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English-German translation for: Department
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Dictionary English German: Department

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NOUN   a department | departments
SYNO   department | section
NOUN   das Department | die Departments
department <dept.>
Abteilung {f} <Abt.>
admin. department
Amt {n} [Dienststelle]
acad. educ. department
Fachbereich {m} [selten {n}]
Bereich {m} {n}
admin. journ. department
Ressort {n}
econ. department
Unternehmensbereich {m}
department [functional division of a business]
Departement {n} [schweiz., sonst veraltet] [Abteilung, Geschäftsbereich]
admin. department
Dezernat {n}
acad. department
Institut {n}
pol. department
Ministerium {n}
admin. department
Referat {n} [Abteilung einer Behörde als Fachgebiet eines Referenten]
Zweig {m} [Abteilung]
admin. geogr. pol. department
Gebiet {n}
acad. educ. department [university]
Seminar {n} [Institut]
educ. department [of civil engineering, etc., in a college or university] [Am.]
Fakultät {f}
admin. department
Sektion {f}
pol. department [Am.]
Direktion {f} [schweiz.] [Ministerium]
acad. department [of an institute]
Arbeitsstelle {f} [seltener] [kleinere Abteilung eines Instituts]
comm. departmentRayon {m} [schweiz., sonst selten] [Warenhausabteilung]
2 Words: Others
department-specific {adj}abteilungsspezifisch
intra-department {adj} [attr.]innerhalb der Abteilung [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Verbs
admin. pol. to be sb.'s departmentressortieren [bei / in] [geh.] [selten]
to be sb.'s departmentin jds. Ressort fallen
2 Words: Nouns
admin. pol. (government) departmentDepartement {n} [schweiz.] [Ministerium]
(specialist) departmentFachabteilung {f}
med. A&E department [Br.]Notaufnahme {f} [Klinikstation]
med. A&E department [Br.]Notfallstation {f}
insur. accident departmentSchadensabteilung {f}
insur. accident departmentUnfallabteilung {f}
account departmentBuchhaltung {f} [Abteilung]
acc. accountants departmentBuchhaltung {f} [Abteilung]
acc. accountants' departmentBuchhaltung {f} [Abteilung]
accounting departmentBuchhaltung {f} [Abteilung]
comm. econ. accounting departmentBuchhaltungsabteilung {f}
acc. accounts departmentBuchhaltung {f} [Abteilung]
acc. accounts departmentBuchhaltungsabteilung {f}
insur. actuarial departmentversicherungsmathematische Abteilung {f}
insur. adjustment departmentSchadensbüro {n}
admin. administration departmentVerwaltungsabteilung {f}
admin. administrative departmentStabsstelle {f} [bes. bei Behörden]
admin. administrative departmentVerwaltungsabteilung {f}
admin. administrative departmentVerwaltungsbezirk {m}
advertisement departmentAnzeigenabteilung {f}
advertising departmentAnzeigenabteilung {f}
econ. advertising departmentWerbeabteilung {f}
advisory departmentberatende Abteilung {f}
admin. pol. agricultural departmentLandwirtschaftsministerium {n}
admin. alien's departmentAusländeramt {n}
analysis departmentFinanzanalyseabteilung {f}
analysis departmentstatistische Abteilung {f}
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A 2024-01-04: National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce
Q 2023-01-02: billing department = ?
Q 2019-08-30: Bitte klären, ob head of department = Bereichsleiter richtig ist (Eintrag ...
A 2019-07-24: interfaces? or simply topics which involve more than just 1 department/theme
Q 2019-04-23: Visa Record, U.S. Department of State
A 2019-01-20: She presents (herself??) to the Emergency department
Q 2018-08-22: The accounting department is currently double checking the information.
Q 2018-04-30: payroll department
Q 2018-02-10: Survey PE 10-12 as high school subject of Department of Defense Education...
Q 2018-01-14: U.S. department of State's Patterns of Global Terrorism
Q 2017-11-19: department of work
A 2017-03-18: Hier ist +construction department+ wohl korrekter > +Bauabteilung+
Q 2017-03-17: construction department = Konstruktionsabteilung oder besser Bauabteilung?
A 2017-03-09: accounting department
A 2015-08-05: oder vielleicht "ordering department"?
A 2015-07-15: I hope that both my students will prove to be similarly successful at your...
Q 2015-07-07: Natural Resources Police (Department of Natural Resources)
Q 2015-06-18: word order of e.g. department names, projects, etc.
A 2015-02-26: correction: If it concerns department B, =Y= has to give his approval
A 2015-02-12: Are you quite certain there is a "Department"?

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