developed by and named after Flo Cook.
A 2011-11-10: It's a song by T-Bone Walker, and could be taken to mean either a dance or sex.
A 2011-07-22: dance card

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