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English-German translation for: Dein Unterrock guckt raus.
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Dein Unterrock guckt raus. in other languages:

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Dictionary English German: Dein Unterrock guckt raus

Translation 1 - 50 of 211  >>

Your slip is showing.Dein Unterrock guckt raus. [ugs.]
Partial Matches
I'm sick to death of all your complaints.Mir hängt dein ewiges Klagen zum Hals raus. [ugs.]
sb. peeksjd. guckt [ugs.]
sb. peepsjd. guckt [ugs.]
Look!Guck / guckt mal! [ugs.]
cloth. half-slipUnterrock {m}
cloth. juponUnterrock {m}
cloth. petticoatUnterrock {m}
cloth. slipUnterrock {m}
cloth. underskirtUnterrock {m}
cloth. underslipUnterrock {m}
cloth. waist slipUnterrock {m}
cloth. Part of her skirt is hanging down below her coat.Unter ihrem Mantel guckt ein Rockzipfel hervor.
cloth. balmoralwollener Unterrock {m}
Get! [coll.]Raus!
Come out!Komm raus!
Get out!Komm raus!
Let's have it!Raus damit!
Tell me!Raus damit!
Get out!Raus hier!
market. Everything must go!Alles muss raus!
Out you go!Raus mit dir!
in and out {adv}rein und raus
out {adv}raus [ugs.] [heraus; hinaus]
Clear off! [coll.]Scher dich raus! [ugs.]
Either get in or get out!Entweder rein oder raus!
Get me outta here! [coll.]Holt mich hier raus!
I'll find my own way out.Ich finde allein raus.
Chin up, chest out.Kopf hoch, Brust raus.
sports out of the title race [fooball]raus aus dem Titelrennen
lit. F The Guards [Ken Bruen]Jack Taylor fliegt raus
film F Carry on Sergeant [Gerald Thomas]Kopf hoch, Brust raus!
film F Migration [Benjamin Renner]Raus aus dem Teich
thine {pron} [archaic]dein
thy {pron} [archaic or dialect] [determiner]dein
ur {pron} [sl.] [your]dein
yo {pron} [nonstandard] [your]dein
your {pron} [determiner]dein
Spill!Raus damit! [Erzähl's mir.]
to be off the hook [coll.] [idiom]fein raus sein [ugs.] [Redewendung]
He'll be out on his ears. [coll.]Dann fliegt er raus. [ugs.]
The sun is coming out.Die Sonne kommt raus. [ugs.]
Stay out of this! [idiom]Halt dich da raus! [Redewendung]
Keep out of this! [said to two or more people]Haltet euch da raus! [ugs.]
Let's get the hell out of here! [coll.]Nichts wie raus hier! [ugs.]
Let's get the hell outta here. [coll.]Nichts wie raus hier. [ugs.]
You better keep your nose clean! [idiom]Halte dich da besser raus!
What are you up to? [What is your underlying strategy/intention?]Worauf willst du hinaus / raus?
idiom Your loss!Dein Pech!
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