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English-German translation for: Diligence
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Dictionary English German: Diligence

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NOUN   a diligence | diligences
SYNO   application | diligence | diligence ... 
NOUN   die Diligence | die Diligencen
Fleiß {m}
Sorgfalt {f}
Gewissenhaftigkeit {f}
Eifer {m}
hist. travel diligence
Postkutsche {f}
hist. transp. diligence [stagecoach]
Diligence {f} [Eilpostwagen]
2 Words: Verbs
to use diligencefleißig sein
2 Words: Nouns
econ. due diligenceInformationsoffenlegung {f}
econ. due diligenceKaufprüfung {f}
econ. due diligenceProspektprüfung {f}
law due diligenceSorgfaltspflicht {f}
econ. due diligenceWertfeststellungsverfahren {n}
due diligencegebührende Sorgfalt {f}
law due diligenceim Verkehr erforderliche Sorgfalt {f}
econ. law due diligence [investigation]detaillierte Untersuchung {f}
econ. fin. QM due diligence <DD>Due Diligence {f} <DD>
comm. due diligence <DD>gebotene Sorgfalt {f}
comm. law RealEst. due diligence <DD>verkehrsübliche Sorgfalt {f}
extraordinary diligenceaußerordentliche Sorgfalt {f}
high diligencegroße Sorgfalt {f}
necessary diligencenotwendige Sorgfalt {f}
reasonable diligenceangemessene Sorgfalt {f}
special diligencebesondere Sorgfalt {f}
3 Words: Others
with due diligence {adv}mit der gebührenden Sorgfalt
3 Words: Verbs
law to exercise due diligenceseine Sorgfaltspflicht wahrnehmen
3 Words: Nouns
fin. due diligence agreementSorgfaltspflichtvereinbarung {f}
4 Words: Nouns
econ. RealEst. due diligence real estate <DDRE>Due Diligence Real Estate {f} <DDRE> [multidimensionales Analyseinstrument zur Aufdeckung von Chancen und Risiken im Zusammenhang Immobilientransaktionen]
obligation to exercise diligenceSorgfaltspflicht {f}
task requiring great diligenceFleißarbeit {f}
5+ Words: Others
with due skill, care and diligence {adv}fachgemäß und mit der erforderlichen Sorgfalt
idiom with the due diligence of a prudent businessmanmit der Sorgfalt eines ordentlichen Kaufmanns
5+ Words: Verbs
law to exercise due diligence in doing sth.etw.Akk. mit gebotener Sorgfalt ausführen
law to exercise due diligence in doing sth.etw.Akk. mit der gebotenen Sorgfalt ausführen
5+ Words: Nouns
law diligence of a prudent businessmanSorgfalt {f} eines ordentlichen Kaufmanns
spec. guidance note for technical due diligence <guidance note for TDD>Leitfaden {m} zur Technical Due Diligence [zur technischen Sorgfaltspflicht]
ecol. law pol. Supply Chain Due Diligence Act <SCDDA> [Germany]Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz {n} <LkSG>
ecol. law pol. Supply Chain Due Diligence Act <SCDDA> [Germany]Sorgfaltspflichtengesetz {n} für Lieferketten <LkSG>
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A 2020-12-11: Etwa so: EDD / enhanced due diligence > ESP / erweiterte Sorgfaltspflicht ...
A 2020-12-11: (1) EDD ~ enhanced due diligence < > (2) EDD file ~ Element Definition Doc...
A 2015-11-13: ... that the businesspersons have, insofar as para 2 is immaterial, exerci...
A 2015-10-30: ... on top of this may also affect the damaging party / parties in that it...
A 2015-10-08: ...leave the notion of responsibility empty of [meaningful] content by fil...
A 2015-10-08: leave the notion of responsibility open and instead +introduce+ the concep...
A 2015-10-07: google: "due diligence is placed"
Q 2013-04-17: conscious diligence
Q 2011-08-30: ...ob das wohl so geht? Technical Due Diligence report ? Danke euch
A 2011-05-20: In addition, "industry" could also mean "diligence" (+Fleiß+)—another unco...
A 2010-09-09: due-diligence
A 2010-09-09: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&source=hp&q=define%3A%22due+diligence%22...
Q 2010-09-09: due diligence
A 2010-03-18: Synonym zur "Fummelarbeit" - very detailed work that needs diligence and time
Q 2010-01-12: waives diligence in collection and bringing suit
A 2009-09-18: due diligence *assessments* ?
A 2009-09-18: due diligence: Unternehmensbewertung; http://www.dict.cc/?s=due+diligence
Q 2009-09-18: due diligence assessments
A 2009-07-02: adequate diligence of the press
A 2009-07-01: Barring more context, "the press's diligence" is one possibility.

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