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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: Data Models
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Dictionary English German: Data Models

Translation 1 - 50 of 1764  >>

NOUN   a data model | data models
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Partial Matches
modelsModelle {pl}
modelsModellvorstellungen {pl}
RadioTV F Models, Inc.Models Inc.
psych. evaluation modelsEvaluationsmodelle {pl}
functional modelsFunktionsmodelle {pl}
med. pharm. mice modelsMausmodelle {pl}
automot. niche modelsNischenmodelle {pl}
procedure modelsVorgehensmodelle {pl}
role modelsVorbilder {pl}
utility modelsGebrauchsmuster {pl}
construction of modelsModellbau {m}
automot. series of modelsModellreihe {f}
system of modelsModellsystem {n}
jobs sb. modelsjd. modelt [ugs.]
range of modelsverfügbare Modelle {pl}
law Utility Models ActGebrauchsmustergesetz {n} <GebrMG>
film F Role Models [David Wain]Vorbilder?!
film F Artists and Models [Raoul Walsh]Künstlerball
RadioTV F Cover UpMode, Models und Intrigen
comm. tech. diversity of modelsModellvielfalt {f} [auch: Modell-Vielfalt]
comm. tech. variety of modelsModellvielfalt {f} [auch: Modell-Vielfalt]
application for utility modelsAntrag {m} auf Gebrauchsmusterschutz
film F Artists and Models [Frank Tashlin]Der Agentenschreck
psych. models of software designSoftware-Entwicklungsmodelle {pl}
to serve as models / as a model [depending on whether you refer to several objects or just one]Modellcharakter haben
zool. T
comp. spec. big data {sg} [rarely treated as pl.]Big Data {pl}
comp. spec. dark data [treated as sg. or pl.]Dark Data {pl}
geogr. Mount Data National ParkMount-Data-Nationalpark {m}
geogr. Mount DataData {m}
comp. data scienceData Science [ohne Art.]
comp. temporal data authority <TDA> [ITU X.509]Temporal Data Authority {f} <TDA> [erzeugt einen temporären Zeitstempel]
econ. jobs chief data officer <CDO>Chief Data Officer {m} <CDO> [verantwortlich für die Datenverarbeitung und -gewinnung]
comp. telecom. data-link layer [OSI layer 2]Data-Link-Schicht {f} [OSI-Schicht 2]
comp. spec. data curation profile <DCP>Data-Curation-Profile {n}
dataAngaben {pl}
dataEinzelheiten {pl}
dataTatsachen {pl}
dataUnterlagen {pl}
data {pl}Datenmaterial {n}
data {pl}Zahlenmaterial {n}
comp. econ. data miningData-Mining {n}
dataFakten {pl} [Daten]
data-based {adj}datenbasiert
data-based {adj}datengestützt
data-collecting {adj}datensammelnd
math. stat. data-dependent {adj}datenabhängig
data-directed {adj}datengesteuert
spec. data-driven {adj}datengesteuert
data-driven {adj}datengetrieben
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Data Science

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