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Dictionary English German: Difficulty

Translation 1 - 50 of 106  >>

English German
NOUN   a difficulty | difficulties
SYNO   difficulty | trouble | difficultness ... 
Schwierigkeit {f}
Mühe {f}
difficulty {sg}
Schwierigkeiten {pl}
Problematik {f} [Schwierigkeit, Problem]
difficulty [troublesome situation encountered by a person]
Verlegenheit {f} [Unannehmlichkeit]
Erschwernis {f}
difficulty [impediment]Kontrarietät {f} [veraltet]
2 Words: Others
with difficulty {adv}mühevoll
with difficulty {adv}schwer
with difficulty {adv}schwerlich
with difficulty {adv}mit Beschwerlichkeit
with difficulty {adv}mit Mühe
with difficulty {adv}mit Schwierigkeiten
with difficulty {adv}unter Schwierigkeiten
without difficulty {adj} {adv}anstandslos
without difficulty {adj} {adv}mühelos
without difficulty {adv}unschwer
without difficulty {adv}ohne Schwierigkeit
2 Words: Nouns
besetting difficultybedrängliche Schwierigkeit {f}
chief difficultyHauptschwierigkeit {f}
chief difficultygrößte Schwierigkeit {f}
climbing climbing difficultyKletterschwierigkeit {f}
educ. psych. desirable difficultywünschenswerte Erschwernis {f}
sports difficulty (climbing)Schwierigkeitsklettern {n}
difficulty indexSchwierigkeitsindex {m}
difficulty levelSchwierigkeitsgrad {m}
difficulty levelSchwierigkeitsniveau {n}
difficulty levelSchwierigkeitsstufe {f}
difficulty parameterSchwierigkeitsparameter {m}
fundamental difficultyGrundschwierigkeit {f}
hearing difficultySchwerhörigkeit {f}
huge difficultygroße Schwierigkeit {f}
educ. learning difficultyLernbehinderung {f}
main difficultyHauptschwierigkeit {f}
major difficultygrößere Schwierigkeit {f}
minor difficultykleinere Schwierigkeit {f}
principal difficultyHauptschwierigkeit {f}
text difficultyTextschwierigkeit {f}
3 Words: Others
of average difficulty {adj} [postpos.]mittelschwer
of medium difficulty {adj} [postpos.]mittelschwer
of moderate difficulty {adj} [postpos.]mittelschwer [von mittlerer Schwierigkeit]
with great difficulty {adv}mit Ach und Krach [ugs.] [Redewendung]
with great difficulty {adv}mit Mühe und Not [Redewendung]
3 Words: Verbs
to avoid a difficultyeine Schwierigkeit umgehen
to cause difficulty for sb.jdm. Schwierigkeiten bereiten
to face a difficultyeiner Schwierigkeit gegenüberstehen
to find sth. with difficultyetw. schwer finden [nur mit Schwierigkeit]
to foresee a difficultyeine Schwierigkeit vorhersehen
to get into difficultyin Schwierigkeiten geraten
to have difficulty breathing [due to asthma]es auf der Plauze haben [ugs.] [regional] [bes. ostmitteld.] [asthmatisch sein]
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A 2021-04-08: I have more difficulty managing stress (than others).
A 2020-10-18: +Not to experience difficulty+ boils down to an abstract generalization mu...
A 2020-10-16: he does not experience any difficulty
Q 2019-02-20: to have difficulty / trouble breathing
Q 2018-07-09: Difficulty with sich schließen lassen etwas
Q 2017-02-13: Ranking of languages according to the degree of difficulty
A 2014-07-17: I agree about the difficulty, but it was just an idea :-)
Q 2014-03-05: Difficulty is AD-, sometimes III- and IV+ rock.
A 2014-01-01: Same difficulty in French: Abkürzung auflösen > écrire un sigle en toutes ...
Q 2013-10-06: Having difficulty writing this email in German, help is therefore appreciated!
A 2013-01-13: It implies reluctance and difficulty.
A 2012-11-26: Faced with the-verb-at-the-end difficulty, it's perfectly acceptable for t...
A 2012-04-10: 4. "difficult" ist das Adjektiv, "difficulty" ist ein Substantiv.
Q 2012-04-02: landlord difficulty
A 2011-12-21: The difficulty is that "gearhead" is not limited to cars.
A 2011-12-02: Agree with ddr. The play on words is the difficulty. Some food for thought:
A 2011-02-20: Appreciate the difficulty of your translation, but can't agree with your "...
A 2010-06-28: The difficulty here
A 2010-06-22: The difficulty here
A 2010-06-03: Technical difficulty

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