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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: Der Musterschüler
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Der Musterschüler in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: Der Musterschüler

Translation 1 - 50 of 18119  >>

NOUN   der Musterschüler | die Musterschüler
film lit. F Apt Pupil [novella: Stephen King; film: Bryan Singer]Der Musterschüler
film F College [James W. Horne, Buster Keaton]Der Musterschüler
Keywords contained
lit. F Summer of Corruption: Apt Pupil [Stephen King]Sommergewitter: Der Musterschüler
Partial Matches
exemplary studentMusterschüler {m}
model pupil [Br.]Musterschüler {m}
model student [Am.]Musterschüler {m}
He who smelt it, dealt it. [coll.]Immer der, der's zuerst riecht. [ugs.]
that {pron}der
which {pron}der
of the [attributing to sb./sth.]der [Gen.: {f} {pl}]
the very bestder allerbeste
in the world of today {adv}der Gegenwart
mine {pron}der Meine
mine {pron}der meine
mine {pron}der Meinige
mine {pron}der meinige
hist. postwar {adj}der Nachkriegszeit
The Promised One!Der Prophezeite!
of yesteryear {adj} {adv} [poet.]der Vergangenheit
The world's greatest ...Der weltbeste ...
contemporary {adj}der Zeit
according to which {adv} [for feminine nouns]der zufolge
whoso {pron}jeder der
anyone whojeder, der
whosoever {pron}jedes der
bibl. relig. (the) Lord(der) Allherr {m}
stocks the major shareholder(der) Hauptanteilseigner {m}
hist. (the) Horus Way(der) Horusweg {m}
geogr. Iraq <.iq>(der) Irak {m}
geogr. Iran <.ir>(der) Iran {m}
geogr. Yemen <.ye>(der) Jemen {m}
geogr. North Yemen(der) Nordjemen {m}
myth. the Winged Horse(der) Pegasus {m}
archaeo. hist. prehistoric man(der) Urmensch {m}
hist. the purple [aristocracy]der Adel {m}
relig. Almighty Godder Allmächtige {m}
relig. the Almightyder Allmächtige {m}
the other oneder Andere {m}
law the accusedder Angeklagte {m}
appearances {pl}der Anschein {m}
geogr. the Lineder Äquator {m}
relig. the risen Christder Auferstandene {m}
relig. the risen Lordder Auferstandene {m}
geogr. the Balkans {pl}der Balkan {m}
the person in questionder Betreffende {m}
the person under considerationder Betroffene {m}
relig. the bad guyder Böse {m}
idiom the man on the Clapham omnibus [Br.] [old-fashioned]der Durchschnittsbürger {m}
the only oneder Einzige {m}
admin. law the undersigned [male]der Endesunterzeichnete {m}
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