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English-German translation for: Devil
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Dictionary English German: Devil

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NOUN   a devil | devils
VERB  to devil | devilled/deviled | devilled/deviled [Br.+Am./Am. only] ... 
SYNO   devil | heller | hellion | deuce ... 
to devil sb.
jdn. aufbringen [reizen]
to devil
to devil sb.
jdn. ärgern [reizen]
to devil sb. [Am.] [coll.] [sl.] [harass]
jdn. schikanieren
to devil [spice]scharf würzen
to devil [spice]scharf zubereiten
myth. relig. devil
Teufel {m}
Leibhaftiger {m}
Deibel {m} [regional] [ugs.] [Teufel]
devil [coll.] [person with specified characteristics]
Aas {n} [ugs.] [oft pej.]
Deubel {m} [regional] [Teufel]
relig. the Devil
Satan {m}
devil [coll.]
Filou {m} [hum.]
devilDeikert {m} [regional] [veraltet]
devilDeiwel {m} [regional] [ugs.] [Teufel]
devilDeixel {m} [regional] [ugs.] [Teufel]
myth. relig. devilGehörnter {m} [verhüllend für: Teufel]
devilVoland {m} [veraltet] [Teufel]
esot. games Devil <XV> [also: devil] [Tarot card]Teufel {m} <XV> [Tarotkarte]
the DevilDiabolos {m} [geh.]
the DevilDiabolus {m} [geh.]
myth. the DevilGuzigagl {m} [bayer.] [Teufel]
2 Words: Nouns
meteo. ash devil[Kleintrombe aus aufgewirbeltem Aschematerial]
Cartesian devilkartesianischer Teufel {m}
Cartesian devilkartesischer Taucher {m}
cheeky devil [Br.]Frechdachs {m}
cheeky devil [Br.]Satansbraten {m} [ugs.]
meteo. dancing devil [Am.] [regional] [dust devil]Staubteufel {m}
dare-devilDraufgänger {m}
dare-devilTeufelskerl {m} [ugs.]
dare-devil [spv.]Wagehals {m} [veraltend] [waghalsiger Mensch]
devil figureTeufelsfigur {f}
mus. devil horns {pl} [often used as sing.] [sign of the horns]Pommesgabel {f} [ugs.] [Metal Fork]
devil incarnateInkarnation {f} des Bösen
devil incarnateVerkörperung {f} des Teufels
devil incarnate [idiom]Teufel {m} in Menschengestalt [Redewendung]
devil statueTeufelsstatue {f}
toys devil stickDevilstick {m}
devil worshipTeufelsanbetung {f}
relig. devil worshipperSatansanbeter {m}
esot. relig. devil worshipperTeufelsanbeter {m}
esot. relig. devil worshipper [female]Teufelsanbeterin {f}
devil's advocateAdvocatus {m} Diaboli
devil's advocatedes Teufels Advokat {m}
devil's advocateGegner {m} der Heilsprechung
Devil's dandruff [Am.] [sl.]Cocainpulver {n}
Devil's dandruff [Am.] [sl.]Crack Cocain {n}
devil's faceTeufelsfratze {f}
devil's handiworkTeufelswerk {n}
geogr. devil's hole [karst cave]Teufelsloch {n}
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A 2021-01-15: The Devil > Guzigagl {m} [bayer.] [Teufel] +myth.+ https://www.dict.cc/e...
Q 2019-03-01: The devil is in the detailS. See: #608612
A 2018-09-18: Devil's pacts on parchment
Q 2016-06-19: Ist der Teufel (devil) auf Englisch ein "he" oder ein "it"?
Q 2016-03-25: It's a devil
Q 2015-12-12: shame the devil
A 2015-06-24: The devil you know.
A 2015-05-15: If must be the devil that drove him to this remark
A 2013-10-23: New-fangled work of the devil/Devil
A 2013-07-11: Because prepositions are the devil. ;-)
A 2013-06-26: I've heard it (well, read it actually) used to mean the devil -- fairly ob...
Q 2013-06-23: Devil fly away with me.
Q 2013-02-27: The Devil Wears Prada
A 2013-02-23: Wenn dir "The devil wears a squirrel fur" nicht gefällt; wie wär's mit "Wa...
A 2013-02-23: Maybe: The devil wears a squirrel fur
A 2011-11-09: The devil was in her Spanish mistakes.
Q 2011-11-09: Was bedeutet "The devil smells me in my place"?
A 2011-10-23: "horns and cloven hooves" stand for the devil
A 2011-08-09: To coin a phrase, "Idle hands are the devil's playground".
A 2011-01-20: Beware! It's the devil in disguise again.

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