| English | German | |
– | |
| biochem. dihydrolipoamide S-succinyltransferase <DLST> | Dihydrolipoamid-S-Succinyltransferase {f} <DLST> | |
Partial Matches |
| biochem. dihydrolipoamide S-acetyltransferase <DLAT> | Dihydrolipoamid-S-Acetyltransferase {f} <DLAT> | |
| biochem. dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase <DLDH> | Dihydrolipoamid-Dehydrogenase {f} <DLDH> | |
| idiom Let's get the / this show on the road. [sl.] | Pack mer's. [südd.] / Pack ma's. [österr.] [ugs.] | |
| It's a no-win situation. | Wie man's macht, ists / ist's falsch. [ugs.] | |
| film F Only Angels Have Wings [Howard Hawks] | S.O.S. Feuer an Bord | |
| bibl. quote The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years. [Psalm 90:10; KJV] | Unser Leben währet siebzig Jahre, und wenn's hoch kommt, so sind's achtzig Jahre. [Psalm 90,10; Luther 1984] | |
| RadioTV F Riptide [Australian series] | S.O.S. – Charterboot | |
| quality and safety <Q&S> | Qualität und Sicherheit <Q&S, Q & S> | |
| tech. telecom. black-to-white-to-black response times <BWB> | Schwarz-Weiß-Schwarz-Reaktionszeiten {pl} <S-W-S> | |
| constr. Portland blast furnace (slag) cement <PBFC> | Portlandhüttenzement {m} <CEM II/A-S + CEM II/B-S> [früher Eisenportlandzement genannt] | |
| Error and omission excepted / excluded. <E.&O.E., E&OE> | Irrtum und Auslassung vorbehalten. <s. e. e. o., s. e. et o., S. E. & O.> [salvo errore et omissione] | |
| Errors and omissions excepted / excluded. <E.&O.E., E&OE> | Irrtümer und Auslassungen vorbehalten. <s. e. e. o., s. e. et o., S. E. & O.> [salvo errore et omissione] | |
| electr. sample-and-hold circuit <S/H circuit, S&H circuit> | Sample-and-Hold-Schaltung {f} <S & H-Schaltung, S-&-H-Schaltung, S/H-Schaltung> | |
| audio electr. peak-peak {adj} <pp, p-p> [voltage] | Spitze-Spitze <ss, s-s> [Spannung] | |
| audio electr. peak-to-peak {adj} <pp, p-p> [voltage] | Spitze-Spitze <ss, s-s> [Spannung] | |
| hist. The Senate and Roman People <SPQR> [Senatus Populusque Romanus] | Senat {m} und Volk von Rom <S. P. Q. R., SPQR, S.P.Q.R.> | |
| med. subcutaneous infusion <s.c. infusion, SC infusion, sc inf, sc inf.> | subcutane Infusion {f} <s.c.-Inf, s.c.-Infusion> | |
| phys. strange quark <s quark, s> | Strange-Quark {n} <s-Quark, s> | |
| Does it taste good? | Schmeckt's? | |
| ling. print s [letter] | s {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| ling. print S [letter] | S {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| chem. sulfur <S> [Am.] | Schwefel {m} <S> | |
| chem. mineral. sulphur <S> [Br.] | Schwefel {m} <S> | |
| page <p.> | Seite {f} <S.> | |
| electr. unit siemens <S> | Siemens {n} <S> | |
| south <S> | Süden {m} <S> | |
| ..., right? | ..., stimmt's? | |
| 'twas | 's war | |
| ling. linking "s" | Fugen-s {n} | |
| ling. s interfix | Fugen-s {n} | |
| FoodInd. orange yellow S [E-110] | Gelborange S {n} | |
| FoodInd. sunset yellow FCF [E-110] | Gelborange S {n} | |
| print long s | langes s {n} | |
| rail commuter train | S-Bahn {f} | |
| rail suburban train | S-Bahn {f} | |
| rail streetcar stop [Am.] | S-Bahnhaltestelle {f} | |
| rail commuter train line | S-Bahnlinie {f} | |
| comm. Internet s-commerce | S-Commerce {m} | |
| archi. ogee | S-Kurve {f} | |
| traffic S-bend | S-Kurve {f} | |
| phonet. "s" sound | s-Laut {m} | |
| math. scalar multiplication | S-Multiplikation {f} | |
| med. sigmoid kidney | S-Niere {f} | |
| biochem. S-nitrosylation | S-Nitrosylierung {f} | |
| electr. S-parameters | S-Parameter {pl} | |
| electr. scattering parameters | S-Parameter {pl} | |
| biotech. S-layer | S-Schicht {f} | |
| ling. "s" ending | Schluss-s {n} | |
| Do it! | Mach's! [ugs.] | |
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