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English-German translation for: Democratic
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Dictionary English German: Democratic

Translation 1 - 62 of 62

English German
ADJ   democratic | more democratic | most democratic
SYNO   democratic | popular
democratic {adj}
2 Words: Others
pol. anti-democratic {adj}antidemokratisch
pol. anti-democratic {adj}demokratiefeindlich
pol. Christian Democratic {adj}christdemokratisch
direct democratic {adj}basisdemokratisch
direct democratic {adj}direktdemokratisch
pol. liberal-democratic {adj}freiheitlich-demokratisch
pol. pseudo-democratic {adj} [also: pseudodemocratic]pseudodemokratisch
pol. social democratic {adj}sozialdemokratisch
2 Words: Nouns
democratic accountabilitydemokratische Verantwortlichkeit {f}
pol. democratic centralismdemokratischer Zentralismus {m}
pol. democratic constitutionDemokratie {f} [Verfassung]
pol. democratic deficitDemokratiedefizit {n}
democratic developmentdemokratische Entwicklung {f}
pol. democratic electiondemokratische Wahl {f}
pol. democratic facadedemokratische Fassade {f}
pol. Democratic Party [USA]Demokratische Partei {f} [USA]
democratic processDemokratisierungsprozess {m}
pol. democratic rightdemokratisches Recht {n}
pol. democratic socialismdemokratischer Sozialismus {m}
pol. democratic theoryDemokratietheorie {f}
hist. pol. Democratic Yemen [People's Democratic Republic of Yemen]Volksdemokratische Republik {f} Jemen
3 Words: Others
free and democratic {adj}freiheitlich und demokratisch
3 Words: Nouns
pol. Democratic Union Party [PYD, Syria]Partei {f} der Demokratischen Union [PYD, Syrien]
pol. Democratic Unionist Party <DUP>Demokratische Unionistische Partei {f} <DUP>
pol. Ecological Democratic PartyÖkologisch-Demokratische Partei {f} <ödp>
pol. Free Democratic PartyFreie Demokratische Partei {f} <FDP>
hist. pol. German Democratic PartyDeutsche Demokratische Partei {f} <DDP>
hist. German Democratic Republic <GDR> [East Germany]Deutsche Demokratische Republik {f} <DDR>
4 Words: Others
He has Democratic sympathies.Er sympathisiert mit den Demokraten.
4 Words: Nouns
geogr. pol. Lao People's Democratic Republic [officially for Laos]Demokratische Volksrepublik {f} Laos
geogr. Lao People's Democratic Republic <.la>Volksdemokratische Republik {f} Laos [selten]
law pol. liberal democratic basic order [the core substance of the German constitution]freiheitliche demokratische Grundordnung {f} [auch: freiheitlich-demokratische ...] <f.d.G.O.; fdGO, FDGO> [Abk. „fdGO“ u. „FDGO“ sind informell]
pol. Party of Democratic SocialismPartei {f} des Demokratischen Sozialismus <PDS>
geogr. Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic <SADR>Arabische Saharauische Demokratische Republik {f} [Rsv. von DARS]
geogr. Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic <SADR>Demokratische Arabische Republik {f} Sahara <DARS>
pol. Social Democratic Trade Unionists [in Austria]Fraktion {f} Sozialdemokratischer GewerkschafterInnen <FSG>
pol. social democratic-green coalitionrot-grüne Koalition {f}
theory of democratic peaceTheorie {f} des demokratischen Friedens
5+ Words: Others
He was the kingpin of the Democratic organization in Chicago.Er war der wichtigste Mann in der Organisation der Demokraten von Chicago.
5+ Words: Verbs
pol. to run on the Democratic ticket [Am.]für die Demokraten kandidieren
5+ Words: Nouns
pol. Christian Democratic Union of GermanyChristlich Demokratische Union {f} Deutschlands <CDU>
geogr. pol. Democratic People's Republic of Korea <.kp ><DPRK> [North Korea]Demokratische Volksrepublik {f} Korea [Nordkorea]
geogr. Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe <.st>Demokratische Republik {f} São Tomé und Príncipe
geogr. Democratic Republic of the Congo <DRC, .cd> [Congo-Kinshasa] [formerly Zaire]Demokratische Republik {f} Kongo <DR Kongo> [Kongo-Kinshasa, Congo-Léopoldville] [früher Zaire]
geogr. Democratic Republic of Timor-LesteDemokratische Republik {f} Timor-Leste
geogr. pol. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia <.et>Demokratische Bundesrepublik {f} Äthiopien
pol. Federal Democratic Union (of Switzerland)Eidgenössisch-Demokratische Union {f} [Schweiz]
hist. pol. Independent Social Democratic Party of GermanyUnabhängige Sozialdemokratische Partei {f} Deutschlands <USPD>
hist. Liberal Democratic Party of GermanyLiberal-Demokratische Partei {f} Deutschlands <LDPD>
pol. National Democratic Party of GermanyNationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands {f} <NPD>
geogr. pol. People's Democratic Republic of AlgeriaDemokratische Volksrepublik {f} Algerien
geogr. People's Democratic Republic of YemenVolksdemokratische Republik {f} Jemen
hist. pol. Russian Social Democratic Labor PartySozialdemokratische Arbeiterpartei {f} Russlands
pol. Social Democratic and Labour Party <SDLP> [Northern Ireland]Sozialdemokratische Labour-Partei {f} <SDLP> [Nordirland]
pol. Social Democratic Party of AustriaSozialdemokratische Partei {f} Österreichs <SPÖ>
pol. Social Democratic Party of GermanySozialdemokratische Partei {f} Deutschlands <SPD>
pol. Social Democratic Party of Switzerland [colloquially: Swiss Socialist Party]Sozialdemokratische Partei {f} der Schweiz <SP>
hist. pol. Social Democratic Workers' Party of AustriaSozialdemokratische Arbeiterpartei {f} Österreichs <SDAPÖ>
hist. pol. Social Democratic Workers' Party of GermanySozialdemokratische Arbeiterpartei {f} (Deutschland) <SDAP>
hist. pol. Social Democratic Workers' Party of GermanySozialdemokratische Arbeiterpartei {f} Deutschlands <SAPD>
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Democratic Vistas [Walt Whitman]Demokratische Ausblicke
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A 2017-01-21: Perhaps Hillary is a pawn in the game of wearing down Democratic Party res...
A 2015-12-15: dispersal of a social-democratic meeting
A 2015-08-06: Alternatively: where many speakers declared their commitment to a united, ...
Q 2014-07-30: Bezug im Satz (while confronting other democratic shortcomings)
A 2013-02-13: Democratic chaos
Q 2012-09-23: Obama´s Full Remarks From the Democratic National Convention - Übersetzung...
A 2012-09-16: hm, what do YOU think democratic leveling means? How is it defined?
Q 2012-09-16: democratic leveling
A 2012-01-27: DDR > GDR (German Democratic Republic) in English
A 2011-10-09: The author means that each social "Milieu" within the social democratic / ...
A 2011-09-30: The (former) German Democratic Republic version of this song began with:
Q 2011-04-12: the council's legal and democratic services department
A 2010-03-05: ... the main/principle demand on and requirement of the policies of social...
A 2010-02-04: democratic
A 2009-06-24: Full focus on 'divine creation': CDU (Christian Democratic Union)
A 2009-04-02: Social Democratic Party of Switzerland
A 2009-02-09: Adding a supranational level means evolving rather than replacing sovereig...
A 2008-11-28: There are also democratic regimes
A 2008-11-20: Im Zusammenhang mit einem Kibbuz gefällt mir das Wort "grass-roots democra...
A 2008-11-20: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22grass-roots+democrati...

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