| English | German | |
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Partial Matches |
| lit. F Wilderness Tips [Margaret Atwood] | Tips für die Wildnis | |
| tips | Tips {pl} [alt] | |
| deeper {adj} | tiefer | |
| deeper felt {adj} | tiefempfundener | |
| deeper meaning | Hintersinn {m} | |
| to delve | forschen | |
| to delve | graben | |
| delve | Höhlung {f} | |
| delve | Senkung {f} | |
| deeper meaning | tieferer Sinn {m} | |
| deeper understanding | tieferes Verstehen {n} | |
| to delve | sich senken | |
| to grow deeper | sichAkk. vertiefen | |
| deeper and deeper {adj} {adv} | immer tiefer | |
| to delve deeply | angestrengt forschen | |
| to delve deeply | tief forschen | |
| delve of spade | Spatenstich {m} | |
| with a deeper / hidden meaning {adj} [postpos.] | hintersinnig | |
| to delve into sth. | sich tief eingraben | |
| to delve among books | in Büchern stöbern | |
| to delve for sth. | nach etw.Dat. forschen | |
| to delve into sth. | sich eingehend mit etw.Dat. befassen | |
| to delve into sth. [fig.] [explore, do research] | etw. erforschen | |
| to delve into a subject | sich in ein Thema vertiefen | |
| to delve into old books | sich in alte Bücher vertiefen | |
| tips | Ratschläge {pl} | |
| tips | Tipps {pl} | |
| to dig deeper [idiom] [ask additional questions] | nachhaken [ugs.] [weitere Fragen stellen] | |
| dent. (dental) tips | Dentalspitzen {pl} | |
| bot. asparagus tips | Spargelköpfe {pl} | |
| cosmet. beauty tips | Schönheitstipps {pl} | |
| care tips | Pflegehinweise {pl} | |
| care tips | Pflegetipps {pl} | |
| gastr. cooking tips | Kochtipps {pl} | |
| everyday tips | Alltagstipps {pl} | |
| educ. exam tips | Prüfungstipps {pl} | |
| travel excursion tips | Ausflugstipps {pl} | |
| anat. finger tips | Fingerspitzen {pl} | |
| hair tips | Haarspitzen {pl} | |
| cloth. heel tips | Stiftflecken {pl} | |
| bot. leaf tips | Blattspitzen {pl} | |
| savings tips | Spartipps {pl} | |
| search tips | Suchtipps {pl} | |
| storage tips | Lagertipps {pl} | |
| aviat. gastr. wing tips | Flügelspitzen {pl} | |
| The deeper meaning remained obscure to me. | Der tiefere Sinn verschloss sich mir. | |
| tips [hints, suggestions] | Hinweise {pl} | |
| handy tips {pl} | praktische Tipps {pl} | |
| cosmet. make-up tips | Schminktipps {pl} | |
| fin. tax saving tips | Steuerspartipps {pl} | |
| travel security tips | Reisesicherheitsempfehlungen {pl} | |
| sb. tips over | jd. kippt | |
| love tips [coll.] | Liebestipps {pl} [ugs.] | |
| tips for [advice] | Tipps {pl} zu | |
| piggy bank for tips | Trinkgeldschwein {n} | |
| anat. tips of the tongue | Zungenspitzen {pl} | |
| tips to save energy | Energiespartipps {pl} | |
| bot. yellowing of (the) needle tips | Gelbspitzigkeit {f} | |
| entom. T | | |
| to delve into sth. [fig.] | sich in etw.Akk. vertiefen [sich intensiv mit etw. beschäftigen] | |
| to dig deeper [also fig.] | tiefer graben [auch fig.] | |
| dent. plastic replacement tips | Ersatzspitzen {pl} aus Plastik [Dentalzubehör] | |
| tips for staying young | Tipps {pl} zum Jungbleiben | |
| fish T | | |
| to go deeper into sth. [also fig.] | in etw.Akk. tiefer hineingehen [auch fig.] | |
| deeper wallet [fig.] | größere Brieftasche {f} [fig.] | |
| theatre F Jest, Satire, Irony, and Deeper Significance | Scherz, Satire, Ironie und tiefere Bedeutung [Christian Dietrich Grabbe] | |
| tips {pl} for moderating groups [written tips for group moderators] | Moderationsleitfaden {m} | |
| bot. yellowing of (the) needle tips [loss of chloroplast pigments] | Goldspitzigkeit {f} | |
| entom. T | | |
| cosmet. Q-tips® [Am.] [often used as a genericized trademark for cotton swabs] | Wattestäbchen {pl} | |
| to the tips of one's fingers {adv} [idiom] | bis in die Fingerspitzen [fig.] [Redewendung] | |
| to get deeper in the shit [vulg.] [idiom] | den Karren tiefer in die Scheiße fahren [vulg.] [Redewendung] | |
| to delve into sth. [fig.] [subject, book etc.] | sich in etw. hineingraben [fig.] [Thema, Arbeit etc.] | |
| to delve into sth. [also fig.] | in etw.Akk. eintauchen [auch fig: sich in etw. vertiefen (lesend, in Gedanken)] | |
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